"One of the unwritten rules of Liyuan, the fourth class is to accommodate foreign students who entered high school, that is, the class of 'wild children'. Good children like Fujino who have gone straight to elementary school will be severely punished if they mix with us. The nun preached. By the way, don’t make so many meaty and soy sauce things for the girl’s lunch box, the calorie counting will collapse.”

Complaints belong to complaints, Huahua still swallowed a meatball like a hungry wolf, chewing happily.

The fourth class is a class for wild children, so Luo Zhen understands why both Shi Shi and himself are assigned to the fourth class.

For the principal of Liyuan, the almost threatening demands of the Liangyi family are also difficult to deal with, so in short, let's throw them into the wild children's class with the most problems.

But it's a pity that this year's fourth class has the top two high-achieving students in the whole grade, which makes the self-proclaimed excellent "pure-blood students" feel ashamed.

Fujino also smiled troubledly:

"I'm definitely hated by the nuns by now. They keep begging me to forgive my roommates and go and plead with the student council. But I've been hiding and spending the night in a room of silence and flowers every night... It's really a time for you guys Trouble."

"How could it be!" Seeing that Fujino is so humble, Huahua said loudly even more angrily:

"It was my trick to drive away your roommate, and it was I who told you to ignore the nuns. If there is any trouble, let them all come to me and see what they can do to me!"

"As expected of Flower Sauce! So handsome! Swoosh~!"

Jing Yin is like Hua Hua's little follower, cheering by the side, and even makes Hua Hua proudly flick her long hair, inexplicably handsome.

Luo Zhen also heard about this matter from Jing Yin, it was the incident where Fujino was almost entangled by hooligans.

The reason why Fujino, a good boy, sneaked out of school at night was because of her roommate's bullying.

If Rozen hadn't left Artorius to make full preparations, something irreversible might have happened that night.

After this incident was exposed, Huahua, who was vigorous and resolute, immediately showed strong action, collected a lot of evidence from himself and other students with various threats and lures, threw it on the faces of teachers and student unions, and decided to drop out of school on the spot.

Originally, this was something Luo Zhen wanted to deal with after he became a teacher, but in the end, the flowers were settled directly, which made him admire.

But this also dissatisfied the nuns who pay attention to trivial matters in everything.

The child who was expelled from school was also a pure-blooded student like Fujino, so she was the daughter of the nuns who watched her grow up.

But who made your daughter do bad things, but you didn't discover and stop them in advance.

Luo Zhen has no sympathy for this at all, but only cares whether Fujino will feel guilty.

After thinking for a while, Luo Zhen said:

"Then Fujino still lives in your room?"

Huahua bit her chopsticks and nodded: "Yes. The other students' dormitories have been booked, and it would be lonely to let Fujino live back alone."

After finishing speaking, Huahua seemed to understand what Luo Zhen meant.

All the people present turned their eyes to Luo Zhen's side, the younger sister who was eating in silence.


The two Miss Ritual circled around in doubt.

Across Luo Zhen in the middle, Shiki and Fujino looked at each other.

The eyes of the two collided and a certain chemical reaction occurred, and they both understood that the other was not easy to deal with.

In the end, Fujino was the first to give in, and nodded respectfully:

"Little girl is not talented, please give me more advice in the future, little sister Shi."

"Who is your sister, and who allowed you to marry me!"

Miss Shi was out of breath, and there was a click... the chopsticks were cut into four beautifully, as if cut by a laser.

Today is also very peaceful... Luo Zhen is drinking soy milk leisurely.


Then continue explaining.

The teachers in the Ritual Garden are divided into two parts: nuns and external teachers.

The only ones who live in the school like the students are the nuns, and the outside teachers commute to and from get off work every day.

Liyuan has a long history. In the past, there were almost no external teachers, and all the courses were taught by nuns.

But with the development of the times, the educational needs of female students are becoming more and more different.

Now the numbers of the two sides have been reversed. A few nuns are only responsible for etiquette courses and managing the daily life of the students, and almost all the teachers are hired from outside.

