The god ancestor doesn't know why, even the command spell has almost no effect on him.Rafe has used up two of the three Command Seals, and he still hasn't been able to actively attack Nero.

The inhuman-looking black-red pupils made Lefe shudder from the depths of his soul every time they touched him, and they were not something that could be guessed at all.

If even the third one is used up, Leif has no doubt that he will be killed by that man immediately!

Although he didn't want to admit his fear of Romulus, Lefe didn't intend to sit still, so he kept trying to find a way.

But it is a pity that the more anxious he is, the harder the reality will hit him:

"Why, why on earth! Why didn't you accept my call, Attila, the whip of God!"

Rafe jumped straight at the Holy Grail, which was still not connected to the contract of the heroic spirit, but he could only be helpless and furious, and there was nothing he could do.

Because he doesn't trust the god ancestor Romulus, Leif also finds a way to summon other servants by himself.

But the spiritual veins of this land have been completely controlled by Romulus.

Even if Leif wanted to bypass himself to summon other servants, he could only summon Heroic Spirits that had a connection with Rome.

If you are still a follower of the Roman Empire, then [-]% will still listen to Romulus.

So the very clever Professor Leif planned to summon the person who destroyed the Roman Empire in history, that is, the famous Attila the Hun.

Based on the standard of having a relationship with Rome, Attila is of course within the scope of being able to summon.

But I don't know why, even though Lefe kept improving the mantra and tried his best to get close to Attila's summoning accuracy, the other side didn't respond at all!Attila at the Hall of Valor didn't respond to him at all!

why!This is obviously a good opportunity to conquer the Roman Empire again!Why didn't the famous murderous tyrant in history come!This is not reasonable at all——! ! !

"Damn, hate, hate, hate! If I'm still connected to the general and can still hear the voices of my brothers, how can there be such a problem...!"

Rafe roared in humiliation and sorrow.

Leif Floros is actually one of Gaetia's Demon God Pillars, and one of the famous Solomon Seventy-two Demon Gods in occultism.

Although the seventy-two demon gods are seventy-two independent individuals, they were not creatures in the first place, but the self-discipline magic system created by the magic king Solomon. In the words of modern people, they are artificial intelligence AI in the magic world.

So their way of thinking is fundamentally different from humans.After returning to the totality, their memories and thoughts are connected with each other, which is equivalent to being connected with seventy-one other individuals all the time, and that feeling will give Lefe a great sense of security.

But because he was not fully awakened, he maintained his human identity and sneaked into Chaldea for several years, and was later asked to take responsibility for Chaldea's resistance, so he was thrown into this singularity to fight against Chaldea.

As a result, he still failed to return to the overall body, but was a cut-off end, unable to share thinking with the overall body.

This turned him from an all-knowing and omnipotent God to a narrow-minded mortal.

He could clearly feel his own insignificance, and his spirit was constantly necrotic, which made him feel strongly restless and restless all the time.

So you have to get the job done!Crush the worms of Chaldea thoroughly! !

"Come here and answer my call, God's Whip! I order you to destroy Rome! Completely destroy this singularity!!"

The frenzied green man is still incapable of fury, calling again and again persistently.

The Holy Grail shook unsteadily, as if resisting his persistence, exuding dangerous fluctuations.


"Hmm! We have successfully reached the city!"

With the powerful Helia and Medusa leading the way, Luo Zhen and his party successfully broke through to the capital of the United Empire, and overthrew a bunch of monsters, dragons and other messy things.

The entire capital of the United Empire is a replica of the real city of Rome. It can be seen that the entire city was summoned out of thin air. It is really terrifying to be able to do this kind of thing.

But Miss Nero is not afraid at all!

As long as there is her close lover Luo Zhen, this kind of life-threatening adventure is also Roman (romantic) for her!Let His Majesty the Emperor take the initiative to slash with his sword!

But there is also one point, Nero feels that Luo Zhen is extremely aggressive today.

After pushing another team of Chimera and Wyvern, Nero said to Rozen:

"Honey, why don't you stop for a while? We're already far away from Boudica and the others, how about going to meet them first?"

"No." Luo Zhen resolutely vetoed it.

He changed his usual lukewarm fishing practice, and actively created Silver Knight troops to suppress the surrounding area. One person is an army.

But his expression showed no sign of relaxation at all, on the contrary, the closer he got to the palace, the deeper his frown:

"I have an ominous premonition that I must hurry up."

He swept his eyes and saw Lixiang and Steno who were running along, paused and continued:

"Otherwise, it doesn't matter if you go to Boudica and the others first. I'll go in by myself."

"What are you talking about Luo Zhenjun!" Li Xiang also saw that Luo Zhen cared about him, so he shook his head decisively: "It is my job to repair the singularity, don't take my task away without authorization! Although you are my teacher, That's just about magic and sleeping skills, we are equal at work!"

