She had a smile on her face, but her eyes weren't smiling at all!

This terrifying aura even frightened Helia, and she stopped resisting!

This made Luo Zhen and Li Xiang, who were watching the battle, applaud again and again.

Even in Chaldea, there are not many people who can suppress Helia.

The white Lia is very difficult for her, but Boudica completely overcomes it!

After all, your sister is your sister, and Boudica will definitely like the white Liya, so I will introduce her to her later.

Fighting is all about fighting, but we still have to talk about the business.

Luo Zhen clapped his hands to let everyone sit down, while Li Xiang, who won the boxing game, hugged him on his lap, and said with a serious face:

"I've already heard from Lixiang about the general situation. Boudica, besides Lu Bu, there are two other servants who are your companions, right?"

"Yeah. There are also Jing Ke and Spartacus, both companions of [Resistance]."

Serious Boudica said seriously.

Counting Boudica, there are four servants in the entire British Isle.

Boudica, Lu Bu, Jing Ke, and Spartacus are all followers who left their names in history because of the concept of "rebellion".

Although strictly speaking, Lu Bu was not rebelling against the emperor, but Taishi Dong was almost the same, so it doesn't matter.

So now Lixiang and the others want to meet them.Coupled with Luo Zhen who came to help, the combat effectiveness of the followers here is already very sufficient.

"Then the course of action is determined." Luo Zhen quickly made a decision:

"First ensure the safety of the refugees, then join the other servants, and finally overthrow the United Empire. Above, disband!"


It's easy for Luo Zhen to say, but it's hard to act... Everyone else thought so at first.

But it's not difficult at all.

After Luo Zhen joined Li Xiang and the others, he has been replenishing the Silver Knight in his free time.

Because there is no need to use servants as enemies, as long as they can beat ordinary monsters to escort refugees, the production efficiency is very high.

Under the escort of the Silver Knights, there is no need for Matthew to carefully protect so many people, and the speed of action is much faster.

On the way, a certain good-for-nothing goddess who was brought over as luggage also woke up.

"Luo Zhen...!"

Miss Steno's face was full of clouds, and she pinched Rozen's face with both hands:

"I obviously asked you to escort me to the invisible island, why did you bring me to Britain? Isn't the north and south completely reversed!"

"Mr. Goddess, you probably don't know that the earth we live on is actually round, and we can still reach it by going around it."

Contrary to each other is actually a scientific fable, and Luo Zhen is speaking nonsense in a serious manner.

Seeing that the face of this useless goddess is getting darker and blacker, and the whole person is about to ride on her face, the eight-year-old Luo Zhen boy who was bullied finally said:

"Okay, I made an appointment to take you there. It's just that I need your help now, and I'll take you there as soon as the British side is done."


Steno looked suspicious, and he didn't believe Luo Zhen's big pig's hooves at all.

After all, he is a man who dares to touch the goddess.

His own charm is still ineffective for him. I don’t know if he will play with himself and then abandon himself. It can be said that he is the only man in Steno’s [-]-year-old life who can’t handle it. It’s reasonable to think too much middle.

But Luo Zhen has always felt that he is a good man!

Leaving aside the details, at least Luo Zhen won't make girls sad, so he promises with righteous words:

"As long as you want to go home, I will definitely send you back. But now I really need your strength, can you help me?"

"...Since you've covered this point, then fine."

The goddess who upholds elegance is also very happy to be flattered, playing with her hair with her little hands:

"But let me tell you first, as you know, I have no fighting ability at all. The rude things like fighting with others with weapons can at most be handed over to my little dinosaur about you summon her try?"

"That's right. Using you as a holy relic, Medusa should be hooked in minutes, right?"

Luo Zhen had a good idea on his face.

The famous Gorgon Medusa is also innocent in Greek mythology.

Moreover, her combat effectiveness is obviously much stronger than that of her two older sisters, she is tall and powerful, and she is a true lover of the public.But being played around by her sisters, she is a hard-working beauty.

Luo Zhen really wanted to summon her...but then he had to find a suitable spiritual vein, so let's wait until the Invisible Island.

Luo Zhen looked at Steno affectionately, and held her little hand:

"It's you I need right now. Be mine, Steno."


The goddess whose name was whispered by Luo Zhen trembled on the spot and became numb.