Especially Luo Zhen, the only male teacher, definitely cannot live in the school.

Luo Zhen didn't intend to break the rules... at least not yet.

So Luo Zhen bid farewell to Shi as soon as school was over, and ruthlessly left her among the students.

Shiki was surrounded by his classmates with an angry face, asked this and that, took him into the bathroom, and took off his clothes amidst the crowd watching.

—Ah, it really is a girl.

Amidst the voice of emotion that was half fortunate and half regrettable, Shiki felt more and more that he had become an ornamental animal.

She only planned to go out after washing her body, but was accosted:

"Miss Shi, is she really Teacher Luo Zhen's younger sister?"

Fujino slightly concealed the proud size of his chest, and asked.

Two rituals: "..."

Shiki looked at Fujino, then looked down at himself.

Look at Fujino again, and look at yourself again.

From top to bottom, BWH, big and small...all down.

"Tch!" Shiki let out the most annoying spit of the day.

She turned off the shower and shook her hair:

"Yeah, so what?"

"...Maybe, you can too..." Fujino muttered.

She leaned closer to Shiki's side, much closer than the normal safe distance, and she was about to stick to him.

She said eagerly:

"Can you please touch me?"

July: It won’t be too long before Luo Zhen can spend the night in the dormitory (????)

Today is 8K again_(:з」∠)_

Chapter 13. My orientation is normal

"Can you please touch me?"

Fujino stared at Shiki eagerly.

The melancholy eyes are crystal clear and moist, the touching beauty is tender and charming, the skin moistened by the hot water is even smoother like jade white and rosy, and the femininity of the whole body is almost sprayed out.

If the scene was changed and a man was alone with her and heard this sentence, a saint would fuck her.

The two ladies were stunned for a while, then raised their eyebrows:

"Are you the one interested in women?"

"Ah no, my orientation is normal."

Ms. Fujino answered quickly, and stroked her long wet hair.

Thinking that the action would be faster than the explanation, Fujino simply took Shiki's hand and pressed it on his chest.

Knead... knead... poke...

Fujino sighed in disappointment:

"Sure enough, it's not as exciting as Teacher Luo Zhen."

"I'll kill you now."

Miss Shi's eyes turned green!Ah no, it turned blue!

When the strange murder case was about to happen in the girls' bathhouse, the mother who had been staring at the two problem children appeared:

"That's all."

Mother Hua hugged the shoulders of the two of them and gestured to the surroundings:

"The radio system should be done in moderation, and the children around are watching."

The two "..."

Shiki and Fujino looked at each other, and found that the students around them were all staring at him.A small group saw their interaction just now, and now they are still looking forward to the follow-up with excitement.

Flowers pulled the two of them into the bath and forced them to dip their shoulders into the water:

"Okay, no one is allowed to go out until the count reaches one hundred. You can say anything. Fujino, what did Teacher Luo Zhen do to you?"

"Yes. I was hugged by his princess, I took off my socks and touched my legs, and then I was put on again."

Fujino was blunt and said something that made Miss Shiki smack her lips.

Leaving aside the danger that appeared in the space above Mr. Luo Zhen's head, Huahua also blushed a little with an 'ohhhh...':

"Not only Mute, but even Fujino. That man has two brushes... So? What does this have to do with you letting Shimo you?"

"When Teacher Luo Zhen touched me, I felt an incredible stimulation."

Fujino's bewitching eyes glanced at him:

"I think if it's Teacher Luo Zhen's younger sister, Miss Shi might have the same effect, but it seems that I misunderstood."

"I'm so sorry for making you misunderstand! I'll go and chop off that scumbag's hand right now and give it to you!"

Miss Shi yelled angrily, but just as she was about to stand up, Hua Hua quickly suppressed her.

As expected of the flower of the squad leader's temperament, even Shiki couldn't force her to go against her.

Huahua is also very curious about what Fujino said, and intuitively feels that there must be something hidden.

But looking at the way Fujino lowered his head, he obviously refused to explain further. This is not something that can be said casually.

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