Steno just couldn't be happier with this!

No woman would hate being liked by a man, she was so excited that she couldn't help shaking her little feet:

"I allow you to praise me more! As the price for your rebellious abuse of the power of the goddess, you have to offer me a hundred times, a thousand times more admiration than these vulgar males! So you have to worship me more, more My love... umm~!"

Luo Zhen blocked the little mouth of the greedy young goddess.

Steno also responded to him with satisfaction.

The two of them kissed so shamelessly on the battlefield that it made people blush.

Boudica, who was protected by Lixiang and the others, also blushed, and asked awkwardly:

"Sister Lixiang, Luo Zhenzhen is really eight years old...? The appearance of a child is the real body, and the appearance of a handsome adult is for fighting? Are you sure it's not reversed?"

"His first wife is only nine years old, but she is a beautiful woman with a protruding front and back. The Einzbern family is so special."

Miss Lixiang, who was used to it, let out a long sigh.

It was a long time since she saw Luo Zhen messing around with men and women, but it made her feel at ease.

How nice that the super-mature eight-year-old bad boy is still the same!

Seeing that both Lixiang and Matthew had accepted it, Boudica could only accept the reality with a complicated face.

If there is a ten thousand-year-old young goddess like Steno in the world, it is not surprising that there is an eight-year-old vagabond like Luo Zhen... right?

Helia: "Excuse me when you are enjoying the erotic drama."

Miss Bei Wang, who was shaking S, came back from the frontline investigation, and ignored Luo Zhen and the little goddess who were overly sexual, and reported to Lixiang and the others:

"A group of refugees fled not far away. They said that a man named Jing Ke was protecting them and was fighting against monsters."


"Damn it!!"

Jing Ke did not know how many times he breathed out the fragrance.

As an assassin, she has a nimble figure, and her leaping figure in white clothes and silk gauze is really erratic.

But beauty is beauty, she is dressed in plain white, among a group of red and black monsters, she looks helpless as if she will be crushed at any time.

"Do all emperors in the world like to keep monsters as pets?"

Jing Ke complained angrily, and stabbed the four-legged monster's head with a knife.

It's hard to tell whether it's a bear or a tiger. The monster's head is bigger than Jing Ke's body. There are hundreds of them, and the whole plain is red and black at a glance.

Jing Ke's mouth and nose only smelled of blood, and he jumped from one dead monster to another, but there were fewer and fewer safe footholds.

After being chased by these monsters, she left the rear alone in order to let the refugees she led escape.

The pressure of this group of monsters is incomparable to that of ordinary soldiers.

Although it is not impossible to defeat, the number is overwhelming.

In order to prevent them from catching up with the refugees, Jing Ke had to stop them.

At the very least, being summoned as a Saber class might be able to do something about it, Jing Ke complained in his heart for the first time.

Although she was the representative of the assassins who assassinated Qin Shihuang and left a name in the world, she only risked her life to carry out this task, and it failed.

At least this time, I want to kill the emperor before I die...

Ke rode on the limp monster, looking at the monsters swarming around him, he had nowhere to go.

Well then,

Luo Zhen: "Storm Wind Fall Thunder!"

Just before giving up, Jing Ke looked up at the sky, and saw the shining golden nameless king!

Chapter 23. The Weak Queen

"Storm Wind Fall Thunder!"

Luo Zhen, who swooped down, punched down with his fully charged right hand!

At that moment, the thunder pierced the Changhong, and the golden thunder and lightning pierced the sky and the earth!

The astonishingly destructive divine thunder instantly burned the monsters around it to ashes, and the ensuing blast engulfed the remaining Lei Wei and spread them around, forming a tornado like a meat grinder!

Only on the way down, the beautiful woman in white who was hugged by Luo Zhen's eyes and arms was intact in the center of the eye of the storm.

Under this shocking picture, Luo Zhen said to the beauty as clear as a knife in his arms:

"Miss Jing Ke, I'm here to help you. My name is Luo Zhen, and I'm from Chaldea... so can you put away the dagger?"

"Then move your hands away first."

Ms. Jing Ke is not only beautiful like a famous sword, but also shows her imposing manner.

Her dagger was on Luo Zhen's chest, making it impossible for Luo Zhen to go any further with her.

As a last resort, Luo Zhen could only let go of her arms.

