This alien invader who almost wiped out gods and human beings [-] years ago is now weak like an oversized little girl. The strong contrast really makes Luo Zhen not know how to react.

But Luo Zhen did not doubt her words.

One is that she doesn't need to tell such an exaggerated lie, and the other is that Rozen has also heard lines like "a giant fourteen thousand years ago" from Steno.

Stheno is a local goddess of the earth in Greece. She was born earlier than the Olympian gods such as Zeus and Athena. She witnessed the invasion of the giant gods at that time.

Luo Zhen was a little bit regretful, he would have asked her more about what happened at that time when he knew that he was chatting.

Luo Zhen sorted out his emotions and took a deep breath: "It's okay, please continue."

"Yeah." Attila seemed very happy that someone listened to him, with a cute smile on his pretty face.

——The white giant on the earth is a clone controlled by Attila, and her body is actually a starship that invaded the moon.The giants of Earth can be resurrected as many times as they want, as long as resources are allocated.

The reason why the moon is considered as the main invasion target is because Yu Xing also judges that the threat level of the MoonCell is higher than that of the so-called gods on the earth.

This is true.

At that time, Attila was simultaneously invading the moon and the earth, and had already destroyed [-]% of MoonCell's data.

But because the clone on Earth was destroyed, Attila, whose computing power was shaken, fell into a downtime for a few minutes.

Seizing this brief opportunity, MoonCell immediately launched a counterattack.

This excellent supercomputer created a photonic network break zone around Attila that had already invaded itself, and in addition to this, a physical photonic crystal blockade wrapped her tightly.

This is the greatest resistance that MoonCell, who has no attack ability, can do, trying to build an absolute cage to suffocate Attila to death.

And in terms of results, MoonCell was very successful.

Attila, who was locked inside the black box, lost the network connection with the Predator Yuxing itself, which led to the loss of the idea of ​​continuing aggression... In other words, the artificial intelligence was disconnected from the network.

Attila, who fell silent, never came out of this cage again. MoonCell also sealed off this area, created a black box called [Unknown Field], and completely placed her there.

This is the result of the attack of predatory planets [-] years ago.

The moon's MoonCell spent a lot of time repairing itself, and it hasn't returned to its prime until now.The Age of Gods, which was in its heyday on Earth at that time, suddenly weakened, which directly led to the rise of human beings.

If you look at this as history, it is easy to grasp the key points, and it is quite suitable as a middle school history class.

But the problem is, this powerful alien invasion weapon is still alive in front of Luo Zhen, and is still talking to him!

"So? What is your avatar summoned by the Holy Grail?"

Luo Zhen, who was already acquainted, sat on the ground in front of Attila, summoned a cup of soy milk and drank it.

He was not idle during the class, and used his own method to explore the environment inside the so-called moon, and found that this place, like his dark soul, was some kind of [Inherent Barrier].

Since he can interfere from the level of magic, he can still do some things. Luo Zhen quickly learned how to make food and drink.

This made Attila applaud with admiration "Oh~", and the big eyes were very admiring.

But when it comes to the clone on the ground, Attila immediately puffed up (??ˇ?ˇ??):

"So it's all your fault! It was you who casually shot at the MoonCell's fragments, causing a flaw in the photon shielding zone! Then the network that preyed on the stars affected me, and almost made me go berserk! Then it happened Someone on Earth summoned my spirit base, and it was it's all your fault! Please apologize!"

"Okay, I'm sorry." Luo Zhen bowed his head decisively.

As a result, this made Attila panic, blinking at a loss:

"Eh? Ah, no, it's okay! Please don't worry about it! MoonCell is also being repaired soon, and the clone on the ground is also silent because of your efforts, just wait for the repair of the masking tape to be completed! Thank you for your understanding, I am really sorry !"

"You're welcome, I forgive you."

Mr. Luo Zhen folded his hands proudly, accepting the big Attila's respectful apology.

Although there seemed to be something wrong, the big Miss Attila was also very happy, and she smiled shyly after being forgiven, super cute.

As a modern person, Luo Zhen, who thinks quickly, has almost sorted out the situation.

Attila, who was summoned by Leif, went berserk due to the instability of Attila's body on the side of the moon, which almost caused the regeneration of the giant that destroyed civilization [-] years ago.

But Luo Zhen's handling at that time was very lucky, and brought her into his own inherent barrier.

This is the same as MoonCell's treatment of Attila's body, sealing her in a closed inherent barrier, resulting in the interruption of contact with the outside world, and she lost her motivation.

Therefore, Attila, who was running wild on the ground, stopped his activities as soon as he entered Rozen's inherent enchantment. This is also a great fortune among misfortunes.

But here comes the problem, Luo Zhen asked Attila while drinking soy milk:

"According to this, I should be with the clone of the shutdown in Dark Souls. Why did I come to the moon?"

Attila smiled and said: "I created a teleportation channel before the clone shut down and pulled you over. Because you thought, it was your rash actions that caused this crisis. You are obliged to know the truth. And be responsible for it?"

Attila stretched out his big hand and grabbed Luo Zhen!

This is her first physical contact with Luo Zhen.

Luo Zhen could feel that she was very cautious, afraid of hurting himself, he lifted himself up in front of him.

