Bringing her to other worlds to increase her knowledge is already very impressive, and it would be inappropriate to tell more secrets.

After the meal, I washed the dishes and chopsticks, and went out for a walk as usual, and this time Ino also followed.

No Temari, she went back to her room to sleep and recharge her batteries.

On the way for a walk, Naruto explained why he became a child, as well as Huahuo surfing the Internet and wanting to meet netizens.

"Well, big families have their troubles too." Ino said.

She used to be quite envious of Hinata's family conditions, but now, she doesn't have that kind of thought at all.

So what if the family is good, there is no freedom, and even friends do not exist.

Hinata was silent.

Thinking back carefully, she really neglected her younger sister, and put her more attention on Naruto. She is very incompetent, and this older sister is the one.

"From then on, you'll be more of a child, playing with Hanabi." Sakura said.

It doesn't matter, it's already like this, now she no longer cares about Ino and Hanabi, and mainly focuses on Hinata.

How to design, induce Hinata to waste the opportunity to order Naruto, so as to get Naruto's first time, the first to consummate with Naruto.

Others are irrelevant, and you can't change it anyway, so why bother yourself.

late at night.

After confirming that Ino and the others had fallen into a deep sleep, and there was no sign of a spiritual body coming out of the body, Naruto got out of bed, left the master bedroom, and came to the guest bedroom where Temari was.

Pushing the door open, I saw Temari sitting on the head of the bed, looking in a small mirror, and drawing eyebrows.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's explain things clearly before doing it." Temari said, pointing to the end of the bed, signaling Naruto to sit there.

If it is too easy to get, she won't cherish it, she has to hold it up, to whet Naruto's appetite.

Naruto, who was nineteen years old, walked over and sat down. Knowing what he was asking, he spoke directly.

"The family members of the blood world are divided into different classes. The lowest class is an unconscious ghoul, and the upper class has its own consciousness and the power of regeneration and immortality, but the regeneration speed is slow."

"The division in the middle is a bit general and vague, directly referring to the highest position. In fact, those who are qualified to be called blood family members are all high positions."

"They have amazing self-healing and regeneration abilities, and their strength is also terrifying. They cannot be killed, but they can only use seals, and they have to know their real names, otherwise the seals will be invalid."

"All the family members of the blood world, starting from the first thirteen elders, grew up little by little from the most elementary ghouls through blood sucking."

"Only the thirteen elders know how to engrave the spell into DNA to achieve immortality."

Naruto said, Temari listened.

Good memory and strong comprehension ability, just listen to Naruto once, Temari will understand everything.

"That is to say, if you want to obtain the secret of eternal life, you have to start with the thirteen elders?" Temari said.

"En." Naruto nodded: "In addition, blood family members need blood to maintain their strength. Without blood, they can still regenerate and not die, but they will lose strength and become very weak."

"Is that why you need to suck blood?" Temari said, "What are the shortcomings, weaknesses?"

"There is no weakness. As an immortal existence, there is no weakness." Naruto said: "There is one weakness."

"What?" Temari was curious.

"Infertility." Naruto paused every word: "Although he still has the ability to consummate a house, he has lost the qualification to conceive life. This is probably the price of immortality."

Temari just spat after hearing that, picked up the pillow at hand and threw it at Naruto's face: "I know you can't wait, but it's no good, we haven't finished talking about business, so bear with it."


Temari blushed, too shy to look at Naruto, lowered his head to trim his nails with nail clippers.

a while ago.

"What are you going to do next?" Temari asked.

"Catch more blood family members who are alone, and put them in the small world to study and do experiments." Naruto said.

The center of this miraculous city is Eternal Void.

From the top down, it looks like a bottomless pit.

Below that, there are a large number of blood family members.

A single one can bring huge troubles to the human world, if all of them come out, the world may be destroyed.

Naruto knew that there were blood family members there, but he couldn't go there.

Why, that's the lair of blood family members, ghosts know there are some hidden horrors.

It is not advisable to act rashly before clarifying the truth and reality.

It is safest and safest to attack the blood family members who are alone.

People who think they are great and invincible in the world, who have such thoughts, deserve to be overturned.

It should be known that there are people beyond people, mountains beyond mountains, and heaven beyond sky.

After hearing Naruto's explanation, Temari nodded in approval.

In the ninja world, Naruto is invincible. In such a strange and mysterious environment, it is not necessarily so. It is better to be careful.

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