Naruto agrees and supports Hanabi to do what he likes, provided it is safe.

"Oh, then I won't go." Huahuo lowered her head in frustration, kicking the stones beside her feet.

Seeing her like this, Naruto couldn't help but laugh.

Speaking of which, Huahuo was really lonely since she was a child. When she was lively and active and loved to play, she didn't have friends of her own age.

Before joining Naruto, he had been practicing Rouquan hard every day under the supervision of his father.

After finally looking forward to the return of the only sister who can play with her, what I get is next time, such an answer.

Thinking of this, Naruto stroked Hanabi's little head, took her hand, and took her home.

"Wait here for a while." Naruto said, turned and went back to the master bedroom, and before closing the door, he reminded him once again not to peek with the white eyes.

Hey, if you don't say this, you won't watch the fireworks, but if you say it, you must watch it.

From the perspective of the white eyes, only the chakra veins and an outline of the body can be seen.

Hanabi's white eyes are not well controlled, and she can't see clearly.

"What is this doing?" Huahuo wondered.

And soon, she was surprised to find that Naruto regained his male body, but this body was still shrinking.

In the master bedroom, Naruto, who had lowered his age to eight years old, stopped, created clothes with Yin Yang Dun, and put them on quickly.

It feels good to look in the mirror, so I immediately open the door and go out.

Huahuo closed his eyes first, sat upright, and ate the grapes on the coffee table, eating grapes without throwing up the grape skins.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he turned his head and looked in surprise, "Brother Naruto?"

"Just call me Naruto." Naruto smiled.

The generation gap of age will have an impact more or less.

Relying on the system that can change the age setting, he can be competent in any capacity, completely eliminating the problem of generation gap.

"Naruto?" Huahuo said in a daze, "But, Brother Naruto in the dream is not like this."

"So, I'm not your brother now, but a friend." Naruto said, hugged the laptop, sat cross-legged on the sofa, next to the fireworks.

Hanabi blinked, not quite understanding Naruto's intention.

It doesn't matter, when Naruto opened the super popular anime she likes to watch most and has been chasing recently, and asked who the characters in it were and what it was about.

A kind of instinct to want to spoil the story arises spontaneously in Huahuo's heart.

She shook off the doubts in her heart and began to explain to Naruto.

Temari, who was preparing dinner in the kitchen, was cloned by Kokage, peeping her head, and saw two children sitting on the sofa.

Among them, Naruto listened carefully, and made surprise and exclamation sounds from time to time, which made Hanabi, who was the spoiler party, even more interested.

The analysis and spoilers I read from other places on the Internet, after a lot of embellishment, poured out all at once.

Maybe Hanabi, who was the party involved, didn't notice it, but the bystanders could tell that Hanabi was very happy during this process.

It was even more enjoyable than watching it alone, or watching it with Ino, than she usually does.

Is it because of Naruto?

Or is it because Naruto is now a peer?


"Naruto is very good at coaxing girls." Temari said.

"He is used to standing in the opponent's position, thinking about the problem in a different position, and then prescribing the right medicine." Sakura Ying's avatar said: "The so-called, long live understanding."

Do you understand?Temari thoughtfully.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


Before dinner started, Hinata, Ino, and Sakura, who had finished their interrogation, left the small world with Flying Thunder God and went outside.

A shadow clone in the small world disappeared, and the memory came back, letting Naruto know the whole story.

"I see." Naruto suddenly realized.

"How did you become a child?" Sakura wondered.

When she stays to study, the shadow of cooking disappears by the way, that is to say, go to wash your hands and get the dishes.

In front of Hanabi, Naruto couldn't go into too much detail, so he only talked about how fun it was.

Seeing something, Hinata and Ino didn't ask much, and went to wash their hands one after another, brought the pot, plates, and drinks.

Afterwards, the family sat around the dining table and began to enjoy dinner.

Sakura was still thinking about whether she should tell Temari the result, but seeing that Temari didn't ask and was not curious, she didn't say anything.

After all, Temari is an outsider, from Sand Hidden Village.

Even if she marries Shikamaru in the future, she will be considered half a sand ninja.

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