Attila's ability to maintain the titan's appearance is, of course, within the small world of Dark Souls.

Luo Zhen's memory is very clear, he remembers everything from the beginning of madness to Meiyou's intervention in the battle.

At that time, Miyu who intervened in the battle instinctively activated Shenzhi'er's ability, and took Luo Zhen and Yoyoko across the world to escape.

During this process, Luo Zhen chose to take the initiative to let his body sleep for self-healing, completely isolating his senses.

After all, the Berserker armor is no joke.Luo Zhen can't guarantee whether he can maintain his rationality after he crosses the world and lands.If it hurts Miyu and the others, something serious will happen.

Luo Zhen felt that this was a helpless move, but Attila laughed through his tears and looked very excited: "However, as expected of Luo Zhenjun!"

She said with sparkling eyes: "It's the first time I've seen someone who can get rid of the influence of my virus factor! And at that time, I broke my tank and fused all my data with Luo Zhenjun! I thought that even if Luo Zhenjun would Become a monster that destroys the world, and I want to be with you forever... In the end, I was completely rejected again! It’s incredible!"

"Your thoughts are so sick... I told you that I won't go berserk." Luo Zhen folded his arms in a showy way.

If possible, Luo Zhen really doesn't want to experience the feeling of berserker armor that confuses his brain.

However, although the physical and mental torture was exaggerated, Luo Zhen never doubted that he would go crazy forever.

Luo Zhen said with the appearance of explaining the settings in a dead house: "You think, Attila, the third law has an eternal nature, right?"

"I can use my soul to extract magic power indefinitely, just like unlocking blood to sell blood. So according to this theory, all interference with the body can't affect me, so Attila you melt into my body Of course, the factors will also be excluded, because it is also interference."

"So that's how it is... My factor can't affect it, as expected of Zhenjun Luo's magic!" Attila nodded with a miraculous expression.

But she quickly thought of doubts, her delicate brows were frowned:

"But according to this, Luo Zhenjun should never change, right? But Luo Zhenjun can freely become an adult or a child, and his basic necessities are normal."

Luo Zhen nodded: "It's because I want it myself, so I can freely choose what can interfere and what can't. But to be honest, I don't know why I grow. This is a doubtful point of magic."

Luo Zhen was very honest.

Logically speaking, if you are the perfect embodiment of the materialization of your soul, then you should not grow up, and you should be what you were born with.

How can it be like this now that you can be influenced by Attila when you need to run away, and you can simply get rid of her when you don't need her? This is too unreasonable.

The same is true of the former Saintess of Winter, Yustissa.

Not only her body and soul are eternal, but even her spirit is fixed. Every day's memory will be reset on time, and she will live every day that repeats forever.

That would be too sad, and Luo Zhen, who insisted on the identity of a human being, would not want to be like this.

So this is very strange.The nature of magic is very transcendent, but it seems to be just right in line with his own wishes, which makes Luo Zhen feel too cheating.

"But who knows, I haven't seen any other magician." Luo Zhen shrugged:

"Besides, the so-called magic is not something that comes from cultivation. It's just picked up at the gate of the root. It's all black technology. A magician is just a [person who uses magic], just like picking up a gun with unlimited bullets. It’s like killing people by pulling the trigger, and they don’t necessarily understand the principle themselves. Let’s talk about it when it jams and malfunctions.”

"As expected of Luo Zhenjun! So handsome!" Attila clapped his hands full of admiration.

Anyway, no matter what I do, this girl will always boast to her bottomless, and Luo Zhen has gradually learned to swell after being shy!

... Then, Luo Zhen looked at Altila's cute duck sitting posture, and his eyes gradually became strange.

He coughed, and moved his body at will to increase the size of his body by 10 times, until the big pig's hoof had already quietly touched Attila's smooth and tender thigh.

He leaned close to Attila's neck and blew:

"My body is still reinstalling the system, and it will take some time before I can wake up. Then don't waste it, want to do it?"

"~~~Really, Luo Zhenjun is always so straightforward...?"

Attila, who had also recently learned how to act like a little girl, lightly hammered Luo Zhen's chest in refusal, killing a local god with one punch.

The winking expression was quite seductive, and he took the initiative to kiss Luo Zhen's cheek, and slid all the way to his neck in fascination:

"Luo you, I will always be YES. Please treat me as your property and use me to your heart's content?"

"Not only are you sick and delicate, Attila, you are still an M."

She looks like a hot girl with black skin and tattoos, but she is actually the cute and innocent alien giant God Whip of God who can beat her.


Then, after the body was restored to factory settings, Mr. Luo Zhen went online again.

Luo Zhen didn't know how many days had passed because he was completely isolated from his spirit, but it shouldn't be too long.

And I don't know what world Miyu's power was sent to.

Although Luo Zhen felt that it was impossible for Meiyou to teleport out of thin air, she should have arrived in a world that was destined to be with him, but it would not be good if the sheep ran into the pile of demon god pillars...


So Luo Zhen's first feeling after waking up was the extreme softness of being wrapped all over his body, and then his mind fluttered for a while.

Although subjectively, he was still having sex with Attila until just now... but Attila is not good in objective size!

The giant slide is not a joke, but Attila has a rare value in a straight line from his chest to his lower abdomen—no, his lower abdomen is still bulging!

