"It's okay, just take some time at most. If she can even absorb the third method, then it's over, but as long as she can't, I won't lose." Luo Zhen turned his head and showed a calm smile.

This was something he had planned to do during the Holy Grail War.

The flow of time in Soul of Darkness has nothing to do with the outside world. Luo Zhen can spend dozens or hundreds of years slowly wasting time with his opponents. This is the most rogue part of his third method.

But in other words, although the outside world is only for a moment, he has to bear the loneliness for a long time alone.

God Patriarch Romulus was right, this is a lonely road.

So I just hope that this giant can be my companion.

Lixiang also understood that Luo Zhen was serious, and he couldn't persuade him to come back.

So she calmed down instead, bit her lips and said:

"Are you going to be okay? If you disappear, or if you say you don't know me or something when we meet again, I'll ask Sister Aili to beat you to death."

"It's terrible, this threat." Luo Zhen laughed out loud:

"Don't worry. Even the roots can't eat me, a giant is nothing. I won't forget you."

This is the best guarantee Luo Zhen can give.

In fact, he is a man who is very afraid of being lonely, but because of this, good memories are very precious to him, and he will never forget them.

Luo Zhen took the initiative to jump towards the white giant, waiting for her eyes to focus on him again, and stretched out his big hand to try to hold him:

"[Dark Souls]!"

The figures of Luo Zhen and the giant disappeared from the world.

It didn't take long for the United Empire, which had lost its ancestors, to collapse, and humanity began to recover.


After a split-second change in perspective, Luo Zhen remained calm, waiting for the giant's attack.

The giant just stared at it before, and the magic power it erupted surpassed the holy sword's light cannon. Luo Zhen was ready to be ravaged for a long time.

Although Luo Zhen is a bit mischievous, he doesn't like pain.So the key to the question this time is whether he can maintain his sanity in the face of being crushed again and again... Luo Zhen is still a little tragic in his heart.


But for some reason, the severe pain he expected did not come.

After a subtle and embarrassing calm, Luo Zhen opened his eyes...

I saw in front of me, a giant beautiful girl hugging her legs, looking at me with an unhappy face (??ˇ?ˇ??):

"Are you an idiot! Really an idiot, an idiot, a little idiot!... Uh... as idiot as a camel! And cute!"

... The giant girl scolded Luo Zhen very hard in a very cute and respectful tone.

Attila the Titan.jpg

July: In fact, according to the 2K chapter, it can be regarded as the sixth update, because they are all serious dramas, so let’s add more points_(:з」∠)_

After that, I started the cohabitation life of the giant god Luo Zhen that I wanted to write. I feel like I can write a few chapters (??ω?`)

I will explain the origin of Attila, the king of giants is a very small girl, a super big girl shaking M, very cute (????)

Chapter 45. Stay with me forever [My mother's birthday]

"…………Who are you?"

Luo Zhen looked at the oversized beautiful girl in front of him, speechless in astonishment.

Of course, Luo Zhen didn't have any brains, and he didn't lose his memory, so he recognized her as King Attila.

The iconic brown skin with mysterious white lines looks very sexy and exotic.The clothes that look like wedding dresses and swimsuits are also eye-catching, and she is a very beautiful beauty.

But she is too big!

Luo Zhen, who was standing at her feet, could intuitively compare him. He was only as big as her palm, and the overall size of this big Attila was about ten times larger than his own.

Even if Luo Zhen is interested in beauties again, he is still helpless in the face of a 20-meter-tall beauty.

Facing Luo Zhen's apprehensive attitude, the big Miss Attila seemed very hurt, her cute little face...ah no, it was her big face that swelled up:

"Don't you remember me? It's too much..."

Miss Dawang was about to cry, and the corners of her eyes were filled with tears that could drown Luo Zhen: "Before, I clearly said that I wanted to spend time with me, no matter decades or hundreds of years, but now I don't admit it... ...What a man too much."

"Ah!" Luo Zhen suddenly realized: "Is that monster that has grown bigger really you? Because the difference is too far away, I didn't even dare to recognize it."

Sister Attila pouted: "It's too much to say it's a monster or something."

"That's my original image, the original appearance of a giant god of destruction. It's true that it's a bit different from the current humanized appearance, but that's not what I want... Looking into it, it's not because you destroyed the walls of my stone room, It caused me to receive unstable signals from the outside world, so the bad guys took advantage of it..."

"Sorry to speak slowly, the amount of information is too much for me to understand."

Luo Zhen rubbed his temples, trying to sort out the information so far.

Leif used the Holy Grail to summon Attila, and then Attila ran away and killed him. For some reason, he still has the ability to erode civilization. He uses the entire city of Rome as his nourishment and becomes bigger and bigger... This Luo really understood the matter.