Luo Zhen looked at the face of a beautiful woman ten times bigger than himself at a close distance, and saw Attila's eyes shy... At the same time, there was a certain kind of fanatical desire that Luo Zhen was very familiar with:

"You are obliged to stay with me until the MoonCell is repaired. Then you will always... stay here with me, my [Prisoner (Master)]~?"

July: Hello everyone, this is July of today’s birthday (?-ω?`)

Thank you [Lilith~] for the 5K reward, and [Azathos·A] for the 1688 reward =ω=

I don’t offer any bounties anymore, I’m giving back to everyone for adding updates these days... It’s just that the grades are so miserable and keep dropping, as long as I can be more stable, I’ll be satisfied ( ?╥ω╥`)

If you have any comments and suggestions, please put them forward, and then you can join the group chat and discuss, thank you all (??ω?`)

Chapter 46. Living together with the king? 【4K】

According to the wicked Attila, he can't leave until MoonCell fixes the bug, and he is required to take responsibility for his actions.

Although Luo Zhen really wanted to complain about why it was his own responsibility, but the matter had come to an end, so he had to obey.

Anyway, there is nowhere to go, so Luo Zhen tentatively analyzed the structure of this [unknown domain].

As a result, Luo Zhen's various methods of detection were unable to penetrate the stone chamber.

This is not because the walls have any special defenses, but simply [can't touch the walls].

Although from the naked eye, this stone room is not a big space, just enough for the giant Attila, who is more than ten meters tall, to stand up and walk a few steps, but this is purely visual.

In fact, after Luo Zhen used magic to detect it, he discovered that the space of this field can be extended almost infinitely, and it is an imaginary space that cannot be seen at all.

As expected of the legendary lunar supercomputer, Luo Zhen was also convinced.

And then, just like Luo Zhen made soy milk casually before, he learned how to use this space resource to a certain extent.

So when Luo Zhen was thirsty, he made drinks, when he was hungry he made food, and when he was tired, he could find a bed and sleep directly.

—and during this period, Big Miss Attila kept staring at him.

Attila didn't have any malice, and seemed to be looking at him purely out of interest, his big eyes sparkling with great spirit.

Seeing Luo Zhen casually using the properties of this space to create things, she would applaud and celebrate in amazement, adoring her like a little girl.

And even if Luo Zhen lay down to sleep, she would still stare at him endlessly, her posture remained unchanged from the beginning to the end.

Luo Zhen couldn't stand this anymore.

Mr. Luo Zhen sat cross-legged on the bed and looked at her with his face propped up:

"Let me tell you, if you have anything to say, just say it?"

"Eh? I, I didn't want to say anything..." Elder Sister Attila's shoulders trembled, and she lowered her head in fear that Jaro would be really upset.

This is so cute...

Attila was originally a very exotic beauty.

Contrary to her awe-inspiring facial features, her personality is very well-behaved and introverted, and she looks like a little devil from time to time, which is the type Luo Zhen likes very much.

If it was of normal height, Luo Zhen would definitely hug her into his arms on the spot and have a great time.

Seeing her aggrieved look, Luo Zhen could only sigh unbearably, and took the initiative to provoke the topic:

"Then I'll ask questions, and you can answer some of my questions, right? Anyway, there's nowhere to go if you stay here."

"Yeah, yum yum yum! Yes, yes!" Attila's big sister immediately beamed with joy, and her little face was flushed.

So Luo Zhen asked: "I understand that you are a star soldier, so is your purpose to destroy civilization?"

"Yes." Attila replied calmly:

"The existence meaning of predating planets is to patrol the entire universe and exterminate all civilizations that meet the specifications. This is our only mission, and it should be entrusted to us by our creator."

Luo Zhen snorted angrily: "That's really terrifying. To other civilizations in the universe, you are simply monsters."

"Yes, it should be like this." Attila smiled sadly.

She did not deny her identity as a murder weapon, nor did she deny that other civilizations should hate her, which shows that she has the sensibility to understand her mission.

But this is obviously a superfluous function for a weapon whose mission is to exterminate civilization.

Guns don't need their own sensibility.If a cannonball can understand the position of the victim, it is a drag and is completely meaningless.

Therefore, Attila's sensibility at the moment, as well as the intellectual ability to chat with himself, should not be there.

Luo Zhen did not directly point out this contradiction, but changed the question again:

"Then why are you [Attila]? This identity is the King of the Huns who destroyed the Roman Empire. And then again, are you an alien weapon? Why are you recorded in the Hall of Valor?"

"Hmph~, you asked a good question, Master-kun~!"

Miss Attila smiled quite complacently.

She grabbed a handful of gold and silver treasures that were piled up in the stone room, and scattered them in front of Luo Zhen, and they piled up into a hill in no time.

Then she straightened out her thin chest, and humming with her hands on her hips said: "My clone on the ground was killed by the holy sword user, and the body fell down and turned into a mountain. It has gone through a long time."

"Originally, my body should remain as a part of nature forever."

"But after about [-] years, it turned out! Very unexpected! A tribe on the grassland excavated the position equivalent to my head, and found a little baby~!"

Big Sister Attila performed vividly, this is her most emotionally active so far.

Needless to say, the little baby found from her body was the king of the Huns later named [Attila].

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