Luo Xi gave her all her strength without reservation, Hinata is now a real six-level powerhouse.

It's just how to put it, the power of the eyes is too strong, in comparison, the physical fitness is much worse.

This can be clearly felt when using Tenseikan.

She had to hurry up and work out relentlessly.

Eat and drink more, especially those nourishing foods and herbs.

This time, Naruto didn't leave Hanabi behind, but chose to take her with him.

Already, I have gradually and consciously changed my mentality. I no longer regard Hanabi as my sister, but as my girlfriend and wife.

Therefore, Hanabi is also preparing.

I want to follow in my sister's footsteps and learn how to control Tenseikan from my sister.

Catch up with Miss Sakura and learn a series of ninjutsu including Bamen Dunjia from Miss Sakura.

I asked Sasuke if he wanted to go, but Sasuke refused because he needed to calm down for a while.

Sitting on the chair in the study, Naruto let out a long breath, lay back and stretched himself: "It's so comfortable."

It feels so good to be at peace, and it feels great to be free of stress.

The long-awaited Six Paths mode was obtained, and the reincarnation eye was accidentally opened, which is very flattering.

Rarely, Naruto gave himself a short vacation to reward himself.

"Character: Uzumaki Naruto

Gender: Male Female

Age: Nineteen Plus Minus

Forbearance: 501000

Body: 501000

Magic: 501000"

After the three values ​​reached ten times, a plus sign and a special parenthesis were added after each value.

The purpose of these brackets, Naruto has figured out, is to be used in conjunction with a skill.

This skill is also the skill that appears when the ninja value breaks through ten times.

"Primary damage transfer, transfer the damage received, and the transfer rate is [-]%."

The description of this skill is also relatively simple, and it is somewhat similar to anti-injury, but it is not a type.

Anti-injury is who hits Naruto and who gets hurt.

As for this damage transfer, Naruto can designate the target.

For example, Sakura punches Naruto, triggering damage transfer.

At this time, Naruto can choose.

This punch, [-]% of the damage, can be transferred to Sakura intact, it can be the eyes, the kidneys, the heart, or other vital organs.

It is also possible to transfer the damage to unrelated onlookers.

What is better than anti-injury is that you can specify the target and specific location.

What's worse than counter-injury is that damage transfer is not a real injury that ignores defense.

When encountering a terrible defensive power like a certain four emperors, this damage transfer has no effect.

To put it bluntly, it can be defended and targeted.

Generally speaking, this skill is just a simple damage transfer, and its usefulness, at least for Naruto, is useless.

He is a man of iron, need to transfer damage?

The correct usage of this skill is to set the target of the damage transfer in the special brackets behind these three values: ninja value, body value, and magic value.

The transferred damage has two uses.

One is to upgrade, to a limit, to increase the value of the defense.

The other is to extract it directly to strengthen the power of one's corresponding moves.

One point is one time, ten points is ten times, and the upper limit is one hundred times.

And the acquisition of this damage is different from the past in that it is not just any kind of damage, it must be hostile to oneself, have hatred, and have killing intent.

The damage done by this kind of person counts.

Naruto knows such details, not because he is extremely smart and prophetic, but because of this skill and parentheses, when you stare at it, it has its own instructions.

Naruto hasn't tried it yet, so I don't know how it works.

It is quite difficult for him to find someone who is hostile, hateful, and murderous towards him for no reason to beat him.

On Konoha's side, no one would dare to fight.

Don't be in a hurry for a while, wait to see which world you will travel to, and then make a decision based on the actual situation.

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