Sakura sensed the flying Thor mark and shook her head.

Sasuke estimated the remaining samsara eye and pupil power, reserved two days of hand power, and the rest was barely enough to open the space hole once.

Without a break, go straight to the third time, this time, it's acid.

Naruto Kage, who had been on guard against this for a long time, controlled the chakra on his body to form two chakra hands, grabbed Sakura and Sasuke, and led them back.

The speed is not fast, but fortunately, there is not much acid gushing out, but it has not been affected.

"No." Sakura said, feeling even more uneasy.

Then, there was a long wait. In fact, it didn’t take long, but in such a difficult situation, the seconds seemed like years.

For the fourth time, the starting ball space is opened.

It looks like a horrible card draw scene.

If Dai Tiantian is by your side, will it be different?Naruto Shadow thought so.

After waiting for half an hour, when Sasuke was about to perform the fifth time, Naruto's clone spoke.

"As far as I know, Kaguya has six spaces in total. Counting the one I'm staying at now, five wrong answers have been ruled out, and the remaining one is the correct answer. Get ready, the opportunity is fleeting."

Sakura, Sasuke, all nodded.

Immediately, Sasuke struggled to open the space hole, which connected to the ice and snow space.

This time, the shadow clone sensed the main body.

Sakura sensed Naruto's soul and the flying thunder god mark.

Sasuke sensed the other half of Sage of the Six Paths' power.

On the other hand, in the play, he deliberately gave up part of the chakra to Kaguya to hold Kaguya's Naruto, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

鏉ヤ 钖楋纻

He has been fighting with Kaguya for almost an hour.

"Impossible!" Kaguya's face darkened.


In a flash, Sakura and Sasuke appeared beside Naruto.

The shadow clone has disappeared, and the memory is passed to Naruto, letting him know what happened during this period, and the countermeasures that have been discussed.

"The door of death? Now I use Yang Dun to keep the door open and not die, okay." Naruto said: "Sakura, Sasuke, let's go together."


Press the thumb on the heart to release the restriction of the heart.

"Oh!" Sakura responded.

Thumbs, point at the heart, open the dead door limit.

"Time is limited, let's make a quick decision." Sasuke said.

It is also the thumb of the right hand, which opens the dead door constraint of the heart.

"This explosive power is too strong, there is no way to stabilize it." Li Ying said.

Sakura, who still wanted to open the sage mode again, had to give up after hearing the words. She just absorbed the Nine-Tails Chakra, and then opened the Nine-Tails Chakra Mode on the basis of the dead door.

Golden light chakra, paired with blood red steam.

There was no time to appreciate the power of this moment, seeing Naruto, Sasuke had already moved, and she hurried to catch up.

call out!

The air is rubbed out into flames, and the space is distorted.

In Naruto's perception, Kaguya turned into nature.

In Sasuke's reincarnation eyes, Kaguya is everywhere.

Under the perception of Sakura's soul, Kaguya's position is clearly visible.

Chakra, body, no matter how these things change, there is one thing that will never change, and that is the soul.

"follow me."

He didn't ask Sakura for reasons and grounds, and he didn't have any doubts, no time to doubt, Naruto followed Sakura closely.

Three rays of light bombarded the empty space almost simultaneously.

And it was at this location that Kaguya's phenotype emerged from nothing.

"How could it be!" Kaguya couldn't believe it.

She is naturalized, hidden in nature, and she will be seen through.

The Otsutsuki family has no concept of surgery.

Ninjutsu was created by Indra and developed by generations of ninjas using what they have learned and learned all their lives.

Shadow Clone, Dirty Earth Reincarnation, Detonating Talisman, Ninja Tool, Bamen Dunjia.

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