Ye Shan approached courteously, trying to put a hand on his shoulder.

It seems that he didn't know that Luo Zhen also came the day he was beaten by Huahua.

Luo Zhen clapped the back of his hand with sharp eyes and quick hands, not accepting any physical contact from Ye Shan.

But he still has a perfect kind smile on his face:

"Finally there is a male teacher other than me in the school, which makes me very relieved. Mr. Hayama is the younger brother of Chairman Huanglu, right? Please give me your advice in the future."

"Oh, oh! It's me!" Ye Shan looked flattered.

He would be so respectful to Luo Zhen, of course, because he knew the background of Liangyi's family, and they were local snakes that Huang Lu's family could not afford to provoke.

And for Ha Shan who is involved in the criminal industry, the Liangyi family is a monster that must not be touched, and if he is not careful, he will really be sunk in Tokyo Bay.

But Young Master Luo Zhen was very face-saving, and even took the initiative to talk:

"Why did Mr. Ye Shan come to Liyuan to be a teacher?"

"Ahaha, this is it." Ye Shan nodded and ducked his eyes:

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that my elder brother just wants me to settle down when he sees that my eldest is not young. I also want to work hard!"

"Is that so? That's a pity."

Luo Zhen sighed with a rich expression:

"I thought Mr. Hayama had the same interest as me, and I wanted to ask if you had any connections. Since this is the case, I can only enjoy it by myself."

"... Teacher Luo Zhen, what do you mean?" Ye Shan asked carefully.

Of course Ye Shanxiong also heard the rumors that Luo Zhen was in this school.

Of course, he knew how much this underworld young master knew how to play.

Luo Zhen also met his expectations:

"Your niece, Huang Lumei Saye is a very good girl. She is indeed a representative of top students, and she has very good learning ability. Now she pesters me every day and can't get rid of her."

Luo Zhen didn't lie at all.

Ever since she showed her silver-haired and red-eyed saint child model in front of Misaya, Misaya has completely changed her personality. Now when she returns to Liangyi's house, she pesters her all day long. And more than that.

But to Ye Shan's ears, these words sounded like a secret signal connection.

He was ecstatic with joy, and a wretched smile climbed to the corner of his mouth:

"Teacher Liangyi——No, Master Liangyi really understands it very well! What a pity, it would be great if you were my client sooner!"

"Oh? So you really have a channel?" Luo Zhen smiled even happier.

Ye Shan immediately leaned over with his shoulders crossed.

But was rejected by Luo Zhen without any leaks, in the end he could only nod and bow down beside him:

"Because the Liangyi family is not involved in the industry here, I have never dared to get in touch with it. In fact, the value of students in Liyuan is unprecedentedly high, and there are so many local tyrants who are willing to pay high prices for spring!"

Hayama's expression was full of vulgar greed and obscenity.

Speaking of the students of Liyuan, they are not only from famous families with a long history, but they are also the daughters of rich families.

For various purposes, there are many people who are willing to spend money to buy them.

After thinking that Luo Zhen is also from this side, Ye Shan immediately said everything like beans in a bamboo tube:

"Actually, there are a few big bosses who are my sponsors. They agreed that as long as they can take people out, they will be paid a lot of money! And there are also a few fathers of Liyuan students! They also specifically named them. My daughter's classmates are very interested in—"

"Okay, don't say anything."

Luo Zhen worked very hard to restrain himself from showing his killing intent. He really hoped that someone would praise him.

The corruption in the adult world is not a little bit.

Especially for the Garden of Eden, which is deliberately isolated from the outside world like Liyuan, there are already a lot of people salivating with knives and forks.

After all, mortals are all tempted by taboos.

The desire to defile what is pure becomes inflated the higher one is in a high position.

If they knew that their father wanted to spend money to buy their classmates, these girls would cry... Luo Zhen sighed silently.

Then Luo Zhen instantly recovered his attitude, still maintaining the attitude of the young master:

"Mr. Hashan, let me provide you with good products. I'm not boasting. I'm quite popular among female students, and it will probably be much faster than you spend time persuading me."

"Oh! As expected of Young Master Liangyi! Then our share..."

"No, I'm not short of money. But this is my personal interest, you just need to help me keep it from my family." Luo Zhen smiled kindly:

"For future consideration, I want to know more investors. You can make money, and I can expand my network. This is a win-win situation, right?"

When Ye Shan was very excited, Luo Zhen took out a photo.

He continued:

"I'll just give you a gift first. Take this as my sincerity and show it to your backers."

"This, this is—!"

Ye Shan's eyes were straightened, and his nostrils were dilated to be bigger than his eyes.