Although Luo Zhen and her charm abilities cancel each other out, but removing this bonus, Steno is also firmly controlled by Luo Zhen, a skilled man.

And he still possessed his man...

Steno looked at the cute eight-year-old boy in front of him, and thought of his adult mode of hugging himself tightly, and he was about to sink physically and mentally.

So in the end, she could only grasp the last bit of the goddess's self-esteem, and muttered while dodging her eyes:

"I see. Since you desire so sincerely, then I will satisfy you with great mercy... You must thank the goddess for her mercy?"

"Thank you. I like you, Steno."

The eight-year-old Luo Zhen kissed Steno on the cheek, and the goddess slapped him shyly, and then hugged him tenderly.

This picture looks like a pair of childhood sweethearts to others...but in fact it is much more chaotic, it's pathetic.

July: It is known that Steno has seen the giant god kings [-] years ago. As Greek local gods, they existed before Zeus and other foreign gods came to the earth. They are very old??(??ω?? ?)?

Chapter 22. Jing Ke Can't Be a Woman!

Rozen has also carefully considered Steno's ability.

Although she is a young goddess with no power to restrain a chicken, let alone a fight, she can suffocate even a wet kiss for a long time, but she also has unique abilities!

Just like Rozen has cheating-level charm for women, Steno's charm for men is also MAX-level.

If there is no special mental defense ability, no matter how strong a male servant is, this is her vocation as a purebred goddess.

Then it's easy to say!

If it was an army of Amazon female warriors to deal with, then Luo Zhen could make them all lie down with just one look.

And to deal with the general miscellaneous fish army, it's Steno's turn to play!

""Smile of the Stheno"~"

Steno, who was held in Luo Zhenheng's arms, gently opened his lips gracefully, kissed the white and tender fingertips, and sent a lazy air kiss.

The next moment, the Roman army in front of her immediately turned their guns and roared passionately, attacking the friendly army!

This sudden change caught the Roman army off guard and shook them violently.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Luo Zhen quickly walked through the chaotic army with Steno in his arms, and asked her to use the treasure for the next group of assembled troops.

During this process, Steno let Rozen carry him, wrapped his arms around his neck, and gave the man with a pig's trotters a supercilious look:

"Using my majestic goddess as a charm tool, how disrespectful you man is."

"Letting them kill each other is more efficient than me using the Silver Knights to destroy them. And in the long run, it's the most merciful."

Luo Zhen was unwavering.

With Steno's ability and Rozen's protection, the two of them used this princess hug to throw thousands of United Empire soldiers into chaos, completely immobilized.

These soldiers are phantoms summoned by the emperor's privilege, and it is impossible for them to surrender.

If Luo Zhen used the Silver Knight troops to fight head-on, it would take a lot of effort, and it would take a lot of effort to wipe them all out.

But let them fall into a state of enchantment and kill each other, they can be weakened with the smallest effort, and it will play a huge role in Lixiang and the others' work of escorting refugees.

Sterno just complained routinely, and did not refuse Luo Zhen's request.

It takes almost no effort for her to use a treasure to charm a mortal.

Anyway, it was also Rozen who was running around holding him, so Steno could just enjoy his warm and strong embrace.

By the way, this is also the first time she has used the power of a servant, and she is quite curious to watch the bracelet made of gold and silver on her hand:

"It's really interesting that my power will be manifested in the form of this accessory. Luo Zhen, do you think it looks good?"

Steno opened his small hand and dangled in front of Rozen.

Luo Zhen answered honestly:

"Beautiful fingers with rings like chains, I think it's very sexy."

"Hmph, pervert."

Not only was Miss Sterno not angry at being so blatantly evaluated, but she even looked a little happy, and touched Rozen's face seductively.

Since he became a Servant, he would have a Noble Phantasm, and as a man's idol, Steno's Noble Phantasm is of course his charm itself.

This chain bracelet is the crystallization of the charm of the goddess.

Although it is ineffective against Luo Zhen, it seems that ordinary people will be charmed and brainwashed just by looking at it.

But beautiful things are beautiful in themselves.

Although there is no compulsory charm effect, Rozen can still appreciate Steno's beauty, and of course he has no intention of rejecting the temptation.

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