It has been in this world for two years, and it has seen countless human beings, but it has never seen anyone look at it with such eyes.

Naruto glanced at it lightly, but didn't make a sound, as if he didn't bother to answer.

High and high, like a god, he doesn't put any life in his eyes.

Looking at you is like looking at ants, dust, and weeds.

He obviously didn't speak, but just with such a face and attitude, it was very annoying and irritating.

"No one has dared to treat me like this before, human beings, you are the first." The alien smiled cruelly: "I will tear you apart with my own hands and trample on you."

Naruto snorted disdainfully, and looked at the alien with contempt.

The referee announced the start of the battle, and the alien, who couldn't bear it anymore, roared and rushed towards Naruto.

Naruto didn't dodge or evade, and stepped forward to confront it head-on.

You punch, I punch, and the fists shake together hard to the flesh.

This kind of battle made the audience's blood boil with enthusiasm and cheers everywhere.

"It works." Naruto thought to himself.

This alien has hostility and killing intent towards him, and the damage it deals makes the body value fluctuate.

With such a good opportunity, Naruto deliberately controlled the strength of his punch, around [-]:[-].

Seeing that it is fully opened, the power is as fierce as a tiger, but it is actually useless when it acts on the alien.

The two sides are on this small stage, fighting back and forth.

The body of high-level life can recover blood after being beaten, and the blood recovery is [-]%.

The system judged that it was blood recovery, but it actually included all aspects, including physical strength.

The alien beat Naruto, not only couldn't break the defense, couldn't beat Naruto, but also continued to help Naruto regain his physical strength.

If this continues, who is more durable, no need to go into details.

After fighting each other for more than ten minutes, the alien collapsed from exhaustion.

Unreserved full-force explosion, leaving no room for it, who can bear it?

It is a life from another world, not a god, and has no endless physical energy.

After defeating his opponent, Naruto raised his right hand high, as if he was a winner, then his face changed, coughing, and half-kneeling precariously on the ground.

"Are you okay? Can you continue to play the second game?" the referee said.

Naruto was panting like a cow, coughing persistently, and looked like he was going to die, he was about to fall down.

a while ago.

"Okay, I, I can fight one more time, I don't know if I can win, I, cough cough."

Naruto put his hands on his knees and stood up slowly, his legs were trembling and shaking.

Because of Naruto's performance, he saw Naruto's opponent again.

Some people and aliens who originally planned to bet on Naruto changed their minds and continued to bet on aliens.

Sakura, Hinata, and Temari are the same Oshi Naruto.

"Actor." Temari muttered.

If she hadn't discussed it beforehand, she would have thought that Naruto was wrong and injured.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the second round, Naruto retired.

Come back fully loaded.

The body value has increased by eight points, plus the fifteen points from the day before yesterday, this is twenty-three points.

In terms of money, the initial capital brought was [-] million yuan, and after two bets, it changed to more than [-] million yuan.

This is more exaggerated than picking up money in the wind.

With so much money, you don't have to worry about money anymore, and you can focus on other things.

Leaving the underground fighting arena, taking a turn outside, changing his appearance, and coming back to continue.

To avoid being seen as a problem, Sakura acted alone, Hinata and Temari were in a group, and Naruto ran to register and sign up to participate in the battle.

"Name." It was the receptionist just now.

"Yellow monkey." Naruto said.


What's the matter today, another one, and is it a little older?

Just think about it in your heart, as a receptionist, just do your job well.

After the registration was completed, Naruto sat on the bench and waited.

Watching the two boxers fighting on the stage, there are no swords or guns, no gorgeous magic, just pure physical skills, boxing skills.

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