That is actually the main body of Attila on the moon, which is used to control the data core of the clone on the earth.It was not supposed to have a human appearance.

But it probably took a long time for the remaining data to automatically adapt to the local creatures.

Attila, who was discovered by the Huns, automatically turned into a human baby.

At that time, the body of Attila on the moon had been isolated by the MoonCell, so he did not know about the birth of little Attila.

This little Attila, who was originally just a clone and did not have the ability to think for himself, was adopted by the Huns as a god-given son and raised to become the later king of destruction.

Even if it's just the remaining data of a clone, Attila is still a weapon to destroy civilization, and its combat power is beyond the reach of human beings.

Little Attila, galloping on the grassland, was elected by the elders as the king of the Huns, united the scattered nomadic tribes to form an empire, invaded the western world, and finally destroyed the Roman Empire.

Mentioning the incident at this time, Attila's expression was full of nostalgia:

"The sound of the wind on the grassland, the crisp sound of horseshoes, the clash of swords... I have never experienced the sound of a civilization so closely. Although everyone on the grassland is barbaric, I like them very much. The elders also They all doted on me and taught me a lot. Ah, I even got a wife. And a younger sister named Brunhilde. Hee hee, I miss it so much.”

"What is marriage between women, how do you want to have a baby?" Mr. Luo Zhen was very unromantic.

I also know that Attila, who was raised by the Huns, must lack common sense. Marriage and family relations must also be political needs. She probably didn't think about anything.

Because the people around her worshiped her and wanted her to be king, so she did.Whether she led the tribe to invade Europe or destroy the Roman Empire, she probably performed it as a task like eating and sleeping.

For Luo Zhen, this seems to be no different from the period when she was a weapon of civilization destruction, but it is much better for Attila himself.

Because that is not the behavior of being forced to manipulate the mind, but the behavior that the people around you want to do.

From having to do it to responding to the expectations of those around her, this is already a great freedom for her.

Therefore, Attila's life spent as a human being should at least not disgust her.

Then the amazing thing is that Attila, who grew up, lived as a human being, and finally died, was actually included in the Hall of Valor as a hero in human history.

Of course, this is not the giant god Attila of the Star Warriors, but the human Attila who was born after countless coincidences overlapped... But even so, this is evidence that Attila was accommodated in human history.

Attila hugged her legs and rubbed her cheek cutely:

"I, who has been sleeping for more than ten thousand years, got the memory of the clone on the ground. The original me was just an empty shell. Without the command of Yuxing's body, I couldn't even walk. But because of the I have learned a lot in my life.”

She pushed the hill of gold coins on the ground and squeezed towards Luo Zhen:

"Look, Master-kun~, no one hates these shiny gold things, right? Everyone likes to treat them as trophies, so I also collected a lot! When I was alive, I also tried to sleep on a pile of gold coins. It’s the dream of human beings, right~?”

Luo Zhen snorted: "This dream is too earthy. At least I like soft beauties more than piercing gold... So don't sprinkle it on me! Do you want to smash me to death!"

Attila started trembling while talking, sprinkled the mountain of gold coins piled up in the stone room on Rozen, chasing after him as if trying to drown him.

This story made Luo Zhen understand that the reason why this imaginary space maintains the shape of a stone chamber filled with gold is probably because of Attila's memory during his lifetime.

But even for the famous Whip of God, sleeping in a cave full of gold is too earthy, and she still doesn't know what real enjoyment is.

While avoiding the shy Attila throwing coins, Luo Zhen simply climbed onto her thigh and squeezed into her inside,

Attila: "Ah~!"

The big sister, the super-powerful and invincible civilization-destroying machine, let out a lovely scream, trembling all over, and remained motionless.

Luo Zhen, who got between her legs, lay on her groin, feeling amazing comfort!

Luo Zhen poked and pinched the soft flesh on the inside of her thigh, admiringly: "Oh, this is amazing... It's soft, tender and elastic, just like a water bed... Attila, your skin Awesome, very suitable as a meat pad."

"Woo~!...Thank, thank you for the compliment...?"

Attila's face flushed to the limit, but she was also subtly happy, hehehe couldn't stop giggling.

In order to make Luo Zhen lie more comfortably, Attila took the initiative to flatten his legs, changing from hugging his legs to a duck sitting position, and bringing his thighs together so that Luo Zhen lay in the middle.

Attila's figure is very slender overall, and if he is of normal height, he must weigh no more than a hundred.

But because it is now in the form of a giant, the original thin thighs are also very plump in comparison with Luo Zhen's size, and it is so comfortable to lie down!

There is no need to make another bed in the future...Luo Zhen lay on Attila's brown meat bed, enjoying the pleasure of a fairy.

Attila: "Hey hey... say I'm comfortable... I make him very comfortable, hey hey...?"

After seeing Luo Zhen lying on his lap and falling asleep, Attila kept giggling.

Although his legs were itchy, there was an urge to rub them, but in order not to wake Rozen, Attila was trying his best to fulfill the duties of the meat pads.

At the same time, she also resisted the desire to hold Luo Zhen.

She really wanted to have more contact with Luo Zhen, and have more skin-to-skin relationships.But she also knew that she was very strong and would hurt him if she was not careful, so she had worked very hard to endure it.

After Luo Zhen fell asleep, she was able to appreciate Luo Zhen to the fullest, her chest heaving up and down was amazing:

"Sha, Sha, Sha...~? Master, the little one is so cute...? My Master, so cute...!!"

The king who destroyed civilization sucked his saliva all the time, his expression became dazed and terrifying. This scene must not be seen by others.


