So Shiki's irritability is understandable now, just like a cat with a collar around its neck.

What is that circle called?Circle of shame?

"What are you laughing at? It's so disgusting." Miss Shi spat with a reddish face, constantly pressing her elbows against Luo Zhen's waist.

Luo Zhen is very happy to fight with his sister like this, but this is already very restrained.

If it was at home, she would have already thrown herself on Luo Zhen and started gnawing on him.

No matter how much you bully her, as long as you let her suck her neck, she will calm down. It seems that Luo Zhen is really addicted.

But even if you go your own way, you will still be shy in public.

Luo Zhen patted her on the shoulder:

"I'll go in first and come in after calling your name. Don't be afraid, just say hello."

"I know."

Shiki nodded obediently, as obediently as a cat in someone else's house.

So Mr. Luo Zhen pushed open the door of the classroom, and the original small voices in the classroom were quieted down.

At Liyuan Women's Academy, it is natural that the students are all female.

Being stared at by more than [-] JKs at the same time is quite new to Luo Zhen.

Seo Shizune from the same class was waving at him with a smirk on her face, and her roommate Hei Tong Huahua was sitting at the same table, she looked away from Luo Zhen subtly.

Luo Zhen came to the podium with a smile, and wrote his name directly on the blackboard:

"Hi everyone, I am the teacher who will teach you German from today, and my name is Liangyi Luozhen."


Shouts erupted from among the girls, and they coaxed softly.

——It’s a handsome teacher!Super young!

--German?Mixed race! ?

— By the way, how old are you?After all, they are all college students, right?A male teacher in an all-female school in his twenties, is this a shoujo manga? ?

It's good to complain, and Luo Zhen nodded in agreement.

On the way, Jing Yin took the opportunity to boo and shout, "Teacher Luo Zhen is so handsome~?", so Luo Zhen waved to her kindly, and trained her well after preparation.

When the enthusiasm of the girls subsided a little, Luo Zhen continued:

"Everyone can call me Teacher Luo Zhen. It's easy to confuse people with my surname."

The girls didn't understand Luo Zhen's words and were a little confused.

Luo Zhen then wrote the second name on the blackboard and shouted towards the door:

"Shi, come in."


The younger sister of Luo Zhen's family walked in with big strides, the skirt of the monk's robe fluttered.

With a cold face as always, she stood beside Luo Zhen:

"Two ceremonies."

She just read her name once, and didn't even ask for more advice.

Well, that's it, Luo Zhen sighed with awareness.

Less than a month after the start of school, a new teacher and a transfer student arrived.

And the surname is the same, probably brother and sister.

This development is not limited to girl manga, and anyone with a little common sense knows that there are tricks in it.

As a result, the air in the classroom suddenly became cold, and Mute, who knew the inside story, was a little embarrassed.

With a look of 'you see? 'The expression glanced at Luo Zhen.

But Teacher Luo Zhen was calm and relaxed, not worried at all.

So, after about three seconds,

- so handsome! ! !

--Eh?What?handsome guy! ?

——No no, although she is handsome, she is a girl, right?Still wearing a skirt.

——I have played this kind of game!Don't judge until you see it with your own eyes!

— Then take a bath!Invite her to take a bath together at night!

With a winner's smile on his face, Luo Zhen said to the dumbfounded Shi:

"Get along well with everyone. Find an empty seat and sit down, classmate Ershi."

"whispering sound."

The cat owner of Luo Zhen's family spat unhappily again, and walked quickly to the back row to meet the cheers of the students.

After that, I have to teach her to stop smacking her classmates all the time.


Thanks to the excellent connections of the Liangyi family, Luo Zhen was easily placed in the Li Garden.

Moreover, the subjects taught are also very easy. Luo Zhenben was born in the Einzbern family, and has used German as his mother tongue for eight years.

As expected, the girls in Liyuan were very curious about the handsome teacher and the handsome (?) transfer students, and they hung around the Liangyi brothers and sisters all day long.

