Naruto talked eloquently, and shared with Sasuke a series of methods and methods on how to make girls happy.

Of course, knowing what kind of person Sasuke is, Naruto didn't expect him to copy it perfectly.

As long as you can imitate [-] to [-] percent, it's a piece of cake to coax her into full of ecstasy with Xianglin's love for Sasuke.

Enter the ice and snow castle, come to the ice tower, spend money to take the chakra ladder, and climb to the top of the tower.

Step on the ice suspension bridge and slowly walk to another ice tower five kilometers away.

Naruto's own defense force fell, smashing a big hole in the ground, nothing happened to him.

Not to mention Sasuke, whether it is Izanagi or Susano, they are not afraid of falling from high altitudes.

The two of them were very calm and walked on it naturally.

Naruto was thinking about something, and the topic of chatting gradually shifted from girls to other things.

"Sasuke, do you think I'm a good person? Or a bad person?" Naruto asked.

What is the problem?Sasuke was puzzled.

"From your point of view, from your standpoint, am I good? Or bad?" Naruto asked.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sasuke said.

"Then, let's put it another way." Naruto turned around, faced Sasuke, and took a backward walking posture: "Do you like me?"

Sasuke's heart skipped a beat and he almost sprained his foot.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Sasuke repeated this sentence again.

"So, do you like me in this way?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke was silent.

"Stay by my side, I will occasionally become like this, remember this." Naruto said, his tone was full of meaning, obviously meaning something.

Although Sasuke was full of doubts, he firmly remembered what Naruto said.

He thought, Naruto would not be aimless, there must be a reason for saying this, and sooner or later, this reason will surface.

Looking at the ninja world, who is the most important to Sasuke?

Who has the highest status in Sasuke's mind?

Believe it speaks for itself.

Knowing this, Naruto put himself in Obito's shoes and thought of Obito. If he were Obito, what would he do?

Come here directly?

Then there is no need to talk nonsense, just let go of your arms and do it.

In case, Obito is not reckless, but chooses to hide in the dark and make calculations, this has to be considered.

Even Kushina, who just gave birth, can attack, you can't think too positively about Obito.

No matter how despicable and shameless the method is, Obito can do it.

Sakura's parents, Hinata's father, grandfather, Ino's family, these are all points that can be used and threatened.

Madara can design to kill Lin and guide Obito to blacken.

Obito can also design to kill Sakura, Hinata, and Ino, forcing Naruto to blacken.

In view of this, Naruto prepared the means to deal with it.

In addition, many shadow clones were separated, and in these three houses, secret protection was carried out. If Obito dared to come forward, Naruto would know immediately.

Also tell Sakura and the others not to go out these days, it’s okay to go out, just let the shadow clone go out, the main body, absolutely not, if you don’t obey, you will be severely punished.

Apart from Sakura and the others, Sasuke is the only person with the closest relationship.

For Sasuke, it is unlikely that Obito will kill or kill directly. There is a greater probability that he will lead Sasuke to blacken through the truth about Itachi and Uchiha's genocide as in the plot.

As soon as Sasuke becomes black, he will stand on the opposite side of Naruto, and Obito can get a help for nothing, why not do it?

From the words of the uncle Sasuke, Naruto roughly guessed that Sasuke knew the truth of the matter.

He couldn't tell Sasuke, who else would tell?The answer is only soil.

Since the final result is that Sasuke knows the truth, what should be done to prevent Sasuke from being blackened and turning against each other, Naruto racked his brains and thought again and again.

Ever since Obito got Kazuo, I've been thinking about this question.

Sasuke is one of the main forces against aliens, the focus is on the time and space technique of his reincarnation eyes.

Sasuke is the reincarnation of Indra's Chakra, which is related to the Six Paths, Earth Explosion Star, and Hinata's Six Paths.

There were many reasons why Sasuke couldn't have an accident.

Regardless of the point of use, Naruto did regard Sasuke as a brother.

After thinking about it, Naruto came up with a solution that was not a solution.

Since Sasuke is the most important person, and the most important person in Sasuke's heart is him, why not use yourself as the bait to tie Sasuke.

It just depends on the system, he can freely switch between men and women now.

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