Tsunade covered his face with both hands, rubbing up and down, left and right, and wiped it one last time.

The thing has been done, and there is no regret. Since I choose to believe in Naruto, I will go all the way to the dark.

People who look forward and look backward are doomed to be difficult to achieve. What they want is to move forward without leaving a way out.

"However, this matter is really weird. Madara, who has disappeared for many years, suddenly appeared with his body? Then, who is that masked man pretending to be Madara?" Tsunade thought nervously.

Snow country.

Great estate.

After returning here, Naruto was about to go to exercise, but was stopped by Sakura.

"Next, a battle may occur at any time. I know your physical strength is very strong." Sakura said: "More is better than less. Rest and nourish your body and mind to deal with the sudden attack."

"Uh, okay." Naruto wanted to say that he was a monster, and he didn't lack physical strength or something.

After thinking about it, what Sakura said is correct, it is better to be more cautious in this kind of battle related to fate.

"Hinata, you are the same." Sakura said, "I practiced too much recently, my feet are sore and my hands are sore. I'll rub it for you later."

"Well, Naruto, you, can you help me?" Hinata wanted Naruto to come.

"Naruto is tired all day long, so don't bother him, I'll do it." Sakura said.

Hinata said reassuringly: "I, myself, can."

"Okay, leave everything about you to me, I will be very gentle." Sakura smiled.

Naruto and Ino looked at each other, feeling more and more strange.

It's not that you haven't asked Sakura, but Sakura doesn't tell the truth, what can you do?

Ino's illusion with the kaleidoscope can hypnotize Sakura.

It's useless, there is another Satoko who can wake up Kozakura.

Go back to the master bedroom, dismiss the tired Hanabi, and go find Naruto.

Sakura asked Hinata to sit on the side of the bed, and she knelt on the mat, pressing Hinata's feet with just the right amount of force.

Finding that Hinata's feet are very stiff because of nervousness, Sakura speaks out, gently letting Hinata relax, and saying that she can be imagined as Naruto.

For Sakura, who has studied illusion for a long time, she knows very well what to do, use words to make a person relax and let go of their defenses.

Not long after, Hinata lay down, closed her eyes, breathed evenly, immersed in the beautiful scene that Sakura had drawn, and fell asleep.

Sakura didn't stop, she continued to press and knead.

Pressed Hinata's feet and hands one by one, and then the princess picked Hinata up, put her in the middle of the bed, and covered her with a thin blanket.

Naruto and Ino, who were watching the whole process, were very confused as they whispered.

Is Sakura sick?

Why do this?

Or was Sakura replaced?

Ordinary pretense can't be so long, so real.

"Hinata is asleep, let's keep your voice down." Sakura said, coming to Naruto's side, sitting cross-legged, catching Hanabi rushing towards her, holding her in her arms, stroking Hanabi's back.

Naruto was speechless.

Is this his harem?Or Sakura's harem?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Naruto, according to what you said, what if the Sage of the Six Paths doesn't appear in the end and gives you power as a gift?" Sakura asked.

This is what worries her the most.

She doesn't know Madara, hasn't seen Kuroze, and is not familiar with Obito, it all depends on her trust in Naruto.

So many unknowns made her feel very uneasy.

"No, the Sage of the Six Paths will definitely appear." Naruto said.

About the setting of the Sage of the Six Paths mode in the formula book.

It is the iron belief that no matter what hardships you encounter, and the drive to never give up.

Finally, there is the guidance of reincarnation and fate.

The former, to put it bluntly, is confidence, the belief not to give up, not to admit defeat.

The latter can be regarded as a kind of obsession of the Sage of the Six Paths to his mother Kaguya.

As mentioned before, after more than a thousand years, the chakra reincarnations of Asura and Indra in the past dynasties, the most famous ones are Senjuzhuma and Uchiha Madara.

The aptitude, will, and strength of these people are all unparalleled. Why didn't they meet the Immortals of the Six Paths?

The answer is that Kaguya was not born.

Without Kaguya, no matter how fiercely the Ninja World fought and how many people died, the Sage of the Six Paths would not appear.

If Madara hadn't become Kaguya's resurrection carrier, in the plot, Naruto and Sasuke wouldn't expect to meet the Sage of the Six Paths, get gifts, and gain the power of the Six Paths.

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