Luo Zhen handed over to the enthusiastic classmates, ruthlessly ignored her pleading for help, and spent the whole morning chatting with other JKs.

After the lunch break at noon, Jing Yin took the lead in pulling away the focus of the crowd.

Together with Luo Zhen and Hua Hua, the four of them seized a corner of the cafeteria.

Jing Yin let out a long and complicated sigh:

"Sister Shi is really popular. Everyone's eyes are more enthusiastic than seeing Teacher Luo Zhen. Some people really expect her to be a boy."

"That's the way it is. Men look beautiful, and women look handsome."

Luo Zhen commented boastfully, and was poked coldly by the shy younger sister.

Then he took out the bento made at home, and the four of them shared.

Mute immediately cheered, while the flowers were a little more subtle:

"Why is my share also prepared?"

"Because I know that you have a very good relationship with Jingyin. You're welcome, student Huahua, I'll invite you."

"No, I just feel a little kimo."

Even in front of the teacher, Heitong Huahua is very imposing and speaks very smoothly:

"I think it is difficult for ordinary girls to accept a handmade bento from a man who is almost meeting for the first time."

"It's too hurtful to say it's the first time we met. I always remember it, right? At that time, at the door of the dormitory, Huahua, you looked so shy and cute."

"Ah, stop! I'll eat it! Thank you very much! ——Why did this matter become your handle on me!"

The strong, brave and lawless classmate Hua Hua can only grit his teeth with his face flushed, and Luo Zhen skillfully pinches him in his palm to play.

In the end, after taking a bite of the bento, it was unexpectedly delicious, which made her even more unwilling.

Shi and Jingyin could only look at the two of them suspiciously, not knowing where this little secret of the two of them came from.

Miss Hua could only stuff Luo Zhen's things in her mouth, and she was even more ashamed.

Of course, the handsome teacher and the handsome (?) transfer student, and they are still brother and sister, the news has spread throughout the school.

Thanks to Jing Yin and Hua Hua who took the seats first, the other students gathered around were curious, but it was not easy to strike up a conversation casually, but the attention was unavoidable.

Then Luo Zhen, who was looking for someone, also found the target in the corner of the crowd.

He directly raised his hand and shouted in a voice that everyone could hear:

"Fujino, come over here."

Asakami Fujino: "~~~~!"

Instantly attracted by the students around him, Fujino blushed like a persimmon.

The deep-rooted upbringing made her lower her head and shrink her shoulders, and walked quickly to Luo Zhen's side with small steps:

"Luo, Teacher Luo Zhen, it's the first time we meet..."

"It's not the first time we've met. I've helped you take off and put on your socks."

Everyone: "???"

Miss Shi even dropped her chopsticks, and her eyes lost their luster.

Ms. Fujino was about to cry:

"I-I'm very grateful for what happened at that time! But, but~!"

"Okay, okay, let's talk after sitting down. You have a share too."

Luo Zhen took out the fifth bento, squeezed towards his younger sister, and made room for Fujino to sit next to him.

As a result, Ms. Fujino could only sit down with the murderous eyes of countless classmates Kazuki in a dead mood, thanked her obediently, and ate.

In this harmonious and friendly lunch time, three and a half high-quality JK beautiful girls gathered around me to eat together. This day is really great.

Jing Yin: "Huh? Was I treated very rudely just now? Na Na Na Teacher Luo Zhen, you don't like the new and dislike the old women, do you? Na Na Na Na Na Na~?"

The half-beautiful girl with future vision is as intuitive as ever.It's clear that she can't see through, but has this girl's future vision evolved into clairvoyance?

Putting aside this kind of playfulness, Luo Zhen asked by the way:

"Mute Flower and Shiki belong to Class [-]. Is Fujino the only one in Class A?"

"Yes." Fujino nodded a little lonely.

Hua Hua immediately followed up with the instructions, poking the lion head made by Luo Zhen with chopsticks:

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