"It would be great if my physique was an imaginary number...how about going to teach Sakura now and let her use it to see magic tricks?"

"Farewell, I will be hammered to death by her good mother (referring to Kariya)."

Luo Zhen immediately confessed to his future mother-in-law (male).

After he returned to Fuyuki, he hadn't gone to Tohsaka's Matou's house to say hello, and he missed his little fiancée sister Hana very much.

But with his knees, everyone knows, leaving aside the Tohsaka family, Kariya Matou would not agree to let Sakura participate in such a risky thing if he was beaten to death.

The good father who is overly protective wants to let Xiao Sakura completely break away from the magic world. It is already the result of repeated lip service to agree with Xiao Sakura to learn the basics.

So, now comes the problem.

Luo Zhen now seemed to be in a state where his five senses were closed.

Although I want to know the current situation of Chaldea, but there is nothing I can do.He didn't know if it was a special case of him not being able to interfere with the imaginary number space, but he didn't know anyone who could ask.

And Getia's threat is real.

After a real duel, Luo Zhen has come to his senses. From now on, he can no longer expect to rely on the assistance of the heroic army and Gaetia's underestimation of the enemy to defeat him like the battle of the Crown Time Temple that he knows.

To this beast of mercy, one of the evils of mankind, Luo Zhen has been regarded as a real enemy by him, and he must face his threat head-on.

After all, next time, Luo Zhen doesn't want to rely solely on Attila's berserk transformation.

Regardless of whether this can kill Getia, the place that becomes the battlefield first will definitely be wiped out, and Getia will use the light belt to destroy the world without hesitation.

There are many problems to be solved, and there are also many troubles.

Luo Zhen fell into a tricky situation after a short period of joy of returning home.

...So, after temporarily settling Yoyoko and Miyu, and playing with Karen Lijielit and the others at home for a few days...

Miss Serra, the only serious maid in the Einzbern family, said: "Master Rozen, there is someone outside the door who wants to find you."

"Who is it?" Luo Zhen, who was learning to breastfeed Ilya under the guidance of Aili and Yoyoko, asked.

Sera tilted her head in confusion: "It's an old man. I followed the young master's instructions and told all the guests that you didn't go home, but he seemed sure that you were there."

"...Did he announce his name?" Luo Zhen raised his head in concern.

He didn't remember knowing anyone other than his grandfather Ahadeon.If the old man finally plans to leave the snow mountain, then Luo Zhen is willing to receive him well.

Sera nodded, and said words that made ordinary people puzzled:

"He said that he is [Kaleidoscope]."

July: Its name is Manpo 100NP(?-ω?`)

Hey, Tsushima Island is really fun... Have you played it too? If you haven't played it, I recommend it (?????)

My old lady admires her perseverance, and she can still remember the code words in this situation!Amazing!As expected of me! (???????)??

So the next step is the guide who brought Luo Zhen into the clock tower!The beginning is the pinnacle, and I don’t know how to lose at this starting point (?-ω-`)

Then let me say that my wife doesn't care about the timeline.Although the Fourth World War was in 94, the subsequent characters may not necessarily be according to the age at this point in time

For example, what is Group A, Group A, and Group A, etc... as long as everyone knows.It’s not in the same world anyway, so don’t worry about it (?-ω?`)

Chapter 13. Beast of Possibilities·Luo Zhenjun

It is generally accepted in the magic world that there are five kinds of magic in the world.

From the first to the fifth, these five are enough to change the world...even reshape, or destroy the world.

After all, you can know it with your knees. The original purpose of the Yusanjia's Holy Grail War was to popularize the third method of soul incarnation for all human beings, so that the entire human race could become an immortal high-level existence with a unity of soul and flesh.

In this way, human beings are indeed all flesh and blood, but the problems that follow can also be imagined, which is very suitable for the theme of dystopia.

Among the five kinds of magic, the most well-known is the second method.

Its name is [Parallel World Interference].

The reason why it is well-known is that the magician of the second method is the most active of all five, and it has been the same person since more than two thousand years ago.

He was an old man who came and went without a trace, and was one of the original men who built the clock tower.

Just like the name of magic, he can move across parallel worlds like eating and drinking water, and no one can match him in space manipulation.

In addition, even if the magical factor is excluded, he is also a supreme magician.

Possessing the nickname of "Marshal of Demon Dao" in the second grade, he is adored and revered by the whole clock tower and even the whole magic world.

Luo Zhen: "Meet you for the first time, Mr. Zellich."

When the third magician and the second magician met, Luo Zhen bowed rather restrainedly.

Hearing that [Wanhua Mirror] was coming, Luo Zhen sprayed it out on the spot, and then quickly asked Ai Li and the others to clean up the scene.

Two magicians meeting directly is unheard of in the magic world, and there has never been an official record.

So Ai Li and the others knew the seriousness of this matter, and immediately vacated the living room to Luo Zhen, while the others waited in their respective rooms.

