Hinata, who was cutting and eating fruit, looked sideways, nodded, and said in a waxy voice, "Really."

"How did you do it? What's the secret?" Sakura asked.

"Well, you'll know when you grow up." Temari said strangely.

Thinking that Temari is a secret, Sakura nodded without thinking too deeply.

See Sakura continued to lower her head to process other ingredients.

Hinata also puts her mind on how to make the food more delicious.

Temari prepared the sauce carefully and was distracted in his thoughts.

The idea that distance creates beauty doesn't work.

As the distance draws apart, her yearning and longing for Naruto deepens.

Naruto is not the case, he has four other girlfriends.

Give up this useless practice, change the strategy, and create as many opportunities as possible.

On the premise of not arousing the suspicion of Sakura, Hinata, Ino, Hanabi, and the four girls, they have close contact with Naruto.

Naruto made it clear that he was enjoying passive fun, and he didn't know when he would take the initiative.

In order to become stronger, in order to make Naruto more obsessed with himself, Temari has to take the initiative.

Considering the problem of being tired and crooked, the style of dressing and styling should be ever-changing and must not be static.

"When you fall in love with me completely, you can't live without me, and you can't live without me. At that time, maybe you can cut the mess quickly, reject Sakura and the others, and choose me alone." Temari secretly said.

She didn't give up, the goal she had been obsessed with was to monopolize Naruto.

Then I thought of another point.

Here, if Naruto is willing to give up the previous Sakura, Hinata, Ino, and Hanabi for her.

Does that mean that one day, Naruto will give up her for other girls?

Realizing this, Temari frowned, his mind a little confused.

For a moment, I don't know whether I want Naruto to give up Sakura and the others and choose her, or whether I want to stay the same and never leave.

"I will be happy for a while, and when a new love appears, there will be a girl who is better than me and who is more liked by Naruto, and Naruto will abandon me." Temari secretly said.

"On the other hand, if I never leave, I will keep it as it is now. Occasionally I will be jealous and uncomfortable. At least, Naruto will not abandon me."

As the saying goes, two evils are the lesser of two evils.

There are problems with both paths, and there will be uncomfortable places. Choose the path that hurts, is uncomfortable, and suffers the least.

"Tsk." Teju spat secretly, not reconciled.

Hearing a strange sound, Sakura and Hinata looked over and saw Temari, who was peeling potatoes, squatting in front of the trash can, grinding his teeth.

I don't know what angry thing I thought of, and I have to gnash my teeth like this.

After breakfast, he stayed at home for a while before Naruto went out.

Also going out together are Sakura, Hinata, and Temari, the combination from last time.

This time I was prepared, Sakura brought enough money.

The four of them used the transformation technique again to change into the appearance of other people, and came to the underground fighting arena, the Garden of Eden.

Naruto changed his routine this time, applying for the qualifications for the battle through formal procedures, so as to avoid being seen by the organizers, who are different from head to toe.

Anyone who saw it would not believe it was the same person.

"What's it called?" the registration desk, the receptionist asked.

"Aokiji." Naruto said.


Naruto nodded.

The receptionist was stunned and raised his head. What did this guy eat to grow up? He is so tall, almost three meters?

After paying the handling fee, Naruto sat on the bench and waited.

The fighters fighting on the stage changed two rounds, and finally came to Naruto.

"You scumbags, the next boxer is a rookie. He claims to be human, but I have never seen such a burly and tall human being. Let's wait and see how he will perform well." The referee screamed.

Sakura, Hinata, and Temari, who were on the sidelines, saw Naruto come on stage, and immediately ran to bet, [-] million each.

The frightened waiter didn't dare to accept this amount, and asked the boss for instructions before accepting it with trembling hands.

Also because of the money invested, Naruto's odds dropped from seven to three.

A small number of people bet on Naruto, and more were on Naruto's opponent, the former two boxing champions.

Naturally, it is a strange shape from another world, with the appearance of a lion, physical characteristics, and a physique that is four heads taller than Naruto's transformation into a green pheasant.

Judging from the appearance alone, it is judged whether it is superior or inferior.

"What kind of eyes do you have?" Alien said before the battle started.

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