Among them, Hinata and Hanabi have supercilious eyes, no need to explain, once the supercilious eyes are opened, there is no secret in this manor that can be kept from them.

Special mention should be made of Sakura and Ino, which is a kind of ability called Spiritualization.

The specifics are not clear, it seems to be the art of controlling the soul and perceiving the soul, and can observe what you want to know in a far away place.

With these four people around, Naruto would not want to act rashly in this manor, after thinking this through, Temari felt slightly relieved.

"Fortunately, our relationship is very good, and there will be no problems because of the distance." Temari said.

This is true, in the plot, Shikamaru is in Konoha, and Temari is in Sandin, so far apart, they are still together.

Naruto nodded, didn't say anything more, just told Temari, don't pay too much attention to the maid's work, pay attention to rest, do whatever you want, then turned and left.

Temari blinked, stared at Naruto who was going away, disappeared around the corner, turned around and continued to wipe the handrail of the stairs with a rag, thinking to himself: "Did you care about me just now?"

Don't pay too much attention to the maid's work, meaning, to care about the lover's business?

What is rest?

go to bed.


Thinking of something embarrassing, Teju's cheeks flushed, he hurriedly shook off the random thoughts in his mind, lowered his head, and wiped the armrest vigorously.

That kind of thing, how can it be, it is dedicated to the husband after marriage.

Unaware that Temari's thoughts had been deviated from a long time ago, Naruto walked slowly in the indoor corridor.

I don't know when Obito will start to act, and what kind of action it will be, is it to come directly?Or are they still hiding in the dark, waiting for an opportunity?

Go back to the master bedroom, open the closet, take off the clothes on your body, concentrate on the system, and click the female button.

The body, inside and out, is transformed into a real woman.

Take out a set of Gothic style skirts specially bought by Sakura, and put them on.

Standing in front of the mirror, she dressed up a little bit.

Occasionally, when he is stressed or bored, Naruto will relax like this.

A large number of shadow clones turned into all kinds of beauties to participate in the beauty pageant held by him. After many times, Naruto gradually liked the feeling of being noticed.

Admiration, appreciation, and eager eyes.

Is this weird?

"Sasuke, let's go shopping."

Sasuke, who was reading a book, heard this familiar female voice, the hand holding the book trembled unconsciously, and rubbed the center of his brow with his empty left hand.

I wanted to refuse to go, but before I said the words, my body had already moved one step ahead.

The two went out one after the other, Naruto walked in front like a princess, Sasuke followed behind as a conscientious butler.

"Brother Naruto has become a girl again, no, it's Sister Naruto." Hanabi, who opened her eyes and exchanged ideas with Sakura, said.

Sakura's foot slipped and almost fell.

At the side, Hinata, who was exercising on her own, coughed loudly. The next moment, she opened her eyes, and saw Naruto who had turned into a girl, and took Sasuke out.

"I used to think that Naruto likes to be a girl, and he has this hobby." Sakura said, "It was just a shadow clone at that time, it was fake, but now, because of the blood succession limit boundary, it has become a real one." The beautiful girl, hiss, I'm dizzy."

"I, I think Naruto is very beautiful." Hinata blushed, and said in a voice as thin as a mosquito: "Besides, Naruto, it's impossible, she would do meaningless things, she must, what is there? Deep inside."

Sakura was taken aback, perhaps it was really possible.

"Forget it, it's finally a hobby, as long as you don't turn into a girl completely, and you can't change back." Sakura said: "Huahuo, come again."

Sakura didn't want to make irresponsible remarks on Naruto's hobbies, just as she liked handsome men and handsome guys, Naruto didn't care about anything.

Although it feels weird, Naruto likes it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Still lively, the bustling Ice Sand City is full of people coming and going.

Walking on the snow flattened by sleds and many pedestrians, Naruto looked left and right, satisfied with the amazing sights that frequently swept around him.

"Sasuke, do you want it?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke shook his head.

Naruto understood, turned his head to the shadow clone who turned into a handsome street vendor, and said, "Please, give me another skewer of grilled squid."

"Thank you for your patronage." The handsome shadow clone showed a handsome smile, quickly prepared the grilled squid, and handed it to Naruto.

Naruto immediately transferred hands to Sasuke, paid the money, and turned to leave.

Sasuke followed behind, looking at Naruto's graceful back, and then lowered his head to look at the skewer of grilled squid in his hand, hesitantly, took a bite.

"Is it delicious?" Naruto asked suddenly.

Sasuke didn't say anything, just ate in silence, and only after he finished eating, he whispered something delicious.

"That's good, eat more if it tastes good. Also, if you don't have anything to do at ordinary times, if you go out with Xianglin, it's like a date." Naruto said: "Do you understand dating? You ice cube."

Sasuke was silent.

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