The characters are Naruto, Sakura, and the enemy on the opposite side. There are three people in total.

The enemy has a gun in his hand and is about to shoot Naruto and Sakura.

According to normal Naruto, because of his love for Sakura, he will take the initiative to stand up and block the gun for her in order to protect Sakura.

And if it was Naruto who was like calm water, and would not be moved by foreign objects, he would choose to use Sakura as a shield to block the gun for himself.

Don't be swayed by emotions, make the choice that is best for you.

How should I put it, this skill cannot be used casually, it is very dangerous.

Recalling that when the mind is like still water, the concentration is concentrated and the thinking is much more flexible, Naruto secretly said: "Let's define it as a skill for learning."

When studying, it is always inevitable that you will be distracted, your thoughts are flying, and it is difficult to concentrate. When you study, the efficiency is very poor.

Use your mind like still water, you won't be half-hearted, you won't think wildly, and your mind is still spinning quickly.

Suddenly, with a bang, the entire ice and snow space shook.

Naruto stopped the thoughts in his heart and turned his head to look.

There, there was a howl of snow that was thousands of miles wide and thousands of meters high.

"Ah, ah, in order to deal with me, I really spared no effort. I want Chakra so much, so I can give you some." Naruto secretly said.

He jumped away from his original position and flew in the opposite direction.

During the flight, he suddenly changed his face, let out a strange cry, and coughed violently.

Kaguya, who blended into nature, saw this scene, and his heart moved.

The previous attack was not in vain, but this kid is holding on?

Because of the delay in the middle, the speed slowed down, not as fast as Xue Xiao, Naruto was caught up and buried in it.

In addition to the rumbling roar, Naruto's exclamation could be faintly heard.

About ten meters away, the icicles that required at least four people to surround him crashed into Naruto one after another.

Naruto raised his fists to resist, hit halfway, and couldn't help coughing again, with a painful expression on his face, and was immediately covered by more, massive icicles.

"I can do it." Hui Ye smiled.

Knowing that Kaguya has rolled eyes, Naruto acted it, it was not perfunctory and vague at all.

And indeed, he felt pain from these icicles, but it was just a pain, it couldn't break the defense, it couldn't hurt him.

Naruto wanted to vomit blood, and acted like he couldn't do anything about it.

"We can't go on like this anymore! Drink!" Naruto roared.

Like a tough guy, resisting the pain in his body, he exploded his chakra forcefully, smashed more than twenty icicles with his fists, and escaped from the encirclement.

In situ, one thousandth of the chakra was left on purpose.

These chakras were absorbed by Kaguya, who arrived here through Huangquan Hirazaka, in the palm of his hand.

"It's fine, his Chakra is mine." Kaguya was determined.

Continue to integrate into nature, control and guide the power of this space, and besiege Naruto with all your strength.

"Where is it? Bastard! Coward! If you have the ability to come out and fight me, what's the point of hiding!" Naruto shouted.

"Idiot." Hui Ye secretly said.

Now that she has found the correct way to reclaim Chakra, she is sure to win.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Hypergravity space.

After resting for about [-] minutes, Sakura couldn't wait to urge her.

Sasuke opened his left eye, and tried to open the space by using the power of the reincarnation eye pupil that he was not familiar with.

For the first time, with no experience, a lot of chakra and pupil power were wasted for nothing.

Finally, a space hole the size of a ping-pong ball was opened. From this side, the opposite scene can be seen, which is undoubtedly the desert.

Sakura maintained the seal gesture to sense the Flying Thunder God mark, no.

Sasuke took note of this space and closed it.

"We still need to save the pupil power to deal with Kaguya, otherwise, even going there is useless." Sasuke said.

Sakura, who still wanted to say something, sighed.

Across the distant space, Naruto's shadow clone can't contact Kyuubi, and it's impossible to know where Naruto's body is.

She didn't know what happened to Naruto, she was very worried.

About ten minutes later, Sasuke opened the space for the second time.

This time is better than last time, the waste of pupil power and chakra is not that big.

It is still a fist-sized space hole.

As soon as the space hole was opened, there was a heat wave rushing out and rushing towards the face.

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