Luo Zhen, who was wearing the Liyuan school uniform and had magical silver hair, was quite eye-catching. He had already attracted the attention of countless passers-by along the way.

Ye Shan also saw him from a distance, his eyes were bright and his tongue was tied:

"Oh, oh! You, you are..."

"Hello, Teacher Ye Shan." Luo Zhen squinted his eyes and smiled, introducing himself:

"My name is Lijie Lite, German. Please give me your advice today."

Luo Zhen directly used the name of his lazy maid.

He used the excuse that it was inconvenient for him to come forward because it was a private act of Liangyi's family that was hidden from the family, and he gave Ye Shan the full authority to act as an agent.

And the man saw that the fairy in the photo was actually standing in front of him, and he couldn't even say anything:

"No, as expected of the eldest young master of the Liangyi family, he can be trained so...haha, hahaha~!"

Ye Shan stretched out his hand with an obscene expression, trying to touch Luo Zhen's shoulder.

But Mr. Luo Zhen was the same as before, and he slapped the back of his hand quickly, showing a haughty expression:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Hayama, you probably don't have the ability to buy me. Can you take me to meet important people quickly?"

"Ah, ah haha~! That's right! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Miss Lijielit, I'll lead the way right away!"

Ye Shan suddenly turned into a nodding and bowing dog leg, almost writing the word flattery on his face.

Because Luo Zhen pretended that Lijie Lite's identity was not only a gift, but also Luo Zhen's eyeliner, this man did not dare to neglect at all.

But after turning his head away, his face became visibly sinister:

"Bastard bitch...! After drinking the medicine, I'll let you see if I can touch you...!"


Luo Zhen stared at the clown with a half-smile, and even felt amused.

Even high school students are prepared to drug, this group of waste is really hopeless... Then it is probably a very classic photo taken, threatening the victimized girl to help in turn.

The method is very poor, but it is very effective for girls of this age.

Liyuan received extra attention because of its special nature, but in the society, more or less ordinary schools, this kind of thing is also happening more or less.

Really, can all the scum in this world except me die... Mr. Luo Zhen sighed helplessly.

Ye Shan led Luo Zhen all the way to the top floor of the luxury hotel.

Most of these hotels have a backstage, and there will be some organizations to support them.

This kind of underworld matter was left to the Liangyi family to deal with. Luo Zhen followed Ye Shan into the enclosed top floor, and saw a group of men sitting around the living room.

They range in age from their thirties to their fifties, and they all have the demeanor of elite successful people.

But the gazes they projected over made no secret of their obscenity.Since they are all accomplices, there is no need to even pretend.

Under Ye Shan's attentive introduction one by one, Luo Zhen has also heard about the titles of the president, head of the company, and chairman of the board of directors of such and such companies.

All he cares about is:

"Teacher Ha Shan, isn't the father of Liyuan student coming this time?"

The pimp Ye Shan rubbed his hands excitedly: "Ah~, those are all small shareholders, and this time the main bosses are here."

"Really, these are the main members? You haven't missed any powerful people, have you? After that, please write down the names and identities of all the people you remember who were not present."

"Eh? Ah...?"

What Luo Zhen said was so explicit, of course it aroused the vigilance of these people.

A man who seemed to be very suitable for the position of chief of the police station stood up, frowning and stretched out his hand to him:

"Hey, you are not from the Liangyi family—"


Before the man's hand touched Luo Zhen's shoulder, it turned to an unbelievable direction from the elbow.

Artorius, who suddenly appeared in front of Rozen, prevented the humble man from touching the Holy King, and broke his arm.

While the man burst into screams, Luo Zhen said with a troubled expression:

"Oh, I'm sorry, my people are a little too excited. It's a crime to use lynching. I'll treat you right away."

Mr. Luo Zhen snapped his fingers very kindly, and the man's arm was immediately intact.

The boss, who finally understood what was wrong, immediately called out to the security guards, and a few of them tried to run out of the room quickly.

But it was also blocked by the knight in golden armor who suddenly appeared at the door, Ornstein, the dragon hunter of Luo Zhen's family, and his hands and feet were also twisted off.

In fact, Artorius and Ornstein were only trying to stop them at a minimum, but their strength seemed to be too much for ordinary people. This is a regrettable misunderstanding.

"I advise everyone not to be impulsive. It doesn't matter whether you yell or call, no one will come to rescue you."

Luo Zhen healed the men who fell on the ground and howled, one by one, still showing a bright smile:

"We still have plenty of time. And please rest assured, I am a person who respects human rights very much. I will not directly attack your memories, nor will I use such boring methods as brainwashing. If you are willing to confess, you will be lenient, and the crimes committed so far As long as the behavior and accomplices are confessed."

Luo Zhen really looked like an angel.

He grabbed the head of the terrified Hayama hero:

"I don't know if you usually have nightmares? I heard that the guilt of doing bad things will quickly be paralyzed as the number of bad things done. Everyone here may be having sweet dreams. But luckily, I can Let everyone experience dreaming for free... Oh? Mr. Hayama, you are very afraid of fire."

