"It's not too early to be profitable." Tsunade said.

"You are very smart, or you are too smart, you should understand that many things are all about giving and benefiting."

"What do you give? What can you get? Is it fame? Is it wealth? Is it something else?"

"What do you want to get?"

"I want Naruto to only love me, only like me, give me a name, pursue me openly, have a normal love process, and then get married. At that time, I will give myself to him." Temari said .

"Then, you will never be able to achieve it." Tsunade said.

"Sakura, Hinata, and Ino, the three of them have experienced a lot with Naruto and have a deep bond. He will not give up on them because of you."

Temari remained silent.

"Is there anything else? Besides this, what else do you want?" Tsunade asked.

Shaking his head.

"I, I can't pass this test in my heart. I don't know what Sakura and the others think. Anyway, I can't stand it. Seeing him with other girls makes me feel uncomfortable."

"That's it, then return the medicine to me later, and then you quit your job as a maid and planner, and go back to Sand Hidden Village." Tsunade said, "Stay away from Naruto."

He bowed his hands and said nothing.

After taking a bath, Tsunade followed Temari to Temari's room.

Asking where it was, he opened the drawer of the bedside table, took out the two packs of untouched medicine, and Tsunade left.

"Is there no other way?" Temari said, "A way to make Naruto only like me?"

"No, you also said that he is very philandering, how can a philandering person only love one person."

After Tsunade said that, he closed the door and left.

Turning the corner, looking at the two packs of medicine in his hand, he sighed faintly.

Temari's self-esteem is very strong. He obviously likes Naruto very much, but because his bottom line cannot be broken, he chose to give up.

Without Temari, how can Naruto be kept?

Naruto has no shortage of money, strength, and women. The only thing he lacks is Sakura and the others who are too young to do anything out of the ordinary.

Originally, Temari would be a very good card if it worked, but now it doesn't work, so we have to think of other ways.

On the other hand, Temari started packing his luggage, clothes, money, cosmetics.

The action is heavy and slow.

Halfway through packing, she sighed heavily, knelt down on the ground, and covered her face.

According to Naruto, not reconciled.

Give up at this point, reluctant.

Tangled, occupying her mind.

Seeing more than a dozen coins in the wallet, Temari picked up one at random, flicked it up, and waited for the coin to fall.


Followed by the left hand, and then covered with the right hand.

"If it's heads, I'll follow Naruto, if it's tails, then I'll quit." Thinking, Temari lifted his right hand.

The coin is tails.

Temari was stunned.

Grab the coin, squeeze it hard with your fingers, deform it, and exchange for another coin.



"If it's tails, I will follow Naruto and withdraw from heads."

This time it's positive.

Temari's face was expressionless, the corners of his mouth twitching slightly.

third coin.



"For the last time, if you agree to Naruto if you face it, if you don't, I will withdraw." Temari secretly said.

Let go of your right hand, and the coin on your left hand is shining brightly, it is tails.



fourth coin.

"This time is the last time, Dad, Mom, give me the right guidance, please, I, I don't want to regret it." Temari slowly opened his right hand.

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