After paying so much, making so much preparation, and taking such a big risk, if it doesn't work, it will really vomit blood.

deep in consciousness.

Naruto opened his eyes.

Seeing this dark and boundless space, and the water existing on the ground, he knew what was going on, and a carp jumped up.

When he saw the Sage of the Six Paths floating in the air in front of him, he heaved a sigh of relief.

Meet the Sage of the Six Paths, get gifts, and open the Six Paths mode.

This is his ultimate goal since he was a child, before entering the ninja school.

Now, meeting the Immortal of the Six Paths is equal to the success of the first step, and the next step depends on what he has to say.

How to get Six Paths mode, how to get more from Sage of Six Paths.

This is the only opportunity in your life, so you must seize it.

It is related to the future, whether we can win against more powerful aliens, it all depends on how much we can gain this time.

Mom and Dad bless, let our wishes come true.

The [-]th chapter is recognized by the Sage of the Six Paths

Naruto and Sage of the Six Paths stared at each other.

"Sage of the Six Paths?" Naruto asked.

"" Sage of the Six Paths.

"You, are you a woman?" said the Immortal of the Six Paths.

Naruto looked down.

There is no grade like Tsunade and Hinata, but the size is just right, about between C and D.

Uh, I forgot to turn back into a male body, won't this affect the next gift?

"No, I'm a man." Naruto said.

What is talking nonsense with open eyes, the Sage of the Six Paths was dumbfounded.

"I can freely switch between male and female, including my age. This is my ability." Naruto explained.

The world is so big, full of wonders, just because you haven't seen it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

If he hadn't clearly perceived Asura's Chakra, he really couldn't believe that this was the reincarnation of Asura's Chakra.

"What's your name? Judging by your appearance, you know me?" the Immortal of the Six Paths said.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto, I do know you, I even met you." Naruto said.

"Oh, that's really weird, why don't I have any impression at all?" said the Immortal of the Six Paths.

"It's normal, because I traveled back from the future." Naruto said.

Without giving Sage of the Six Paths a chance to speak, Naruto seemed to tell a story about Kaguya's origin and what happened more than a thousand years ago.

He also specifically mentioned Heijue, the child left behind before Hui Yelin was sealed.

The expression of Sage of the Six Paths also changed from being flat at first to serious.

He was very sure that when he and his younger brother sealed their mother, there was no fourth person present, and the only person who knew was Hamo Wan.

How did this descendant who claimed to be a man, but was actually a woman, and the reincarnation of Asura Chakra know?

Could it be that he really traveled back from the future?

Also, about the origin of his mother, this is something that even he doesn't know. Is it purely made up, or is it true?

The Sage of the Six Paths looked at Naruto seriously, but after looking at it, he saw something.

"You have already obtained the approval of Shouhe and them, and you can also trigger thousands of hands."

"Yes, in addition, I have been to Miaomu Mountain, and the Great Toad Immortal predicted that I was related to the future of the world." Naruto said: "The Great Toad Immortal is Hama Wan."

Sage of the Six Paths was stunned, and now he looked at Naruto in a different way.

Speaking of which, the reason why he and his younger brother were able to defeat and seal their mother was inseparable from the help of Miaomu Mountain.

In the fight against aliens, Miao Mushan is an absolutely reliable partner.

"You said that someone who came from the same place as my mother would come here and destroy the world. This is what Hatomaru said about the future of the world?" said the Immortal of the Six Paths.

Naruto nodded and continued: "I have promised the Nine Lamas that they will live forever and be with them forever. With me, the earth will be fine, no matter how many aliens come."

The Sage of the Six Paths was silent.

"Is there any evidence to prove that what you said is true." The Immortal of the Six Paths said.

"What I have experienced, when I met you, you told me some things, and then, in order not to let the previous situation reappear, you did not entrust your power to one person, but separated and entrusted it to me and me fairly. Sasuke, I am Yang, Sasuke is Yin."

"We also gave us a sealing technique, which is specially used to seal Kaguya. That technique is Six Paths, Earth Explosion Star."

Sage of the Six Paths took a deep breath.

Now, he has no doubts anymore.

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