Nero knew the huge gap between servants and mortals, and also considered the high casualties in naval battles, so he hoped to reduce losses as much as possible.

But crossing the Mediterranean is no small feat.

Considering that the other party still has the ability to summon ordinary soldiers, although they cannot reach the level of servants, the morale of these summoned soldiers is high, and their combat effectiveness is much stronger than that of normal humans.

Nero didn't want his soldiers to fall into this unfavorable war of attrition, so he was very entangled.

But this trouble, in Luo Zhen's view, is nothing at all:

"Then don't bring a single soldier with you?"

Nero: "...what?"

Nero still didn't understand what the concept of a follower was.

Luo Zhen was confident, and promised: "Don't worry, leave it to me. It would be better if the opponent plays crowd tactics. Let's experience what a real war of differences is."


So, after a few days...

Nero: "Surprisingly... arrived in Spain!"

His Majesty the emperor who landed was stunned!

It was exactly as Luo Zhen said, Nero plus him and the Chaldeans, the group did not even bring a single entourage, and directly crossed the Mediterranean Sea.

And let alone people, they are useless even for boats!It was directly asking Luo Zhen to use the flying wing silver knight to come from the air!

"No one said that there are only two options, sea and land." Mr. Luo Zhen took it for granted.

With the Flying Wing Silver Knight made by Rozen, it can soar to the level of a supersonic fighter jet, and it only takes a few minutes to cross the Mediterranean Sea.

But even if you don't mention Nero, with Lixiang around, you can't fly so exaggeratedly.

Moreover, in order to cooperate with the advance of the land forces, Luo Zhen led a group of people to patrol the various islands in the Mediterranean Sea very low-key, and by the way, he let Helia and Medusa destroy many ships of the United Empire, which was completely one-sided. suppression.

The only ones who can resist a little bit are the servants of the United Empire, and there seem to be several Roman naval commanders.

But in front of Helia, who has the blessing of the elves in the lake, and Medusa, who has a Pegasus as a mount, ordinary servants who fight by boat are not enough to look at.

So the result is that the Mediterranean route that Nero thought would be very difficult was completely hit by Luo Zhen's dimensionality reduction, which made her truly understand how far the combat power of having multiple powerful servants can reach.

"As expected of my dear, it's really great!" Excited, Nero threw himself on Luo Zhen, sending a big kiss.

But Nero was not dazzled by the victory, and the successful landing was only the first step.

The United Empire still has a large number of troops, and the defense of the capital must be more complete, so it needs the cooperation of Boudica and their frontal troops who advanced from Gaul.

So how to weaken the army of the United Empire?Of course Luo Zhen also has a good way.

He turned to Medusa and said:

"Rider, do you have the confidence to run fast?"

"Referring to the situation where Pegasus is not used?"

Medusa blinked and nodded confidently: "Even with only two legs, I don't think there are many servants who can outrun me."

"That's good. How about running with Steno?"

"Holding my sister?" Medusa tilted her head:

"My sister is very light, so it doesn't affect at all... ah,"

Medusa realized something, and suddenly realized: "Is this what you mean?"

Luo Zhen smiled: "That's right, that's what it means."

The two turned their eyes at the same time, looking at Steno who was arranging his hair.

This exquisite goddess is still complaining that Luo Zhenfei is too savage, making her hair rough.

After noticing their weird eyesight, Steno took two steps back suspiciously:

"What are you trying to do? Why are you mentioning me—Yah!?"

"Sister, I'm sorry." Medusa picked up Steno like a doll and carried her on her shoulders.

The sisters with a height gap of nearly [-] centimeters made people laugh, and Steno's violent resistance was completely ignored.

Then, Luo Zhen smiled sinisterly:

"Steno, didn't you worry that you would only slow down your legs before, and you were a goddess for entertainment. Now I tell you very seriously-even if it is for entertainment, you are also very useful! Be more confident!"

"I'm not happy at all, pervert!"

The goddess of enjoyment screamed and resisted, but no one cared at all.


So, a few hours later,

Stheno: "[Smile of the Stheno]! Smile—smile! Smile————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————C

Lady Goddess, who could no longer laugh at all, shouted for the treasure in a hoarse voice while crying, causing the soldiers of the United Empire who rushed up around to be charmed, and they all fell down with their buttocks pouted!

Steno's goddess charm is not immune to even the servants, let alone the soldiers who have no anti-magic power.

Just like that, Medusa carried her own sister on her shoulders, and was surrounded by the United Empire army as if she was in no one's land, opening up the complete passage all the way!

In the back, Matthew was protecting Lixiang, and Rozen, Artoria, and Nero were scattered around, paying attention to whether there were any troublesome enemies.

After feeling the breath of the servant, Luo Zhen immediately shouted:

"Saber, two kilometers in the direction of one o'clock, there are followers!"

