After that, just contact Chaldea and arrange a beautiful tour.

Also, you should be careful about Getia's active attack. He may take the initiative to trouble Chaldea in the future...

"Speaking of which, Luo Zhenjun." Ai Li frowned in trouble:

"I have been trying to contact Chaldea since you came back. But neither the props they gave me nor the dress you left have any effect. They didn't answer at all."

"Oh? Is there something wrong with Chaldea, or is it blocked... Neither side is a good thing."

Luo Zhen's expression became serious instantly.

But now he is far from aware of the seriousness of the matter.

July: This volume of Luo Zhen’s harem expansion must be the largest (?-ω? `)

Just imagine, a magician appears, although magic is not inherited, but he himself has perfect genes, which is the most perfect as a borrowed seed.Then you must be crazy, Luo Zhenjun can become the richest man in the world just by selling soybean milk??(??ω???)?

But Luo Zhenjun is probably triploid, not everyone can conceive.Then you can only compete for employment to increase the probability, which is terrible (????)

Chapter 12. Do you like the self-confident old man who is full of [-]?

Luo Zhen confirmed that he had really returned to the familiar Fuyuki City, and suddenly felt like he was dreaming back in the past.

Although the actual time has not passed, after all, this is the starting point of everything.

It was because of his participation in the Fourth Holy Grail War that Luo Zhen got involved with Chaldea. He changed from a noble son who wanted to live a leisurely life until he died, to an ultimate tool man who saves the world everywhere.

It's embarrassing to think about it.

But, Luo really didn't have any opinions, these troubles and dangers were all his own choices.

The life of practicing magic all the year round also made him very strong.Even if he suffers a lot like when he was fighting Getia, he will complain at most, and his spirit will never waver.

Yes, so no matter what incredible things happen, Luo Zhen will at most complain a few words, and his heart will never be shaken——

"Miyu turned into a baby!?"

Luo Zhen who was brought into the nursery was so shocked that he was speechless on the spot, his voice broke.

In the Einzbern family castle, there is a room dedicated to Illya.

Like Rozen, the idiosyncratic individual, Illya is the final work of the Einzbern family, so even the old-fashioned Ahadeon finally has a little romance and chooses to let Illya grow up freely from a baby .

Irisviel felt Ahadeon's concern, and began to raise Illya as her own daughter. Recently, her motherhood has become stronger and stronger.

But now,

In the crib dedicated to Eliya, there are now two babies who are about the same age, and they are still sleeping soundly in a good relationship...

"This is really Miyu, as a mother, I promise." Yoyoko said with complicated emotions.

Ilya has the usual silver hair and scorching eyes of the Einzbern family, so it is easy to identify.

And the baby next to her has black hair, and the delicate facial features can be seen to be of oriental is indeed Miyu.

But the question is, why did Meiyu, a five-year-old child, turn into a baby?

After the initial surprise, Luo Zhen held his swollen head and said hesitantly:

"Miyu... Is it because Shenzhi'er's ability is exhausted? Because he sent us across the world?"

Yoyoko, who knew Shenzhier the most, nodded: "Well, that's what I guessed too."

This was something Yoyoko discovered immediately after the three of them traveled over.

By the time Yoyoko found herself at the Einzbern house, Miyu had already turned into a baby lying in the scattered clothes.

Yoyoko is the biological mother who has been inseparable from Miyu since she was born, so it is impossible for her to recognize her daughter.

But the child who has grown to five years old suddenly turned back into a baby. Yoyoko has never heard of such an unbelievable thing, so he can only make subtle guesses:

"Although Shenzhi'er of Shuoyue's family is almost omnipotent, this kind of miracle also has a price. Too large-scale wishes will consume energy, and Shenzhi'er will die of exhaustion early... Although I don't understand magic at all, but Is it common here to travel across the world?"

"It's not normal at all." Luo Zhen answered quickly.

Although it is difficult to move in space, there are still some great magic tricks that top magicians can do.

But to cross the world line, this can only be frequently implemented by an organization like Chaldea, which gathers top talents from all walks of life and completes it by astonishing coincidences.

If you want to say that you can cross the world by yourself without relying on external forces, except for monsters like Gaetia, there are only daughters of the root family like Aige Liangyi, or unconventional existences like the second magic jewel.

So in short, although it seems that this is not a big deal in Chaldea, the consumption of crossing the world line is definitely not low, and it is very possible to cause damage to Meiyou.

But why it turned into a baby, this is something neither Luo Zhen nor Yoyoko understands.

However, this mysterious question was easily answered by Allie:

"Anyway, this child is already like this, so just accept it~."

The eldest princess of Luo Zhen's family is still as optimistic as ever.

But Ellie is not standing and talking without back pain.

She lovingly caressed the chubby faces of Illya and Miyu, looked at their peaceful sleeping faces, and her own face was also full of happiness:

"I've always expected Illya to have a playmate of the same age. Besides, Miyu-chan is healthy and looks very happy now, so it's good~... Oh sorry, Yoko will be very happy Is it uncomfortable? The child who was brought up with great difficulty suddenly turned back into a baby or something..."

Yang Daizi shook his head: "No. To be honest, as long as Meiyou's safety can be ensured, I'm also very happy."

Yoyoko also confessed that in the process of living together with Luo Zhen, she thought more than once that it would be great if Luo Zhen knew herself when Miyu was just born.

If he grows up with Luo Zhen's company, the fate of Shuo Yue's family god child will be changed, and he will no longer have to be closed and cared for for seven years like penance.

And Luo Zhen has said several times that if Yoyoko wants to have a second child, or when Miyu grows up and has another child, he will definitely find a way to solve the problem of Shenzhi's education and give future children a better childhood .

