Sasuke is a very independent person who doesn't need others to pave the way for him. Naruto believes in Sasuke.

The future uncle Sasuke proved that Sasuke was still on his side in the end.

How about the process, don't worry too much, as long as the result is good, it is completely worthwhile and not afraid.

"Prevent that guy from attacking you next time, be careful, don't leave me too far." Naruto said.

Obito has become Ten Tails Jinchuriki, what about Madara?Why isn't Madara in place yet?

Hei Jue, where the hell are you going, get the spots out quickly.

The chess game is interlocking, and every point is crucial, even if one is missing, there will be big problems.

Naruto secretly prayed to his parents in the pure land of the underworld to bless him to successfully fulfill his wish.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Hearing the sound of the teacup knocking against the coaster, Temari looked at Naruto, and looked at the black tea she made after only taking a sip without moving.

"Not to your taste?" Teju asked.

"It's delicious, but it's a little uncomfortable." Naruto said.

Tezuki nodded, Sasuke was always responsible for making tea for Naruto, Sasuke was not around, it was replaced by her, when the habit developed naturally, it suddenly changed, and it was normal for him not to be used to drinking.

"Forget about black tea, squeeze me a cup of dragon juice." Naruto said.

Temari should be, holding the teacup and leaving.

Naruto leaned back, slumped on the soft chair, staring blankly at the ceiling.

What is Sasuke doing and where?

What kind of conspiracy did Obito come up with?

What is Hei Jue thinking?

Spot, when will it appear?

Thinking about these things, you won't feel bored. Repeatedly deriving, pondering, guessing, empathizing, and predicting the opponent's position is like playing chess.

Suddenly, the ninja bag around his waist shook, and the little slug popped up: "Naruto, Tsunade-sama told you to go back immediately."

"what's up?"

"Mara, Uchiha Madara, found his body."

Naruto was shocked, and immediately left the seat and ran out.

"Naruto, where are you going? I squeezed the dragon juice for you." Temari said.

Naruto stepped back, picked it up and drank it down, gave a thumbs up, praised it was delicious, and followed him.

"Really, can't you be more prudent?" Temari annoyed secretly.

Seeing that there was still a little left in the cup on the tray, it would be shameful to waste it, she looked around to make sure no one was there, so she took it up and drank it clean.

"I just don't want to waste it, there's no other meaning, um." Thinking about it, Temari slipped to the kitchen as if he had a guilty conscience.


Naruto Office.

In a flash, Naruto who came back here saw Tsunade and immediately asked, "Where is Madara?"

Looking at Sakura, Hinata, and Ino who came with Naruto.

Tsunade, who was used to Hiraishen appearing out of nowhere, said calmly, "Where else can he be? Of course it's on Orochimaru's side, but I don't feel relieved to give him to Orochimaru, and I asked Jiraiya to stare there, why, Want to revive him now?"

Naruto nodded and said, "Of course, that person has already become Jinchuriki of the Ten Tails, so we can't delay any longer."

"Naruto, I have put so much treasure, trust, love, in you, you will not let me down, right?" Tsunade said.

"I will give you retirement care until the end of your life, so that you can live a stable and stable life for the rest of your life. Besides, don't forget them." Naruto pointed to Sakura, Hinata, and Ino behind him: "For their sake, I won't let you go. All of this will be burned, believe me, Tsunade Granny."

"Sometimes when I calm down and think about it, I also feel that I am crazy." Tsunade smiled helplessly: "Okay, I will bet that you will deceive me, disappoint me, and renege on your promises. According to the law that I must lose, Let the result be reversed."

After all, Tsunade ordered the little slug to ask Jiraiya to transfer Madara's body to Orochimaru, so that Madara could be revived in the form of reincarnation of dirt.

About an hour later, at the border of the land of fire and the land of earth, near the turning point of Kannabi bridge, a coffin was raised.

Immediately, Sakura immediately used Flying Thunder God to bring Orochimaru back to Konoha.

Immediately afterwards, the coffin board was kicked away by the people inside.

Madara, see the light of day again.

There is no need to explain the ins and outs to him specially, Heijue, the behind-the-scenes, will definitely let Madara understand the whole story and direction of the matter.

"Thank you, Granny Tsunade, you are welcome to come over anytime after you leave office, and we will take care of you," Naruto said.

"Get out, I'll pick up nice words." Tsunade said unhappily.

After sending Naruto and Sakura away, Tsunade lied on the table weakly: "Jiraiya, is it really okay to rely on Naruto so unconditionally? In my heart, I feel somewhat uncertain."

"The prophecy of the Great Toad Immortal will not go wrong." Jiraiya said: "Naruto is related to the future, and everything he does now is also for the future, so that he can have stronger power and can go Facing, I, believe in the prophecy, believe in Naruto."

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