Other skills have not changed.

With Naruto's current skill points, it is not enough to upgrade an advanced skill to the final level, and it can only upgrade a primary skill to an advanced level.

Whether to use such precious skill points for this damage transfer, Naruto was a little uncertain.

Compared with the transfer of damage, he valued the body of life more, and he could recover blood after being beaten.


The study door was opened, Temari came in, and closed the door behind him.

His thoughts were interrupted, and Naruto looked up.

"Mango juice." Temari said.

Put the freshly squeezed juice on the tray in front of Naruto, then took two steps back and stood aside.

"Juice, I didn't mean to drink juice." Naruto said.

"This is for Gaara, Kankuro and the others squeezed it out, and I'll give you a taste of it." Temari said.

"That's it." Naruto didn't say anything when he heard it, and just took a deep breath when he picked it up.

And just as Naruto drank the glass of juice, Temari's body trembled imperceptibly.

His ears were congested and red, his head was lowered, he said nothing, his heart was beating like thunder.

She felt that she was really crazy, to listen to that Hokage and take this step.

However, even if she is a lover, even if she has no status, even if she cannot be made public, she still wants to have a part of herself.

"Naruto, I like you, woman, you haven't tasted it yet, as the first one, I will let you know what is the best woman, so eat me, give up others, and only love me " Temari said secretly.

These are the words the Fifth Hokage said to her, although it is a bit strange, but

As an old woman who is over fifty years old, Wudai Hokage has eaten more salt than she has eaten rice, and must have richer life philosophy and life experience than her.

Of course, as a Temari, no matter how reasonable what others say, if she doesn't want to, she won't do this step.

Naruto's strength, Naruto's wealth, Naruto's gentleness, and Naruto's handsomeness.

These days, with close observation, you can't see when you look up.

Temari doesn't say or express on the surface, but the liking in his heart is getting better every day.

Tsunade's fueling can only be regarded as the fuse, and Temari himself is already a bomb that is about to ignite.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Corridor aisle.

Next to a vase.

Tsunade stood here with his back against the mural, three dice he was playing with in his hands.

Seeing Temari coming in from the other end of the corridor, he took a special look at the cup on the tray first, the juice in it was not there.

She froze: "So fast?"

According to the data of the two body tests, it can be seen that Naruto's body is super good, and it didn't even take [-] minutes, including other things in the process.

Uh, could it be that Naruto is the type that looks good but doesn't work?

With a strange mood, Tsunade took the initiative to walk towards Temari.

Noticing that Temari's walking posture is not unusual, and the maid outfit is also intact, Tsunade thinks, it seems that things are not going well.

"Are you okay?" Tsunade said.

Temari blushed, shook his head and said nothing.

Knowing what it meant, Tsunade went with her to the kitchen.

At this hour, there is no one in the kitchen.

After checking carefully and cautiously to ensure safety, Temari described the whole process completely.

"It's useless?" Tsunade was stunned: "Impossible, that's the medicine I prepared myself. I tried it on animals, and the effect is super good."

Tsunade knew that Sakura had drugged Naruto, but he didn't know the specific process, and didn't know how much medicine Sakura got.

What's more, the Naruto of today is no longer the Naruto of that time.

The same dose, don't let Naruto be recruited.

"Then I don't know, it's useless anyway." Temari said: "I watched him drink it with my own eyes, and there was no change after it was over, it's normal."

Tsunade was thoughtful: "It's no problem to increase the dose, of course, I'm afraid you won't be able to take it."

"I don't know what's going on, Sakura and the others haven't been around him often recently." Temari talked about him.

Tsunade smiled nicely, she already understood Temari's meaning.

"Don't be impatient, I will prepare it for you soon, and you too, be mentally prepared."

Unable to stand Tsunade's smiling eyes, Temari fled in a panic.

As for Tsunade, she turned around and went back to the guest room where she lived.

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