So, although Luo Zhen has no objections at all, he is also a man, and he can appreciate the beauty of motherhood!

Oh oh oh oh oh oh……!This feeling... is my mother! !

As a cyborg, Luo Zhen, who had never experienced real maternal love, completely melted in this instant!Galloping in this ocean of maternal love!

"Hm Chi Hm Chi, Hm Chi Hm Chi... Huh? This taste is a bit familiar."

Halfway through the game, Luo Zhen's mind suddenly recovered a bit of clarity.

He groped for the great things on the left and right that suppressed him, and felt that this feeling was an incomparable nostalgia...

"Umm... Luo Zhen...?"

A very nostalgic and charming voice sounded.

One of the people holding Luo Zhen was awakened by his movements, rubbing his eyes in a daze.

She rubbed Luo Zhen's face with her white and tender hands, and squeezed him into her arms... She smiled idiotically:

"Really~, you're still so naughty... When I was young, you always played pranks on me when I was asleep... I don't care about how fluctuating my mood is, you always make me sleepless?"

"Oh, oh... I'm sorry, Ai Li." Luo Zhen called out her name blankly.

The 72-winged Archangel Wife of Luo Zhen's family, Irisviel von Einzbern, was sleeping happily with him in her arms.

The drowsy Ellie also smiled sweetly:

"It's okay~, I like it too...then do you want to continue doing bad things, my husband~?"

"Wow, it's so noisy~! Someone just fell asleep and said..." The person on the other side of the bed was woken up by the small movements of the two.

She was also sleepy, hugged Luo Zhen and squeezed into her arms, and turned into a look of competing with Aili for Luo Zhen.

But Ai Li didn't simply give it in vain, she also hugged Luo Zhen competitively, and the two of them squeezed Luo Zhen tightly!

Ai Li pouted and said, "Yoko~? Why are you cuddling other people's husbands? It's fine for Luo Zhen to have me take care of her. Why don't you go to sleep with Miyu-chan."

……What?Beauty tour?

So Yoko, is Yoyoko?

Mr. Luo Zhen was completely dumbfounded.Only then did he realize that one of the two people holding him was his regular wife and the other was his wife, so it's no wonder that the charm of motherhood is so strong.

Yoyoko, who was complained by Ai Li, also had her own reasons, holding Luo Zhen and refusing to let go:

"So, I want to let this man be responsible! It's not because he is so proficient, he doesn't mind even attacking orphans and widows... We can't go back, and the only one we can rely on is this man!"

"Yangzi, what you say..." Ai Li's voice became low.

Because Luo Zhen was still buried in their arms, he couldn't see the expressions of the two of them clearly, and didn't know what kind of Shura field this was.

But as expected of being the main wife of Luo Zhen's family, Ai Li immediately beamed with joy:

"——That's great~! Then we're a family! Besides, you're a senior who raised Miyu alone, so let's raise the child together!"

"You really deserve to be Luo Zhen's wife..." Yang Daizi gave up speechlessly.

So, this seems to be the way the two communicate with each other on a daily basis.

These two sleepy women didn't even realize that Luo Zhen had woken up, they just hugged him so affectionately and friendly.

The sweet breath hitting Luo Zhen's face was an extreme test of a man's rationality.

"Why did it become like this..."

Luo Zhen could only act as a qualified puppet and spent sleepless nights in their arms.


So, after waking up naturally at dawn, Ai Li and Yang Daizi discovered that Luo Zhen had woken up a long time ago.

The two were screaming and jumping so excitedly, not only Ai Li, but even Yoyoko rushed forward to hug, touch and kiss him in surprise, which made Luo Zhen feel like he was being prostituted for nothing.

After the two wives changed their pajamas under Sera's instructions, and Lijie Lite ran over and talked to herself and hugged Luo Zhen to her lap to play with, he finally understood:

"So? Did I go back to my home!"

Luo Zhen was shocked!

This is Fuyuki City.

And it was Fuyuki City in the world where Luo Zhen was born, that is, the place where he fought the Fourth Holy Grail War.

As expected of the god Chiji Miyu who can grant wishes.Probably, she had subconsciously identified this world from Luo Zhen's daily words and deeds and introductions to her family, and ended up here as soon as she teleported.

According to Yoyoko, it has only been a week since they traveled here.

Eri took care of the young Illya and happened to be away from Chaldea.

Then Luo Zhen, Miyu, and Yoyoko suddenly appeared out of thin air, frightening Sera who was cleaning.

Luo Zhen, who had traveled through time at that time, had returned to normal appearance, but he didn't respond to how he screamed after he fell asleep.

Miyu also had a special situation, so Yoyoko, who was in chaos, tried to communicate with them as much as possible.

Fortunately, Ai Li is the head of the harem of Luo Zhen's family, and her mother's magnificence in the world is really not covered.

After listening to Yoyoko's narration, she immediately accepted them. By the way, she also had an in-depth discussion with Yoyoko on parenting issues. Now they are called each other by nicknames.

Alice Fell, whose actual age is 9 years old, and Hyoko, who is still lively and lovely even though she is a mother...

The two took to the street together, saying that it would be fine for college students or even high school students, and they would definitely become a sight to behold.

Hearing this, Luo Zhen was very relieved.

After all, it was back to my own home, and it was still the familiar Fuyuki City, so that was great.

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