Matthew also nodded in agreement: "I also agree with the senior, this is the job of all of us in Chaldea. And the senior feels that there is some danger, right? Then it is our duty to support you, please treat me and senior as the same Your comrades!"

"You guys are really reliable." Luo Zhen, who had been lectured a lot, could only admit it.

These two weak girls who seem to be only in their teens are mentally stronger than many heroic spirits, and they are indeed the hope of saving the world.

So Luo Zhen let go of his sympathy, and nodded decisively:

"I want to capture the palace as quickly as possible. Everyone, please help me."

Hearing this, everyone nodded their heads firmly, and the momentum of the team rose to another level.

Steno: "I can escape first? Why don't you let me escape...ah, no one cares about me..."

Although Miss Sterno raised her hand sensibly to touch the fish, this little voice was ignored... How pitiful.


As a matter of course, Luo Zhen and his party continued to advance like a broken bamboo, and soon broke through to the palace.

When they arrived at the place where they could see the whole palace, a heroic man appeared on the open-air balcony.

That's where Nero usually likes to give speeches.

In the past, the people always gathered in the square where they were at the moment, looked up at her with eyes full of respect and love, and listened to her speech.

But now, Nero became the audience, feeling the solemnity that even breathing seemed to offend a great man.

Nero, who has always been overconfident, felt shocked for the first time at this moment, his voice trembling:

"You are……"

"Here we come, Nero (Rome)."

The stalwart god smiled kindly.

The man has a stalwart body of nearly two meters, and his muscular body maintains perfect proportions, every bit of it is as perfect as a sculpture.

The bronzed skin was covered with gold and leather.As if to say that things like steel armor are sundries, his perfect body is completely undefended, only the bright red cloak rattles.

If there is a real god in this world, it must be like him; his majesty even gives people this illusion.

Then, the inhuman red and black pupils narrowed lovingly, staring at Nero:

"Nero (Roma), come here."

The great man stretched out his big hand: "You are so lovable, noble and gorgeous. It doesn't matter, Caligula and the others all recognize you. You are using those slender hands to support the weight of the world (Rome). You are Qualified Rome, therefore, I will give you mercy."

A series of Roman Roman listeners were about to collapse, but people seemed to be very serious at the time.

Nero also had a serious face, waiting for the god ancestor to continue:

"Past, present, and future, all Rome loves you. Therefore, dear son, return to my (Rome) embrace. I (Rome) will love you forever, and care for you together with the [beast] in you. This It's something that only I (Roma) can do."

"God ancestor..." Nero's eyes became dazed.

Even without declaring his family background, Nero could understand at a glance that this great man was the Roman god Romulus.

Although the current Nero does not understand what Romulus said, the words of the ancestor of the gods have the power to penetrate the soul, making her fully feel the love of the father.

If I put down my sword now and devote myself to the protection of the god ancestor, I will definitely get eternal peace and happiness.

In fact, Nero has more or less guessed it.

From the usual words and deeds of Lixiang Maxiu and the others, and the curious gazes they occasionally cast on themselves, the smart Nero can already guess his future fate.

As the emperor Nero, the name he left to later generations was just a luxurious and lustful tyrant.She will die miserably, not to mention being admired by all people, and there will be no one who will accompany her in the end, so she can only die alone.

Shenzu felt pity for her ending and wanted to save her.

This is really too much temptation for Nero.

You can let go of all the burdens, don't have to think about anything, just enjoy the protection of a god-like father... Is there a better fate than this?

"Nero." Luo Zhen softly called her name.

Nero didn't answer, but just stretched out his hand silently.

... Stretch out your hand, hold Luo Zhen's ten fingers together, and clasp tightly!

She took a deep breath, her eyes were brighter than before, and she looked up at Romulus:

"God ancestor, Yu refuses!"

"..." Romulus just smiled without answering.

With full of enthusiasm, Nero continued to declare neither humble nor overbearing:

"Yu is the real emperor of Rome, the real Rome! No matter how deep your love is, I have no intention of abandoning myself! Therefore, Godfather, please wake up! Yu will overthrow this false empire and prove the real Rome. glory!"

"... Ho." The God Ancestor laughed.

He didn't say another word, just turned around and returned to the castle.

This means that he is no longer a loving father to Rome, but an enemy of Nero, waiting for her challenge.

With the departure of the god ancestor, the powerful courage that almost suppressed the air dissipated, and Nero heaved a sigh of relief.

Although the answer just now was very handsome, but it really took all her courage.

After all, for every Roman, the god Romulus was a real god.To reject the gods is not a casual talk.

But Nero did it anyway.

She held Luo Zhen's hand tightly, and looked up at him with big eyes shining:

"Luo Zhen, have you heard everything?"

Luo Zhen replied calmly: "Yes, I heard it."

"Yu is the emperor of Rome. The love of being an emperor has already been dedicated to Rome, so I can't give it to you." Nero blinked delicately, took several deep breaths, and continued:

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