Luo Zhen: "By the way, can't you become my size?"

Another day, Luo Zhen said while frying the steak.

Now in this imaginary space, Luo Zhen has expanded a part of the space to make a kitchen and bathroom.

Although in fact Luo Zhen can't starve to death without eating, but he is very insisting that people should look like a human being alive, so three meals a day and daily washing are necessary.

Of course, he can also make food out of thin air.

But this is also the same as the conclusion above, making food out of thin air and cooking from raw materials are two different things.Luo Zhen still wanted to expand another field and grow some vegetables by himself.

Attila has been watching Luo Zhen's obsessive-compulsive play with relish.

Although Attila is the master of this space, she seems to be very bad at fine work.

It is her limit to make such a stone cave and gold loot all over the ground, so she is very happy to watch Luo Zhen's delicate gameplay.

Hearing Luo Zhen's question, Attila smiled troubledly:

"As a star soldier, my basic setting is the concept of giants, so I must have [ten times the size of local intelligent creatures]. And as I absorb more civilizations, my size will also increase, and eventually I will even The planet is trampled."

"That's really hard." Luo Zhen replied casually.

Ten times the size of intelligent creatures, that is, ten times the size of humans, so Attila's current height is only about [-] meters.

Although there are advantages to being so big, such as sleeping comfortably when her thighs are used as a mattress, it is also troublesome to always look up at her.

Moreover, it would be inconvenient to eat at such a big size, Luo Zhen looked at the fried steak in his hand, and thought hard for a while.

Attila also saw that he seemed to want him to eat, so he quickly waved his hands shyly: "It's okay, Master, it doesn't matter if I don't need to eat. Even when I was alive, I would drink some goat milk at most I'm a little bit against eating meat...eating animal carcasses always feels so cruel..."

Luo Zhen complained speechlessly: "Hey, you civilization destruction machine, which mouth do you use to say the word cruel?"

This big Attila usually looks reserved and introverted, and looks easy to bully. How can he imagine that it is a killing weapon that destroys planetary civilization.

So Luo Zhen didn't say much, turned the plate containing the steak in his hand, it became ten times bigger in the blink of an eye, and threw it towards Attila.

"Ah!?" The big young girl screamed again.

Luo Zhen ate his share and said: "If you can make food out of thin air, it's easy to enlarge it. Then you can taste the taste."

"Wow~! As expected of the Master, so amazing~!"

Attila clapped his hands, holding the knife and fork like Luo Zhen, and took a bite cautiously.

Immediately, her eyes burst into light, and she held her face happily:

"Hey!!!! Eh? What is this? Is this beef meat!? The Huns in the past had a pungent fishy smell just by roasting it. Why is this so delicious!?"

"This is the gap in technology. Human beings are very pursuing enjoyment. Don't think that there will always be an era when you can eat and survive and be happy."

Mr. Luo Zhen is very proud of spreading human culture, and decided to cook more delicious things for her in the future.

July: Dawang is super cute, I hope everyone will like it too (????)

Thanks to the boss of [flsg] for the 1W reward, [Azathos·A] the boss for the 1688 reward, the [Resting Goat Mother Shame Naia] the boss for the 1688 reward, and other big bosses for their support, thank you everyone??ヽ(°▽°)ノ?

Then you are still welcome to comment, comment, and join the group to discuss and chat.Thank you for your support (?-ω-`)

Chapter 47. Beauty on the slide! 【4K】

Getting along with Attila, the giant god, unknowingly became like living together.

Because there is nothing in [Unknown Field], and there is no reference point such as sunrise and sunset, so the sense of time soon becomes blurred.

In order to make his life more humane, Luo Zhen focused on renovating various facilities and rooms.

During this period, Attila has been obediently sitting in the corner with his legs crossed, staring at him with relish.

There was only a strong sense of curiosity in her eyes, which made Luo Zhen feel like a cat being watched by a bipedal upright ape... In terms of the size of the two, they were about the same size.

And as time passed, a certain dangerous emotion in her eyes became more and more intense.

Luo Zhen also experienced this emotion from most of the women he gets along with.

Whether it's Irisviel or the other maids of Aijia, Arturia, Atalanta, Joan of Arc, etc... After they get acquainted with him, they will unconsciously show this kind of look.

Yes, to put it bluntly, it is [Appetite]!

I am a piece of fat, even a woman wants to come up and take a bite!

If it goes on like this, Attila will definitely be unable to control himself to hug him and kiss him, maybe he will eat him in one bite while he is sleeping.

It's fine if it's an ordinary person, Luo Zhen can at most sacrifice his virginity to satisfy her.Luo Zhen is also quite greedy for Attila's nature and body, this is also a win-win and mutual benefit.

But there is still a problem with the 16-meter giant... If Attila can't control his lust, the most likely thing is to follow his instinct and eat himself in one bite. After he wakes up, he may be in Attila's stomach.

That would be too scary.

Mr. Luo Zhen shuddered, resolutely resisting this kind of future.

"I said Attila." Mr. Luo Zhen took the initiative to open the conversation:

"Aren't you going to remodel the room? Even if you want to recreate the memory of Attila, the overlord of the grassland, it doesn't have to be the size of ordinary people. You can remodel it to suit your size and create a space that can live normally. okay?"

Attila whimpered in distress: "'s a little difficult for me."

"I'm not very good at delicate work...Even this stone room, it took me a long time to try and get a little bit of it. I always accidentally broke things, and I almost broke the room before. Crushed into a two-dimensional space..."

"Is this the civilization destruction weapon?" Mr. Luo Zhen squinted his eyes and complained.

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