"Understood." Lord Bei Wang nodded handsomely.

She slowed down with a sliding step, holding the holy sword with both hands and injecting magic power, the dark aurora suddenly exploded!

The servants in front also approached quickly, shouting to Medusa at the front:

"Let me praise you for your courage even though you spared the large army! I am the lifelong dictator of Rome, Lucius Sulla! Emperor Nero, you and your henchmen are here— —”

Arturia: "The aurora is reversed, swallow the light—【Excalibur Morgan】!"

Boom boom boom!

Someone who claimed to be the dictator for life, only the clamor and screams reached the ears of the group, and he disappeared without even seeing his face.

This is the way Helia should have fought.

The black holy sword, which has a higher output than the white knight king Artoria, can be thrown unrestrainedly under Rozen's demon offering, and ordinary servants can be killed in seconds at will. This is the real firepower coverage!

Even if there are a large number of Roman servants in the United Empire, there are not many super-class servants who can reach the Artoria level. It is unexpectedly feasible to rely on this kind of meeting to give out treasures first!Super fighting power!

Moreover, during the advancement of this road, Matthew also confirmed the current situation with the help of communication magic:

"Senior, there is news from Miss Boudica! General Lu Bu has successfully defeated King Leonidas of Sparta, and is marching here smoothly!"

Nero, who heard the news, was amazed: "It turned out to be the Spartan king of Thermopylae? Has the legendary guardian of the Yanmen been summoned?"

"After all, Sparta can also be considered Rome, although it is not from the same era." Luo Zhen was very calm.

It can be seen from the Roman emperors such as Nero and Caligula that the people of the Roman family basically have excess self-awareness, and they are quite secondary. The scope of their concept of "Rome" is definitely not limited to the Roman Empire on the map territory.

Not to mention Sparta, which became part of the Roman Empire only a few hundred years later, it would not be surprising that the spirit of Rome could summon the President of the United States, Rozen, because the cultural influence is so terrible.

Let's not mention the complaints. In short, the march of Luo Zhen and his party was very smooth, and they easily messed up the hinterland of the United Empire.

By the time he broke away from the large forces of the United Empire and could take a short break, Steno was already paralyzed on Medusa's back, with a look of exhaling more air than inhaling:

"I'm already... dying... This is the time I want to die the most in more than ten thousand years..."

Luo Zhen had a look of disbelief: "Really? When I entered for the first time, you obviously screamed even harder."

Mr. Luo Zhen spoke obscene words, and was hit by Miss Sterno's small fists, but this would only make the smelly man more enjoyable.

A group of people who decided to take a rest found a small stream and sat down. Steno, who was a major project, lay on the laps of Rozen and Medusa who were side by side. Upright look.

According to this rhythm, as long as Boudica's frontal army continues to advance smoothly and attracts most of the capital's troops, Luo Zhen and the others will be able to invade the city to find the emperor for a decisive battle, and everything will be fine.

Luo Zhen is not worried at all that he will lose, the problem is just how to win easily.


So, after feeling a subtle palpitation, he immediately looked into the distance suspiciously.

Matthew, who cared about him, immediately asked, "What's wrong, Senior?"

"...It's nothing, it's probably my illusion."

Luo Zhen fooled around casually, pretending that nothing happened.

But just now, he did feel a fleeting wave of magic power, and it was still from a very far away direction.

There was a slight uneasiness in his heart, as if he had forgotten something important.

July: I wonder if everyone has forgotten, the big boss of this volume??(??ω???)?

But I still can’t write about fighting, so it’s better to make sense of it, please understand (??ω?`)

Then ask for votes and tips and blades, thank you everyone.I will work hard to add more ( ?╥ω╥`)

Chapter 41. Nero's courtship【4K】

At the moment when Luo Zhen and the others started their actions, the United Empire also got the news of course.

The situation has come to an end, and the United Empire has also used its strength. A large number of followers commanded troops to go out to meet and block Nero's expeditionary force.

But even though this is the case, even though both the number of soldiers and the number of servants should be overwhelmingly large, the United Empire is overwhelmingly suppressed...!

"Stop joking around, you bastards!"

The shark-toothed man in green, Professor Leif Lenore Floros, the second-fifth boy of the famous crown bomber in Chaldea, can't stop now like an ant on a hot pot.

He finally fully realized that Romulus, the patriarch of Rome, had no intention of seriously killing Nero at all!

After all, they are servants who belong to the history of pan-humanity. Even if they are summoned by themselves and commanded by Command Spells, they seem to have summoned a large number of heroic spirits to destroy Rome, but this is all superficial work!He has been fishing!

But it is a pity that although Rafe finally understood each other's positions belatedly, he did not have any ability to force Romulus to obey orders.

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