"It's because you have too much energy and go surfing everywhere. And after swimming, you can wash it with clean water. The sea water is so salty."

Mr. Luo Zhen pushed the clingy Lixiang with disgust, the beautiful girl's white and tender skin was very unfriendly to the man's body and mind.

And watching the interaction between the two of them, Matthew also wrinkled her nose greedily, and finally took off the cardigan decisively:

"I, I want to come too! Senior, please let me use my body to apply sunscreen for you!"

"Where did you learn how to play uncle?"

Luo Zhen decided that when he returned to Chaldea, he would definitely ask Da Vinci to review the books that Matthew usually reads!

And it's not over yet.

Luo Zhen's reclining chair became chaotic, and a man and two women were entangled together, making it unclear, which naturally aroused the envy of another emperor with excessive self-consciousness——

"Wow ha ha ha! Yu just looked away for a while, Lixiang Mashu is already so active! But it's okay, very good! This is the woman Yu fancy! So let's compete Bar!"

His Majesty the Emperor didn't know when he climbed onto the mast and jumped off the top!

After a beautiful 720-degree gyration in the air, His Majesty the Emperor landed steadily in front of Luo Zhen, and confidently flicked a pair of ponytails:

"Look at Luo Zhen! This is Yu's proud swimsuit! I heard from Lixiang that young women in the future will use this kind of seaside clothing to attract men's attention! So Yu used his talent to use the spare dress The cloth has been transformed! Anyway, you are undoubtedly fascinated by Yu’s emperor’s charm~!"

"No, change it for me." Mr. Luo Zhen said mercilessly.

"Ehhh~!? Why are you like this!"

Although Nero groaned very aggrieved, Mr. Luo Zhen only felt a headache.

The playful Nero tied up his double ponytails, and the so-called homemade swimsuit on his body was almost just two pieces of fabric.

This is really impossible, absolutely impossible, Luo Zhen asked Helia to drag her down on the spot, and accepted the preaching of the maids.

Not only the education review of Matthew, but also the moral education of the followers must be deepened after returning to Chaldea. Only now does Mr. Luo Zhen feel that he has a great responsibility.

And when Luo Zhen was enjoying the blessings of being equal to others, and when he used two beautiful teenage girls as pillows, a big jet of water suddenly surged up beside the boat!

The splashed sea water crashed down like a shower.

With a bang, Ms. Medusa jumped up from the sea, shaking her super-long hair that reached her ankles. Her glamorous appearance reminded me of a mermaid.

…but what she was holding was different.

Luo Zhen wiped his face and said suspiciously:

"Medusa, what did you catch?"

"It seems to be called tuna, in human terms." said the big beauty snake girl.

Medusa threw away the bluefin tuna, which was more than three meters long, and said with a smile on her face:

"When I lived on the island, I often went into the sea to catch fish for my sisters to eat. I was a little confident in simple cooking. The master is looking forward to it, and I will deal with it immediately."

This beautiful woman is also very off-line in some aspects...Mr. Luo Zhen suddenly realized.


A rowdy day ends with the sun setting.

With the tuna caught by Medusa and various seafood, the group had a good meal.

It is too much for a follower to go directly to the deep sea hundreds of meters deep to catch fish. It is hard to tell whether Medusa's snake is a poisonous snake or a sea snake.

But anyway, as long as you are happy.

I will be busy when I arrive in Rome tomorrow.Lixiang Matthew and Nero, who were too noisy during the day, both went to bed early, which made Luo Zhen a little lonely.

So Rozen went to Steno's room, changed back to his eight-year-old appearance, and complained:

"It is also a problem that the body will not be tired. I have forgotten what it feels like to want to sleep."

"It's a luxury trouble."

The Goddess, who never comforts others, smiled mockingly, took Luo Zhen's arm as a pillow, and continued:

"How many mortals pray for the blessing of immortality, hoping to stay healthy and strong forever. The gods also give human beings such things as tirelessness and no need for sleep. You obviously have all these things, but you end up envious of mortals? "

"It's not that I'm envious." Luo Zhen explained: "I'm not moaning for nothing, thinking that magic is bad. It's just very simple, I just want what I don't have."

People always want what they don't have.

People who enjoy all the glory and wealth will be curious about ordinary life, and those who eat all kinds of delicacies will be curious about cheap roadside stalls.And vice versa, it's all just greed.

Because of the third method, Luo Zhen has a perfect body, tireless and unlimited energy.

Although he would still be mentally tired, it was just a matter of mentality. It was just that Luo Zhen didn't want to adapt to a life that didn't require sleep.

So he went on to say: "I'm also very proud of my magic, but I don't intend to give up. So this is a feeling of rushing, if only I can be tired when I want to be tired."

Steno frowned suspiciously: "I can't understand, why do you have to become inferior?"

"Because people are so hypocritical and cheap." Luo Zhen laughed at himself very much.

Luo Zhen made no secret of his greed, and wanted everything above that.

The common people would envy the emperor, and the emperor would occasionally be curious about the common people.

People always see the good side when looking at what they don't have.But they always turn a blind eye to the benefits they already have. People are such short-sighted creatures.

But Luo Zhen also likes this very much.It is this unsatisfied greed that keeps people motivated not to stop.