The gem man who was welcomed into the room by Sera was a stalwart old man.

A head of white hair grows wantonly in the back, a rough beard, and stern facial features are inexplicably majestic.

And although he was leaning on a cane, his body under the black robe was quite muscular.The straight back is not as old as it looks, it is an old man who is always full of presence.

Seeing Luo Zhen's stern face, he had a big smile on his old face:

"I'm being rude, Einzbern's holy son...or should I call you the beloved son of the root?"

"What do you mean?" Luo Zhen raised his eyebrows strangely.

The gemstone man continued: "Because the source loves you very much. It is the first time I have seen her take the initiative to leave the stage and let the restraining force not interfere with you. In other words, she is so curious about you that she actively breaks the rules." Do you think this is a common thing?"

"..." Luo Zhen remained silent and did not answer.

To be reasonable, it's not that he wants to be pampered by the root, and he doesn't feel any benefit from being stared at. It's just that other people say it's easy.

Moreover, the magician came to find him himself, and he was an old monster who had lived for at least two thousand years. It was impossible for Luo Zhen not to be nervous.

He threw out the big secret when he opened the first topic... Luo Zhen could only sigh, and asked him to sit down and pass the soy milk before talking slowly.

The gem old man, Kishua Zellich Shubein sat down leisurely, took a sip of Luo Zhen's white drink, and suddenly opened his eyes wide in surprise:

"Hoho, this is really... Although this old man has tasted the delicacies of countless worlds, this is the first time I have tasted such a delicious drink... Boy, did you use this to capture the hearts of women?"

Luo Zhen spread his hands together: "Do you think I need it?"

Luo Zhen showed his face, his body, and it was a perfect work of art standing there.

Jewel Weng burst out laughing, and the sound of laughter spread throughout the castle.

Because both of them are magicians, and they are old monsters like Gem Weng, Luo Zhen doesn't intend to hide any hole cards at all.

After breaking the pot, I felt more relaxed.

Luo Zhen sat opposite him, propped his face up and said without any rules:

"So old man, do you know my situation? Do you know the places I've been, the people I know, and the current state of the world?"

"It's about Chaldeas established by Animsfia, of course I know."

Gem Weng tasted the soy milk with relish.

Animsfia is the surname of the Lord of the Clock Tower's Astronomy Department, that is, the old director who won the Holy Grail War in the world of Chaldea and established Chaldea.

It was normal for Gem Weng to know him.

But there is no Chaldea in this world, and Animsfia has given up on establishing it. This idea must be his own secret, and he will not tell others.

But Gem Weng just knew.

He saw that Luo Zhen's eyes were very subtle, and he took the initiative to explain with a smile:

"Humanity Continuity Guarantee Organization, this idea is interesting. But don't you think it's arrogant to treat the entire human history as a sandbox for ants, ready to interfere at any time? At least, this is not the one I know Things that man Nimesfian would do."

"What do you want to say?" Luo Zhen went straight to the topic.

Therefore, Gem Weng also said: "In every world, everyone is dealing with the world crisis they see. In that world, Animusfia chose to establish an organization like Chaldea, but in this world he gave up. , It’s such a simple thing. But because among the many worlds, the world that successfully established Chaldea is very rare, so it is a good entertainment for me.”

These words sounded like they were making fun of the burning of human rights that Chaldea was experiencing, Luo Zhen complained silently in his heart.

But to Gem Weng, this is probably just a small entertainment.

He also said that everyone is dealing with the world crisis they see.

The anthropogenic burning that Chaldea faced was a very intuitive type. The entire human history was burned, which sounds unbelievable.

But it doesn't mean that the crisis faced by others is easier.

In fact, even if the clock tower is not mentioned, the other two older magic organizations, Atlas Institute and Wandering Sea, did not resist at all, and fell silent during Gaetia's human burning, but Luo Zhen didn't feel that at all. They are perishing.

The magic world is not just a place where a group of magicians huddle together to keep warm.

Gem Ong, a magician, helped build the clock tower, and the person who became the head of the clock tower is still alive.

These are monsters that have existed since BC.

The difference between them and the heroes of human history who became Heroic Spirits, and people like Solomon the Magic King [-] years ago is that they are unknown to ordinary people... and they are still alive.

Living legends and living myths really exist in this world.

Let's not talk about this kind of business mutual bragging.

Luo Zhen breathed a sigh of relief and said directly:

"I'll just go straight to the point. How much do you know about the current situation, old man? What happened to the imaginary number space?"

The gem old man said with great interest: "It's really straightforward. Do you want to ask the answer directly? Why don't you study it yourself?"

Luo Zhen didn't take the bait at all: "Forget it. This is not something I'm good at. And you, an expert, are here, so it's silly to insist on doing it yourself."

Gem Weng grinned.

So, he said: "In a word, the world is closed."

The old man who can interfere in the parallel world explained the situation.

The imaginary space outside this world is completely blocked, and the whole is isolated from the parallel time and space.

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