"Hey!? No, don't! Please don't——so hot!! So hot, so hot, so hot, so hot——!!!!"

Hero Ye Shan let out a terrified scream, his body twisted and rolled on the ground, trying to extinguish the non-existent flame.

But nightmares are only interesting if you know that you are dreaming, but you can't wake up even if you want to.

Luo Zhen approached the other people with livid faces:

"I'll call the police right away. You can look forward to the speed of action of the judiciary, which has been ignored by you so far. It is said that how long will it take for the reliable Japanese police to break in here, or will they be killed by the bodyguards of the big bosses?" I'm also curious about how to persuade the hotel staff to quit."

Luo Zhen had a smile on his face, and his magical charm had already surpassed the boundaries of gender:

"After all, on the premise of justice in the outcome, we should respect procedural justice as much as possible, right?"

Very ordinary adults who have never been in contact with the mysterious world have seen hell today.

They're just unlucky.

It's just that in ordinary daily life, I accidentally provoke people from different worlds, that's all.

July: I wanted to use crazy diamonds to punish, but I think this kind of physical punishment is not good (?-ω?`)

I think the best way to deal with it is to accept legal sanctions after mental punishment??(??ω???)?

After all, it would be too boring to directly destroy it.Evaporating people in society can’t ruin people’s reputation, so you have to let everyone know about the bad things you do (?-ω?`)

Chapter 29. Seductive Beauty Tricks Her Here

A mortal's ending is extraordinarily flat.

At night, the police received several calls to the police, saying that there was a gang fight in a high-end hotel in the bustling street.

When the local police station felt that it was a bit tricky and was about to ask for instructions, a phone call came from Liangyi's family.

Liangyi's family is a local tycoon who eats black and white. Even if the background of the gang is not mentioned, he is a real estate tycoon who runs several companies on the surface, and has deep relationships with all walks of life.

And this time it was the owner who called directly, and the upper echelons of the police station who knew the situation immediately planned to wait and see what happened.

The police didn't send people to the scene until Liangyi's family sent a contact, indicating that their affairs were over.

As a result, all the fish in the pool were electrocuted to death, floating on the water with their white bellies exposed.

The violent gangs on the platform of the local bustling street all fell to the ground, and there was a group of incredible business and political figures in the private room on the top floor. After the police arrived, they hugged them like crazy and cried. Strongly demand surrender.

This has exceeded the scope of what the local police station can handle, and can only be handed over to the superior.

Because of the pressure from the Liangyi family behind the scenes, these people who surrendered also confessed and confessed all the illegal parts of their companies. The judgment of these people should be implemented soon.

Now, the unofficially established Liyuan student buying prostitution incident disappeared in smoke.

Keeping the signboard of Liyuan and the reputation of the students who are still studying, there will still be an endless stream of men who covet this piece of cake in the future.

Those who knew a little bit of the inside story regarded this as the Liangyi family's iron-blooded means to expand their territory, and used some kind of excuse to kill all the hostile forces in one go.

Of course, it is not wrong in fact, Luo Zhen did take advantage of the Liangyi family's position this time.

"It's too easy to get it done, but it's a bit boring."

Having retired, Luo Zhen bit his straw and drank soy milk, still complaining:

"I'm still looking forward to whether there will be a magician among this group of people, but no educated magician will take action against Li Yuan. It's really stupid that a trash fish who doesn't know anything will cause harm instead. "

The establishment of the Ritual Garden itself involves the world of magic. This kind of closed environment where mystery is deliberately accumulated cannot be formed by laymen by chance.

And just like Aoqi Chengzi graduated from Liyuan, there may be some terrible witch hiding in this school now.

In addition, there are people like Fujino Jingyin Huahua who are naturally awakened and mysterious. If you provoke any one, it is impossible for an ordinary prostitution group to be established.

But even if he avoided all the dangers, an ignorant mediocre like Ye Shanxiong almost took advantage of it.It's like a fool playing hide-and-seek in a minefield, thanks to his luck.

"Ah, that's right." Luo Zhen recalled, and took out a note with his name on it: "Mei Sha Ye, this is for you."

"This is?" The Queen of the Student Union took it over and looked at it.

After scanning a few names with a sense of déjà vu, she frowned:

"Is this the parent of someone related to Liyuan?"

"Well, how to use it is up to you."

Luo Zhen leaned on Fujino's ㄋ ㄟ ㄋ ㄟ and continued:

"Hero Ye Shan and his main investor are all finished, but there are still some people who are interested in buying sex. Although just thinking about it will not cause harm, but this kind of family relationship is even worse. If you can hit it, hit it."

"I see. I will do it through Huang Lu's channel, so I won't embarrass the students."

Misaya solemnly accepted it.

Then she straightened her back, put her legs together, and bowed solemnly:

"Teacher Luo Zhen, thank you very much for your assistance. If it weren't for you, I would still be in the distress of being incompetent... Huanglu Meishaye, I am willing to be a cow and a horse in this life to repay Teacher Luo Zhen!"

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