...and then, this wish is now fulfilled.

Yoyoko scratched her face in trouble and shyly: "Actually, I was always afraid that Miyu would find out about my thoughts. Originally, when educating the gods, the mother had to do her best. It may be silent. If you get along day and night, even if you don’t say it, the child will be very keen to know what the parents think.”

Originally, Shuo Yue's family made up their mind to wait for Shen Zhi'er to grow up with this kind of cruel closed care in order not to consume Shen Zhi'er's spirit.If the parents activate the power of Shenzhier because of their own distracting thoughts, then it is really putting the cart before the horse.

So during this period of time, Yang Daizi actually had a heavy psychological burden, for fear of affecting Meiyou.

Then Luo Zhen also knew that Mei You had always been very curious about Luo Zhen's family members like Aili Yiliya, and regarded the photos Luo Zhen gave her as treasures.

Combining these factors, Luo Zhen also looked at the two daughters in the crib delicately:

"So, Meiyu fulfilled all of our wishes and became a baby? Everyone is happy, and Meiyou can find friends by herself... This child is much more daring than I imagined."

Compared with things like traveling through the world, changing the physical form is really too simple.

By becoming a baby himself and reliving his childhood, he can avoid the regret of his mother Yoyoko.Then Miyu herself can get Illya, her childhood sweetheart, and Luo Zhen, her legitimate 'father', everyone is very happy.

This dexterous method of fulfilling wishes is much better than the Holy Grail that Yusanjia has been tinkering with for hundreds of years.

The man-made wishing machine, and the real son of God...the gap is so big, the Yusanjia should really be ashamed to commit seppuku.

Of course, you can't let your guard down after this.

The daughter of the Shuoyue family should have lost her ability to be a child when she was seven years old, but it was unheard of for her to turn back into a baby on the way, and no one knew how to calculate this age.

This is left to Luo Zhen to solve.Before Illya and Miyu learned how to talk and walk, he would definitely find a way to block Shenzhi'er's ability.

...Then, after experiencing this unexpected event, Rozen must find a way to restore contact with Chaldea.

This time is different from the previous situation when he cut off contact, because Luo Zhen was very worried about the situation of Chaldea because it involved the big BOSS Getia.

Of course, if there is an emergency, Luo Zhen feels that both Ai Ge and Daughter Shi will find him, and the daughter of the Gen Gen family is not a well-behaved baby.

They haven't broken the rules yet, which means that the matter is not serious yet.

Therefore, Luo Zhen first used his own method to find a way to restore the connection of the parallel world. After a few days of research...

"Is it a lie?" Luo Zhen was shocked again.

Ai Li assisted Luo Zhen in the workshop, and immediately asked: "What's wrong? Do you know what's going on?"

Luo Zhen has a complicated face, and his eyelids are still twitching:

"Ai Li. Didn't I fail several times to send spiritual particles, and then cut off contact with Chaldea? I'm not a fool, and I have tried to prevent this situation."

Because of Luo Zhen's special identity and being targeted by the root cause, he also felt that he would often get involved in trouble.

Including the situation of this trip to the United States, although Luo Zhen cut off contact with Chaldea, it was because he himself was not very active in recovering.

After going through several previous incidents, Rozen has already asked Roman and Da Vinci for a copy of Chaldea's spiritual transmission data, trying to deconstruct this cross-age magic formula that is highly integrated with science and magic.

Because it also involves the black technology of the Atlas Institute, even Luo Zhen can't completely deconstruct it so quickly, but the results are still there.

After several months of research by Luo Zhen, at the very least, Chaldea observed the masters of the spirit transmission, and maintained communication with them. He is confident that he can reproduce it independently.

Luo Zhen sighed: "In order to take the initiative to contact Chaldea in the future, I also wrote down the coordinates of Chaldea. This is something that Gaitia doesn't even know. It stands to reason that as long as the spell is correct, I will You can observe the plane of Chaldea in the imaginary space, and interfere with their communication equipment, just like a hacker."

"Hmm, so you haven't found the coordinates now?" Ai Li rubbed Luo Zhen's shoulders with concern.

Luo Zhen raised his eyebrows with a strange expression: "Not only that, my technique can't even reach the imaginary space, and it disappears as soon as it leaves this space."

The so-called imaginary space is the middle layer that separates the parallel worlds.

If you have to use the real space as a metaphor, you can roughly understand it as the cosmic space between each planet.

The boundless universe, this is the imaginary number.

Although it sounds mysterious, the imaginary space, or the magic that can interfere with the imaginary space, is not a very high-end secret in the magic world.

Although there are very few people who can really use it flexibly, some magicians are born with a physique that is compatible with imaginary number magic, and Luo Zhen's young fiancee Ma Tongying is one of them.

The most common imaginary number magic is to store things in a space where only you know the coordinates.

Because the time velocity of each space is different, the imaginary number magician can choose a space that is almost stagnant relative to time for storage.No matter how long the stuff is put in, it will remain in the state it was just put in, and it can be taken out at any time regardless of the location, which is really my favorite setting in time-traveling novels.

But Luo Zhen's problem is here:

"Although I am not an expert in imaginary numbers, I have already learned the basic applications. The problem now is that my interference with the imaginary number space is completely ineffective, and I cannot leave the physical plane at all."

This is a phenomenon that has never happened before.

Although I don't know if other imaginary number magicians can still use magic normally, after repeated attempts, Luo Zhen has confirmed that he is completely unable to interfere with the imaginary number space.

Pure space-based magic is quite normal, but the interference of imaginary numbers has completely disappeared, which completely puzzled him.

Ai Li, who has no knowledge of imaginary numbers, can only accompany Luo Zhen in distress:

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