These are his thoughts, his own decisions, no one knows, Naruto can say it, it has proved the problem.

Yeah?It is not only the mother who threatens the earth, but also the hometown where the mother lives.

There will be a steady stream of people coming to destroy the earth.

To plant a divine tree is to destroy the earth.

Knowing these truths, the Sage of the Six Paths felt heavy in his heart.

"Well, can you hurry up? I don't know what's going on outside. My two wives are still outside. I'm afraid something will happen to them." Naruto said: "I know what I should know, and I don't know what you don't know." I know, anyway, rest assured to entrust your strength to me."

"That's not allowed." The Immortal of the Six Paths shook his head: "Some procedures are necessary. Let me ask you, at the end of this road, what do you want? What are you pursuing? I want to know your truth."

"What do you want, what do you pursue?" Naruto asked.

"In the beginning, I simply wanted to become stronger. When the aliens came in the future, I could beat them to death. Then, before I knew it, I had three girlfriends and a future fiancee. A bright future was waiting for me. I, I want to protect this beauty even more."

"It's not enough just to have love and ideals, because there are so many people, they don't talk to you about love, reason, and don't expect to beat others, they should have the strength to protect themselves, right?"

"My dream is very simple. Every day, I live a fulfilling and happy life. It doesn't matter if there are sad things. I will still laugh. This is the father and mother I promised to die, to be happy, this is what I want .”

Sage of the Six Paths looked into Naruto's eyes, felt Naruto's Chakra, and was sure that this was the truth.

Chakra possesses the power of heart-to-heart. The Sage of the Six Paths has seen through Naruto's heart and knows that Naruto is not lying.

"Every day, live a fulfilling and happy life, do you think it's possible?" the Immortal of the Six Paths asked.

"Yes, contentment and happiness." Naruto said: "As long as you try to think more about what you have and less about what you don't have, and have a heart that is easy to be satisfied, then every day will be very happy. I believe that the current me is very happy. happiness."

Although there are some deviations from the Asura in my impression, this mentality is still pretty good.

The Immortal of the Six Paths smiled and said, "A heart that is easily satisfied, heh, indeed, you are right."

After that, he pondered for a while.

"In the past, I made a wrong decision and ignored Indra. I wished that Indra would support Asura and put things on the bright side. In the end, I left behind a dispute that lasted for thousands of years. "

"I don't know what kind of decision is right, what kind of decision is wrong, until the result comes out, I don't know, I"

"Well, it's not particularly important, so don't say anything that doesn't matter." Naruto interrupted embarrassedly.

"I'm really, really worried about my wives. Please, Grandpa, let's pass on the power quickly, okay? After the fight is over, don't do anything. Listen to you and say that three days and three nights are fine."

Sage of the Six Paths paused, looked at Naruto blankly, and then couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Well, when you get old, you can't help but chatter a little more. Don't be too wordy. This is just a little bit of emotion from me, from the bottom of my heart."

"I'm not too wordy, I'm really in a hurry. In this way, when the fight is over, grandpa, don't rush to leave. No two of us, but Sasuke, the three of us. Let's talk about it for a week. Grandpa, can you eat? No? I'll make you some side dishes and boil a pot of wine."

Interesting, kid.

Looking at Naruto who was gesticulating and describing these, Sage of the Six Paths thought with a smile.

Ripples rippled on the surface of the water, and nine tailed beasts appeared one after another.

The Immortal of the Six Paths said: "Okay, since you are worried and anxious, then, without wasting any time, stretch out your dominant hand."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Naruto stretched out his right hand as in the plot.

When facing the right hand of the Sage of the Six Paths.

"Well, the thing is like this, I just captured an alien alive not long ago, and learned from him a method of refining chakra into pills." Naruto said.

"This chakra pill, you can gain life and strength by eating it. My wives want to live with me and are looking for a way to live forever. I want to use this pill to help them."

"Chakladan?" The Sage of the Six Paths was stunned: "Let's hear it."

Naruto didn't hide it, but told the truth about the method of refining Chakradan.

After listening, the Sage of the Six Paths thought deeply for a long time.

Raising his hand and flicking, on the empty palm, Chakra refined and condensed an object as small as a dragon's eye, which was exactly Chakradan.

The Immortal of the Six Paths swallowed it, closed his eyes and experienced it carefully.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

"So that's it. I understand why these people want to plant the sacred tree and bear the fruit of Chakra."

"What?" Naruto said.

"The level of life is too high, we need more, larger, and higher-quality chakras to be refined into pills to prolong life." The Immortal of the Six Paths said: "And then"

After listening to Sage of the Six Paths for a while, Naruto suddenly realized.

Chakradan can prolong life and bring powerful power. At first glance, it seems to be a priceless treasure, but in fact there are deep hidden dangers hidden in it.

Divide chakradan into ten levels, and those who take it are also divided into levels.

For first-time users, taking the first level of Chakradan can extend their life and increase their strength.

However, after taking the first level of Chakradan, to a point where the essence of life has changed, the first level will no longer work, and you need to take the second level of Chakradan.

And so on.

The sacred tree that bears the fruit of Chakra is the ultimate form of Chakra, and it is also the highest quality Chakra.

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