Steno looked at Rozen's profile from a close distance, and was a little fascinated.

Although the goddess will not admit it, this man is indeed different from all the males he has seen before and after his lifetime, no matter how long he looks at it, he will never get tired of it.

And the reason why I have this idea is because I was fascinated... Steno also sighed in his heart.

"Speaking of which, thank you." Steno changed the subject bluntly.

Luo Zhen asked her what she was thanking with his eyes, and Steno avoided looking at him, and said at the same time:

"Thank you for saving Medusa, and for continuing to protect me. After finishing the trial, you don't need me at all, right? I'm just a burden."

The goddess who thinks highly of herself is the first time to say that she is a burden.

After completing the Goddess's trial and allowing the capital of the United Empire to appear, Steno's mission is complete, and to put it bluntly, it loses its value.

And she should have stayed on the invisible island in the first place.Leaving that island is a change of fate. Unlike Medusa, who is capable of fighting, Steno is completely a drag.

But Luo Zhen didn't care about this at all, and continued to take her with him as a matter of course, looking stupid.

"What are you talking about, you are not worthless." Luo Zhenzhen replied naturally: "Steno, you are a precious and legal loli goddess. Even if you don't mention the attractiveness of the goddess, you are also a beauty, so I want Of course you are too."

"You man... can't use a better way of saying it." Steno gave Luo Zhen a blank look:

"Your statement proves that only my body is valuable. Do you regard this goddess as a puppet for appreciation?"

"I don't deny that bodies are valuable, and I don't think there's a problem with that."

Luo Zhen is very straightforward about this.

When he was eight years old, his eyes were very clear, and when he hugged the same small Steno, he was like a childhood sweetheart, looking straight at her and saying:

"Steno, you are very cute and beautiful. That's why I like you very much and want you. Even if you can't help you in other aspects, I am willing to take care of you and protect you. Isn't that enough?"

"Guwu~..." Steno looked at Luo Zhen's face approaching in front of him, and felt his cheeks burning hot.

Although this man's words are very straightforward, but it's even more terrible for me to be provoked by such words...!

And Luo Zhen continued to say: "If you have to say it, I don't think it's different from the reason Medusa loves you. Because you are a sister, you have to protect it. How much difference is this from the reason I like you."

Steno hammered Luo Zhen: "You, you are so merciless... Is this the so-called human speculation?"

"It's not that great. I just think that whether it's family love or simple love at first sight, they are equally important feelings."

[By the way, I think the so-called love at first sight is just love at first sight. 】 Luo Zhen added another sentence.

This honest man hugged Steno, and he really took the goddess as a pillow and said:

"Isn't it good to use a goddess for pleasure? Just rely on me, and I will take responsibility and love you for the rest of my life."

"...idiot." Steno muttered, "At least you don't care about appearance, you only love my inside."

"Eh? What's so cute about such a delicious and lazy good-for-nothing goddess... Wait, don't bite me! It's fine if you drink Medusa's blood, but you will have excess magic power if you drink my blood! Hey——!"

Luo Zhen was ridden on the body by the angry goddess, and was literally eaten a lot.

Then, just as Luo Zhen said, Stheno, who had sucked Luo Zhen's blood, soon became violent as if he was drunk, and finally asked Luo Zhen to come and relieve her fire. She was a headache goddess in all aspects.

At the door of Stheno's room, Medusa who has been guarding them chuckled lightly:

"Thank you, master."

Seeing her sister who had gained unprecedented happiness, Medusa felt extremely warm in her heart, and tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Medusa made up her mind completely: this man, a great man named Luo Zhen, is the benefactor she should give everything to repay.

July: The instinct of animals is to find better genes to give birth to the next generation, so it is a natural instinct of human beings to see sex. I don’t think this should be criticized??(??ω???)?

At the same time, being able to transcend this instinctive social morality, I think it should be praised even more.So everyone promise me, you can't cheat (????)

Chapter 40. The Goddess' Smile Doesn't Need Money

After returning to Rome, Nero immediately organized an expeditionary force with lightning speed, and decided to launch a general attack on the United Empire from both land and sea.

Because the matter of regaining Gaul and Britain has already been passed back to Rome, not only the confidence of the people has risen to a new height, even the Senate, which has always been at odds with Nero, is obedient to Nero this time. By the way, the preparation speed of the legion is surprisingly fast.

Spain, where the capital of the United Empire is located, was originally one of the provinces of Rome, and it has long been familiar to attack where it is convenient.

So for Nero and the others, what needs to be considered is not the ordinary army, but the distribution of servants.

To tell the truth, the ordinary army is just for show, to let the common people understand that it is the combat effectiveness of the followers that really decides the outcome.

Therefore, Nero decided to let Boudica, Jing Ke, Lu Bu and Spartacus who stayed in Gaul stay on land, lead the follow-up troops to advance steadily, and minimize the casualties of ordinary soldiers.

Then, Nero hoped that Rozen and the Chaldean group would attack from the Mediterranean with him, but he was worried about the number:

"How many fleets should I bring... Servants, I really don't understand! Once a ship is destroyed at sea, the casualty rate will be much more terrifying than on land, but we must also consider the need to occupy strongholds after landing, Mumm~!"

His Majesty the Emperor looked very distressed.

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