"Grandpa, this."

After receiving Naruto's throw, the mother's left arm, the Sage of the Six Paths made it in the same way, refined it into a pill, crushed it, and poured it into the earth.

Dust to dust, dust to dust.

After doing this, the Sage of the Six Paths sighed wearily.

But it's not because he's tired. He's a chakra now. He doesn't have a body, so he doesn't have the concept of tiredness at all. Tiredness simply refers to mood.

"Mother, don't believe us. She has to bear everything alone, and because she has the strongest power in the world, she lost herself. In the end, she stretched out her hand to Yucun and me." The Immortal of the Six Paths said.

"Naruto, Sasuke, and everyone, there is nothing wrong with power. It is the person who uses the power that decides what is right or wrong. Don't follow the old path that the predecessors walked."

"Mother, she has absolute power, but she doesn't understand the real mystery of Chakra."

"Believe in the strength of others, rely on, and be united, is that so?" Naruto said.

Sage of the Six Paths was stunned, then came to his senses, and laughed out loud, looking at Naruto with tenderness in his eyes.

"Well, that's it. You can trigger thousands of hands, which proves that you have a lot of fetters, and there are many people who you cherish, and at the same time, cherish and love you."

Naruto nodded.

So many children in the orphanage.

Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Kai, Konohamaru trio, new generation Yukino.

There are also Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Hanabi, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji.

Many, many people, including nine tailed beasts.

"Grandpa, don't rush away, we agreed to chat together." Naruto said.

"Okay." The Sage of the Six Paths agreed.

Seeing this, Naruto looked sideways at Sasuke beside him, it was time to kill Danzo.

"Don't forget me!" Ino's voice came from far away, from far to near.

Having already sensed who is coming, Naruto turned his head to look over, and Gaara, Temari, and Kankuro nodded.

"Sorry, Hanabi, I have something to do, so you stay here with Temari sister, we'll be back soon, okay?" Naruto persuaded with kind words.

"not good!"

Using Tenseikan's gravitational and repulsive forces, it flew to the front, then closed Tenseikan, and the little Hanabi who landed on the ground shook his head.

And because there were outsiders present, she was used to keeping a straight face and pretending to be majestic.

Naruto pondered.

Hanabi is eight years old this year. According to ninja practice, this is actually not young, so it is not good to blindly treat Hanabi as a child.

Thinking about the four daughters and one son that Huahuo gave birth to for her in the future, it was almost time to change her mind.

I don't think of Hanabi as my younger sister, but as my girlfriend and wife.

Thinking of this, the corners of Naruto's mouth turned up slightly, and he opened his arms to hold Hanabi: "Then let's go together."

After confirming the number of people who are going to go, Sakura puts her hands together, flies to Thor, and disappears out of thin air.

"Hey, aren't you going?" Kankuro whispered.

Shaking his head.

She is not a brainless woman. Judging from Naruto's words, deeds, and attitude, she has already seen that she is going to deal with private affairs.

Since it was a private matter, it was obviously not suitable for her, a person from the hidden sand village, to follow her.

Leaf Village.

Under the reading of Infinite Moon, there is also a dead silence here, with no sound.

Anbu, the root organization, where these two departments are located are extremely secretive, protected by barriers, and hidden.

Even the supercilious eyes can't see through it, and the spiritual body of the spiritual transformation technique can't penetrate it.

"The root tissue is underground in Konoha." Naruto thought to himself.

Let Xiaoying use the spiritualization technique to drill underground, where there is an enchantment protection, that is the base of the root organization.

It took little effort to find it.

Find the dumpling wrapped in dumplings and peel him off. Naruto first establishes the Chakra connection, and then stretches out his right hand to Sasuke.

Sasuke stared at Danzo.

Is this the person who forced Itachi to exterminate the clan?

Noticing Naruto's movements, he took a deep breath, stretched out his left hand, and joined Naruto's right hand together to form the seal of the child.


A strange fluctuation occurred, Danzo's infinite monthly reading was broken, and he woke up from the illusion.

When he was about to wake up, Naruto made a lightning move and gouged out his right eye, the kaleidoscope Sharingan that he had taken from Shisui.

The eyes were taken away, and the pain drove Danzo to wake up instantly. When he saw Naruto in front of him, Sasuke said: "You guys"

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