Don't know when it will be back.

"Oh, it's just what I want. Once he leaves, he won't be able to care about me anymore. Then, I'll be free." Temari secretly said.

Tsunade is from Naruto's side, so don't trust Tsunade's words completely. The so-called Naruto's departure may also be false.

What if it is true?Naruto really wants to leave, what should I do?

"To you, I'm just a temporary idea, dispensable?" Thinking, Temari gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

Chapter five hundred and twentieth Temari's decision

I didn't sleep all night, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

The next day.

Temari got up when the alarm rang.

Put on the maid outfit, simply tie up her hair, go to the bathroom to wash, and then go to the kitchen.

Here, the shadow clones of Sakura and Hinata have already started working, making breakfast.

Greeted each other good morning, Temari helped wash and chop vegetables.

"I heard that you are going to a faraway place, is it true?" Temari asked.

"Hey, how do you know?" Sakura asked unexpectedly.

"That's right, I have some things to do, I don't know how long it will take. During this time, I am grateful to you for your care. I will continue to trouble you for the planning work in Ice Sand City. As for the work of this maid, you can do it anytime." stop."

"Where are you going? It's difficult to go back and forth?" Temari asked.

Naruto liked her and wanted to take her down, but he kept it from Sakura and the others, and it was impossible for Sakura to help Naruto design a deception.

In other words, it is true that the Naruto family is about to leave.

"Well, I don't know the details, Naruto has always been arguing, anyway, it's very far away." Sakura said.

"Because it's the first time, I'm not sure. The round-trip time may be a few days, or a few months, half a year, or even longer."

Temari was silent.

"Why do you ask this? Also, who told you?" Sakura was curious.

"No, it's nothing." Temari said with a smile: "It was Hokage-sama who said it unintentionally, as if he was annoyed and didn't want Naruto to go."

"Master." Xiao Sakura suddenly realized.

"There is no way, we can't change our mind just because of the fourth Ninja World War that we don't know when it will happen. This is something that has been decided long ago and will not be changed."

Temari was silent.

After breakfast, Temari took a rag as usual and went to wipe the banisters of the stairs.

"Temari, what's wrong with you? You're out of your mind, what are you thinking?" It was Kankuro who asked.

Teju came back to his senses, saw the two younger brothers standing in front of him, shook his head to express that it was all right, turned around and left.

Kankuro and Gaara looked at each other.

Not very relieved, Kankuro went up to ask.

"This is my own business. I have to make my own decision. That way, if I regret it in the future, I won't blame others. I only blame myself for making the wrong choice."

Temari dropped those words and walked away.

Today, Naruto didn't drink the juice prepared by Temari.

I'm used to having one cup a day, but suddenly I don't have it, which is a bit strange.


In the bathhouse built in the manor, Temari took a small bucket full of water and poured it on his head.

She didn't close her breath well, and she inhaled water in her nose, which made her uncomfortable.

Suddenly, the door was pulled open.

Temari opened his eyes and glanced over, seeing that the person who came was Tsunade, but he didn't respond, and continued to wash himself.

Sitting on a small stool beside him, Tsunade watered himself first, then shampooed his hair, and looked at Temari from the corner of his eye.

Temari, who is already sixteen years old, can be said to be slim.

The face gets a high score, the body is not particularly hot, but it is just right, the overall score will not be low.

"What are you hesitating about?" Tsunade asked.

After careful investigation and observation, Temari's secret was discovered, and Temari's long-standing misunderstanding was learned.

Tsunade knew it all too well, leaving it alone, Temari and Naruto were absolutely impossible.

She gave Temari such an opportunity, and it was also a necessary condition for Naruto to stay for a period of time, but she did not expect Temari to stay for a long time.

"I don't want to be a lover." Temari said: "I don't like people who are flirtatious. I, I hate people who are on multiple boats."

Since you hate it, why do you accept the medicine I prescribed?Tsunade thought to himself.

Knowing that Temari is in a dilemma, he likes Naruto and hates Naruto at the same time, which is quite contradictory.

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