Naruto slapped him.

The speed is extremely fast, even if Ino and Sakura use Sharingan, they can only see blurred afterimages, not to mention Danzo with ordinary eyes.

He couldn't see what was hitting him at all, his whole body had turned into a spinning top, spinning in the air and flying backwards, smashing into the wall.

The cracked walls, with many fine gravels and soil flakes, fell to the ground.

"He has Izanagi, so he won't die so easily," Naruto said.

"His right hand, arm, and arms are all covered with Sharingan." Hinata said.

With ferocious white eyes, he saw through Danzo's secret.

Hearing this, Sasuke no longer hesitated, an electric arc jumped from his left hand, and in an instant, he came in front of Danzo, and aimed at Danzo's head.

Sakura snapped her fingers.

This person is one of the culprits that caused Naruto to have such a dark childhood when he was a child. When he met him, he had to fight him.

Hinata opened Tenseiken and walked forward.

Being gentle and weak doesn't mean she has no anger.

Anyone who understands knows that the more honest a person is, once he gets angry and angry, it is very scary.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Danzo is in his early seventies this year and is an out-and-out old man.

In a modern society without wars, it is an age that can drive many well-meaning people into bankruptcy and debts.

Such him, the body is still very tough.

Under the siege of Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Hinata, they survived tenaciously and looked for opportunities to fight back.

The fighting process is not shown, this kind of crushing situation, there is nothing to say, it is like grinding, just run over it.

"Why insist on eliminating Uchiha?" Sasuke asked.

"Why?" Danzang said: "Uchiha is inherently evil. There was Uchiha Madara before, and there is no guarantee that there will be another one after that. To prevent that from happening, disappearing directly is the best way."

"Sounding high-sounding, you just want Uchiha's power." Sasuke said.

"You are the winner, you are what you say. I never think that I have done anything wrong. Everything I do is for this village." Danzo said.

"Then, the village is so important to you, let's destroy it, including the villagers and ninjas, without leaving a single one, and wipe them all out." Naruto said.


Sakura, who was communicating with Ino and discussing the eyes of reincarnation, was dumbfounded.

Hinata, Ino, and Hanabi were all stunned.

Naruto did what he said, and slipped up Danzo, who had exhausted his chakra and was unable to move anymore, with one hand, drove him at the fastest speed, took him outside, and flew into the sky again.

"The night view of Muye Village is so quiet. Everyone is sleeping and resting. Heh, if this is the case, no one can escape." Naruto laughed.

Danzo twisted his neck with difficulty and looked down.

It's too high, people can't see it, they can only see the panorama of Konoha Village, and some weird vines and branches.

"Uzumaki Naruto! What do you want to do! Are you crazy?" Danzo said loudly.

"Crazy? That's right, I'm crazy. As far as I can remember, you probably haven't seen what kind of life I've lived. What you read are all written reports, right?" Naruto said.

"I made up my mind a long time ago. One day, I will destroy this hypocritical village, this damned place, until there is no scum left. Now, it is time to realize it."

"You can't succeed, Tsunade, Jiraiya, there are so many Jonin, elite Anbu." Danzo said.

"Those have been resolved." Naruto said.

"What?" Danzo was stunned.

"When you made such a big commotion, why didn't anyone show up?" Naruto asked.

"It's hard, don't tell me!" Danzo thought of something terrible.

"Well, I killed them all." Naruto smiled brightly.

"Crazy! Crazy! You, how dare you!" Danzang lost his voice.

Sensing that the people trapped in the vines had already been marked by Sato, and Kozakura used Flying Thunder God to transfer them to the outside of the village, and there was no one in the village anymore.

Naruto spread his right hand.

Chakras with one to nine tails are condensed into tailed beast jade, with a diameter of about seven meters.

Then inject the celestial chakra into it, and the diameter grows to nine meters.

Finally, adding the change in the nature of the wind, in this way, counting the high-speed rotating blade part, the scale rose to more than fifteen meters.

"No!" Danzo couldn't calm down anymore, screamed, his voice broke once.

"You think you are doing good things for the village, and it is because of you that Sasuke and I were born to destroy the existence of Konoha." Naruto said.

"It wasn't Konoha that Sasuke and I destroyed, Danzo, it was you, you were the real culprit that caused Konoha to be destroyed."

"Don't! Don't!" Danzo struggled, his voice changed from commanding, high-pitched, to hoarse, begging.

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