The one in the photo is a girl wearing a Liyuan school uniform, with silver hair and red eyes, who is as holy as an angel.

Although he was just standing there with a bored look, it was this feeling of looking down on him from above that could arouse a strong sense of inferiority in a man.

Luo Zhen said with an inscrutable look:

"Let me see if you are worthy of my cooperation. Don't let me down, Hayama-sensei."

July: Will a father buy his daughter's classmate, or did I learn it from the initial D??(??ω???)?

After everyone becomes an uncle, don't become such a pervert.Promise me, okay(??`ω??)

Chapter 28. The Advent of the Son of the Devil

The net that Luo Zhen casts gives feedback very quickly.

Hideo Hayama quickly and attentively informed him that the 'appreciation meeting' would be ready this Sunday.

Moreover, the investment bosses are very interested in Luo Zhen's photos, and Luo Zhen's magical charm easily spread the meme.

"Actually, if you want bait, I can go with the teacher."

Fujino who was putting on makeup for Luo Zhen said so.

It is true that Fujino is a typical lady of the family. It is said that the princesses of the Heian era are completely fine. It must be in line with the perverted sexual interests of those girls who spend a lot of money to buy a gift garden.

And among the girls Luo Zhen has a good relationship with, Shi is definitely not the eldest lady of the Liangyi family, Misaya is the daughter of the chairman of Liyuan, and Huahua is born as a commoner and has a feud with Hayama, only Fujino can be suitable .

Shizune Seo: "Wait a minute? My mind-reading skills have seen that brother Luo Zhen has very rude thoughts towards me! Please correct me! Can't I sell the cute Shizune sauce for a big price!!"

""Can't you sell it? "" Everyone present answered in unison.

To be fair, the very small and pocket-sized Jingyin cannot be said to be uncute, but it looks too childish and a bit too unfeminine.

A pervert who likes this bite will probably pay a lot of money to buy it, but that's too out of the gate.

Mute, who was unanimously dissed by everyone, immediately threw herself on the sofa and cried, and by the way, peeked here from time to time, waiting for someone to comfort her.

Luo Zhenchun pretended not to see it, and answered Fujino's question:

"I came here just to prevent you from going off in person. Don't disappoint my sacrifice."

Luo Zhen, who was fiddling with the wig carefully, was very convincing.

Luo Zhen believes that Huahua and the others should have the right to know, but he strictly refuses them to end in person.

Even if they are [-]% sure to protect their safety, that will not change the fact that they are used as bait.

It's fine if there are other more noble acts, using your own body as bait to catch a group of scumbags, this kind of work is too cheap for them to do.

Huahua was keenly aware of Luo Zhen's thoughts, and pouted a little arrogantly:

"Are you really a clean freak, do you just want to keep the woman you fancy clean?"

"Of course, because I'm also a man." Luo Zhen said frankly:

"My girl is being looked at with obscene eyes by a pervert, of course it will be very angry."

"Huh... who is yours, you are so affectionate..."

Hua Hua retorted, but her hands helped Luo Zhen tidy up his clothes carefully, and even held his hand and kissed him.

Of course, this can all explain that Luo Zhen was passively seduced and provoked ghosts, and it was definitely not Miss Hua who fell in love with him.

She is absolutely not fascinated by the teacher in this school, the lover of her best friend, the brother of her classmate, the master of magic, and Miss Hua who likes forbidden relationships the most. No!

Of course, there is no need to worry about Luo Zhen's safety. No one present thought he would capsize.

So on the contrary, Luo Zhen was still thinking about them, and asked Mei Saya:

"Misaya, if Hero Hayama is arrested, it will definitely affect your family. Are you sure there is no problem?"

"It doesn't matter." The queen of the student union replied handsomely: "It is my Huang Lu family's negligence to put a person like Hero Ye Shan who obviously lacks qualifications into the school, and I should bear part of the responsibility."

"I see."

Luo Zhen's best answer to Mei Shaye's consciousness of betting on her own reputation is to do business.

Then you are ready to go.

Luo Zhen turned around handsomely, looked at himself in the mirror, and had a sense of déjà vu when he saw Yustissa, the Holy Maiden of Winter, when she was young.

If Irisviel and the others can also grow gradually from babies, there will be this sixteen or seventeen-year-old stage.

Luo Zhen once again realized that being able to grow up normally is a kind of personal happiness.

"I'm on it. Don't sleep, wait for my good news."

Teacher Luo Zhen, who guarded the growth of the children, walked out of the house wearing Li Yuan's school uniform, feeling quite high-spirited.


Escorted by his confidant maid, he soon arrived at the bustling street promised by Hero Ye Shan.

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