So in order to prevent her from continuing to destroy, I pulled her into the Dark Soul, and now I will spend hundreds of years with her here.

"... By the way, this is not my dark soul!" Luo Zhen finally came to his senses.

The place where he and Big Attila are now is a closed cave, or a stone room.

This closed space is tightly blocked all around, and there is no passage leading to the outside world.The room was full of gold and treasures, and those who didn't know it thought it was the cave of the dragon Favna.

It's certainly not Luo Zhen's Dark Souls.

Although Luo Zhen can change the appearance of the inherent enchantment according to his own wishes, he is not vulgar enough to create such an environment like a giant dragon's lair that likes shiny treasures.

The big Attila also nodded, and said shyly: "This is my room. You are the only guest for [-] years, so I don't know what to do. Please tell me where... Ah, are you hungry? Thirsty? Do you want to drink goat milk?"

"No, so where is this place?"

Luo Zhen was speechless to this off-line beauty.

It could be seen that she was indeed very excited, and she had no hostility towards herself.

She said that she was the only guest for [-] years, which should not be nonsense.

And the most important point is that Luo Zhen can hardly see through her.

Whether magical or otherwise, this big beauty is unfathomable.

Luo Zhen didn't feel the follower's spiritual foundation, so at least she was genuine, and she was too strong to be exaggerated.

Attila saw that Luo Zhen was serious, so he hugged his legs tightly, and the big body curled up cutely and said:

"This is the MoonCell, the interior of the Moon Spirit Crystal Calculator. In terms of human concepts, it is the [Moon]."


Big Attila's next science popularization gave Luo Zhen the impact of reshaping all three views.

First of all, she said with certainty that this is the interior of the moon, the interior of a supercomputer named MoonCell...hereafter referred to as MC.

This supercomputer is a calculation device, a device left by a high-level cosmic civilization, and its purpose is to record the data of intelligent creatures on the earth.

Although I don't know how long this calculation device has existed, at least it must have existed before human civilization, and then it has been observing the intelligent life of this ape on the earth.

As a super system created by advanced civilizations, MoonCell has many complex functions, and human technology in the [-]st century cannot even understand it.

I won't go into details about how powerful this supercomputer is.After all, no matter how excellent its ability is, it is essentially an observation machine. The advanced civilization that created it only made it responsible for recording the civilization of the earth, and did not let it actively interfere.

However, [-] years ago, MoonCell was hit hard and lost [-]% of its data.

The big Attila hugged his legs and buried his face in his knees, only showing a pair of big timid eyes and said:

"I smashed into the inside of the MoonCell and wreaked havoc on it."

It's totally turned into a sci-fi movie.

Luo Zhen tried his best to suppress his desire to complain, and tried his best to listen to Attila.

According to Attila, there is an existence in the universe named [Predator Yuxing Wilpa], which is a moving comet that keeps patrolling the universe.

This planet was also created by a certain advanced civilization, but contrary to MoonCell, which only conducts observations, the predator planet is literally the same as the existence of a hunting civilization.

As soon as it observes signs of civilization on a certain planet, it will drop debris to destroy it, and wipe out all local civilizations and intelligent creatures.

This fragment of the predatory star is Attila.

Fourteen thousand years ago, the predatory planets that arrived in the Milky Way discovered the civilization of the earth and the MoonCell of the moon, and identified both as objects that needed to be destroyed.

So Attila invaded the MoonCell, causing great damage to it.

At the same time, it creates its own clone on the earth to invade, that is, the white giant that erodes civilization.

The white giant on the earth became a terrifying foreign enemy that the earth civilization united against at that time.

At that time, the earth was still completely the era of gods.

In Greece, Northern Europe, Babylonia, the most famous gods in the mythology of various places participated in the confrontation...and then failed miserably.

The power of the alien giant far exceeds the power of the gods on earth.

The seemingly invincible gods in the eyes of human beings are also vulnerable to the vanguard of alien civilizations.

But before the earth fell completely, the desire of many beings to live brought life to life.

In the sea of ​​stars, the will of the planet forged a holy sword.

The one holding the holy sword is not a god, but a very small human being.

The human holding the holy sword became the holy sword, and destroyed the white giant with amazing power, saving all life on earth.

"...Sorry, let me take it easy."

Hearing this, Luo Zhen rubbed his temples and took deep breaths continuously.

Although he himself is also a time traveler, after eight years in this world, his way of thinking has basically followed the common sense of this world.

As a result, I suddenly told myself that this world is not only magical, but also science fiction, which is too bullying!

Attila pouted pitifully: "Don't you believe me?"

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