She suddenly turned her head to look at Li Mubai who was beside her, with a look on her face... she couldn't tell whether it was anger, shock, or sadness...

All I can say is, it's incredibly complicated.

Qingqing was a little bitter.


Stepping on Li Mubai's instep viciously, Qingqing roared, "Just say one more word, and I'll chop your tongue up and feed it to the dog!"

The expression on Li Mubai's face suddenly wrinkled into a ball - it hurts.

Damn, I forgot the little aunt around me...

With a sad face, he explained awkwardly, "Qingqing, I didn't mean that, listen to me..."

Patronizing the front output, forgetting that there is still an ambush behind, misstep!Mistake!

At this moment, Chio, who was on the opposite side, spoke up.

When he spoke directly, he scolded Qingqing next to Li Mubai.

"Who are you calling a dog?" Staring at Qingqing viciously, Qianxu's eyes flickered fiercely, "Li Mubai's tongue is mine, you actually want to chop it up and feed it to the dog... Are you calling me a dog?"

The rival in love took the initiative to fire, and Qingqing didn't even bother to question Li Mubai.

She grimaced at Qianxu and snorted, "I'll say whoever is a dog is a dog... You jumped out in such a hurry to pick and scold you, wouldn't you be a shameless stupid dog?"

Li Mubai covered his face by the side, and suddenly found that he couldn't get in the mouth—this TM, is it going to become the rhythm of the on-site scolding?

PS: After updating a chapter last night, I saw the concern of many book friends. I was really moved. Thank you for your concern. At present, the incision has almost recovered. , I don't seem to have any other problems... Well, the update will be good. After my mind was empty during the recent recuperation period, I also thought about a lot of things about writing. There are still some shortcomings in my personal writing style, and I have a certain insight. I will try my best to do the best in the next plot, thank you for your support along the way.

It's best to recommend a novel by a friend, but Wei Qingdi's "Sister Is Always Transcended", well, the title of the book represents everything, it is a very cool idea, you can go and read it, maybe there is an unexpected joy Oh

Chapter 234 Qianxu's Life Plan ([-])

A woman is a creature that loves scolding.

To be honest, as a man, Li Mubai had a hard time understanding why women liked scolding so much. It seemed to them that quarreling was an easier solution to problems than fighting.

If there is a conflict between two men, then the general situation is often "What are you doing?" "Fuck your mother!" "Fuck you, uncle, you have the kind of TM to say it again!"

Then the next plot is the street fight that everyone likes to see.

If they disagree, they start fighting. Men seem to prefer to rely on physical violence to solve problems.

But women are more civilized.

They rarely do anything, and usually just scold them directly.

It's common for aunts who can scold at the door of the vegetable market for half an hour without repeating the same thing, and both sides will tacitly agree with each other.

Li Mubai was often at a loss for understanding. Why should he scold things that could be resolved by a fight?

He originally thought that only women with low force value and who knew how to promote strengths and avoid weaknesses would like to scold people.

But the two aunts in front of him at this time, if the force value alone, it is estimated that the ten men combined are not their opponents.

Why are they still keen to scold here?

Li Mubai was speechless.

"Whose dog are you talking about?"

A cold-blooded killer from Japan, who has been trained as a killer since childhood and has at least fifty lives on his hands, Suzumiya Chio glared at Xia Qingqing opposite him with a fierce look, and said coldly, "Say it again!"

Opposite her, Xia Qingqing, a martial arts master who has been practicing martial arts since childhood and who can't get close to three or five superpowers, is making a face at her at this time.

"Whoever admits it is a puppy, a stupid dog, a big stupid dog, an idiot dog, a sex dog, an idiot dog who wants to beat someone else's boyfriend!"

Li Mubai looked big.

He suddenly discovered that it was not a problem for these two aunts to scold each other like this.

Some speechlessly dragged Qingqing and pulled her behind him, Li Mubai felt that he could no longer be silent.

"Can the two of you stop for a while?" Li Mubai pointed at the store clerk's mother lying on the floor and said, "This is an urban area. What if someone comes and sees this aunt lying here and calls the police? Are you going to be wanted by the Hong Kong police?"

Chio Suzumiya looked indifferent, "Someone is here, I'll just stun him. He can't call the police."

Li Mubai almost laughed out of anger, "Come on, you stunned one? My little aunt, this is an urban area! People come and go all the time, but the fire can't be contained in the paper, even if you can stun one. Two passers-by, but you can still confuse the whole Hong Kong people?"

Suzumiya Chio frowned, her eyes flashing fiercely, "I'll kill this woman and throw it in the back kitchen so that no one will find out."

Li Mubai's teeth were sore when he heard it, "You can just throw it in the back kitchen, you don't need to add the sentence of killing you. That's a life! Suzumiya Chio-san, have you forgotten how you promised me before? "

Qianxu Suzumiya looked at him coldly, "You were the one who treachery first, Li Mubai, you have no right to accuse me."

Li Mubai's eyes widened, "Am I betrayed? What kind of faith did I betray? What kind of righteousness did I betray? Qianxu, make it clear, what is my betrayal? You can't smear people's innocence."

Qianxu Suzumiya looked at him and said coldly, "You said you wanted to marry me and take care of me for the rest of your life, but now you have hooked up with other women. Isn't this treachery?

Li Mubai sighed, "Your idiom is quite used, and you can't tell that you are Japanese... Yes, I did say that at the beginning. But you seem to have forgotten, I said the premise of all this. It's you who won't forget me. But in the end, you still forget me, and I'm so desperate, how can you say I'm perfidious?"

Qianxu Suzumiya looked indifferent, "No matter how much you talk about it, it won't change the fact that you always give up in disorder and end your relationship! But I won't hurt you, Li Mubai, you are the first man in my life, It will also be the last, no matter what happens, I will never hurt you, so you don't have to worry."

Before Li Mubai could express his testimonials, Qingqing behind him widened his eyes.

"The first man in your life?" Grabbing Li Mubai next to him, Qingqing was a little anxious, "Uncle! Have you done that kind of thing with this guy? Have you already had that kind of relationship? Didn't you say Have you never touched her at all? What does she mean by saying that now? Uncle, are you lying to me?"

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