Jing Ke immediately stood up handsomely, and tied his long hair in a bun.

The monster that was still black and full of momentum just now was wiped out in a circle, and the rest were blown upside down by the aftermath, screaming and running away.

Jing Ke frowned sharply:

"Who are you? You are obviously not a follower, but you are so strong... Are you really from Chaldea?"

"If you don't believe me, Lixiang and the others can testify to me."

Luo Zhen stretched out his hand frankly, inviting Jing Ke:

"We'll talk about the specifics when we get together. If I were a bad guy, I wouldn't have saved you just now. I think it's a bit credible, right?"

"...Hmph. I hate men who only have one mouth to speak."

That's what he said, but Luo Zhen also proved that he didn't only have one mouth.

Therefore, although Miss Jing Ke had a cold face, she still held Luo Zhen's hand.


When Luo Zhen brought Jing Ke and Li Xiang to join them, they also protected the fleeing refugees, so they were safe for the time being.

As soon as Jing Ke landed, Boudica ran over excitedly:

"Jing Ke~! That's great, you're fine!"

"Wait Boudica... I said that skin-to-skin contact should be limited, and it's so hot... Don't put me in your chest like a little girl!"

Boudica, who is considered very tall among women, compared with Jing Ke, who is slender, the difference in body size between the two is like a mother and daughter, making outsiders smile when they look at it.

This proves that they had a good relationship before.

Jing Ke didn't take out the knife as he did to guard against Luo Zhen, which made him feel quite delicate.

Boudica, who was holding Jing Ke, looked at Luo Zhen, and bowed his head deeply with emotion:

"Thank you very much, Luo Zhenjun. It is all thanks to you that we were able to save so many lives."

"It's okay, this is my job."

Mr. Luo Zhen said modestly:

"Let's settle down today first. It's rare that everyone is safe, and it won't be a problem to celebrate a little bit."


Luo Zhen successfully rescued the refugees protected by Jing Ke, and also greatly hindered the army of the United Empire through the activity of the young goddess Steno. For the time being, he can feel at ease.

All that is left is to continue to meet with Spartacus, gather followers to settle the refugees, and then launch a counterattack against the United Empire.

There is nothing wrong with this general direction.Jing Ke also heard Boudica and Lixiang talk about their experiences so far, and they all agreed.

But there are still things that Luo Zhen cares about.

A group of people gathered around the bonfire, and Luo Zhen, who had returned to his eight-year-old state, asked:

"It's the first time I've seen those monster troops. Steno's charm can't take effect on beasts no matter what. Did they exist before?"

"No." Boudica shook his head worriedly: "There are many monsters on the British island, but this is the first time I have seen them tamed to form an army like this. Obviously, on the day I fought with the sword emperor Lucius I've never seen such a monster..."

"Really." Luo Zhen pondered.

When Luo Zhen was at Nero's side, he didn't see the United Empire using the Warcraft army.

But if it is said that it was brought from the mainland across the sea, the speed would be too fast.

If it was just an ordinary soldier, they would come here to deliver food to Steno.

But that kind of monster is very tricky, unless it is a follower with overwhelming combat power like Rozen and Artoria, it will also be consumed to death.

In the end, Helia came to answer the question:

"That's the army of Sword Emperor Lucius. In my time, there were such domesticated monsters and giants in his army."

"Even giants?" Luo Zhen had a delicate expression on his face.

It stands to reason that in the era of Artoria, the mystery of the mainland has almost faded away, but the Roman Empire at that time could still form such an alien army, which is really terrible.

But this is basically certain. The Warcraft army, like the soldiers of the United Empire, was summoned by the Sword Emperor Lucius' [Emperor's Privilege].

To be able to summon the army that he owned before he was alive into reality, and the number is tens of thousands at every turn, even for a follower is too exaggerated.

This can only be considered as the addition of spiritual veins.

Sword Emperor Lucius deprived Boudica of his spiritual base, occupied the territory of Britain, and incorporated this place into the territory of the Roman Empire, so the ability of the emperor's privilege was greatly strengthened.

This made Lixiang speechless:

"Is it so unreasonable to fight with the Roman emperor in Rome..."

"After all, it is the most influential empire in human history. Even in the [-]st century, the culture and laws of the Roman Empire still have a profound influence."

Luo Zhen snorted with his nose.

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