Qingqing was angry and anxious, "Hurry up! What the hell is going on here?"

On the opposite side, Qianxu smiled coldly, with the face of a winner, "What's going on? Do you need me to tell you personally? When Li Mubai and I were together, we ate and lived together, and we saw each other's nakedness at night. Sleeping together on the same bed, he touched my whole body, I also touched his whole body, he licked my whole body from head to toe with his tongue, and I licked it with my tongue. His whole body, we share the same bed and do not separate each other. According to your Chinese customs, we have already been lovers who have been husband and wife. You, the third party who won love with a knife, faced me at this time, Don't you feel guilty at all?"

Qingqing was so angry that she was about to cry. She was angry and uncomfortable. After clenching her teeth, the little girl suddenly grabbed Li Mubai's neck.

"Li! Mu! Bai!" Angrily shouting Li Mubai's name word by word, Qingqing pinched his neck, shaking Li Mubai's body vigorously, roaring, "What the hell is going on here? You didn't mean you Haven't touched her at all? What about your morals? What about your conduct? Didn't you say she was only fourteen at the time, a child, so you wouldn't do anything to her? So what's going on now? This is Your moral integrity? You don't let fourteen-year-old minors go? Li Mubai! Explain it to me clearly!"

The girl who was also a minor and who also wanted to sleep with Li Mubai let out a furious roar like a furious lioness.

Li Mubai was shaken wildly by her, feeling like a candle in the wind that could fall apart at any time.

He raised his hands helplessly and said loudly, "Qingqing, listen to my explanation, listen to my explanation! I really never did that kind of thing to her, and I guarantee with my personality that I have never entered her house. Physically, she's still in perfect shape..."

"Oh? It didn't enter my body?" Suzumiya Qianxu coldly interrupted Li Mubai's defense, "Isn't it counted as entering my mouth?"

Qingqing and Li Mubai over there were stunned at the same time, and then Qingqing shook Li Mubai's body even more angrily.

"Li Mubai! You beast! You bastard! Old lecher! A big liar! You are so bad!"

Li Mubai was so ashamed that she couldn't help but feel ashamed, "That's what she made and ate while I was sleeping. It's none of my business!"

The corners of Qianxu's mouth twitched slightly, and a cold and false sneer squeezed out, "But didn't you enjoy it a lot at the time... and let me eat a little deeper, that sentence wasn't something I forced you to say, right?"

Li Mubai felt that he was probably going to die today...

Chapter 235 Qianxu's Life Plan ([-])

It was a quiet night.

Li Mubai was lying on his big bed, holding a charming little girl in his arms.

Although it is said that the maximum death penalty starts in three years, Chio was almost fourteen years old at that time... Of course, this is not the point.

The point is that Li Mubai still has a little bit of integrity.

Under the premise that he is not sure that he can give the girl a future, he does not dare to cross the thunder pool.

It's just that Li Mubai didn't dare, but that little girl with a stubborn forehead was different.

That little girl had always accepted the truth. Ever since she established a relationship with Li Mubai, no matter how good Li Mubai had said, she just made up her mind that she would seduce Li Mubai every day, and she wanted to cook raw rice.

Although Li Mubai is not lolicon, although Li Mubai has a little bit of integrity, and although Li Mubai is trying his best to control himself, he is still a man.

Twenty-four hours a day, a charming little beauty will try her best to seduce you and tease you. Normal men can't stand it.

So occasionally Li Mubai made a little mistake... Of course, it was just a little bit, and he didn't cross the line.

Li Mubai has been trying his best to control himself.

The pain of the kind of delicacies from the mountains and seas and the delicacies that were placed in front of him but could not be eaten, he was almost depressed to the point of death.

Then one night, when he was sleeping soundly, the little girl lying beside him got up expressionlessly and burrowed his head into the quilt.

After that...

"Cough, cough..." Li Mubai coughed dryly, feeling that he had really made a mistake and hated him for eternity.

Suzumiya Chio, this little girl, is simply a grinding little fairy!

As the saying goes, one slip can lead to eternal hatred, and it has been a hundred years since he turned back.

At this time, Li Mubai was choked by the furious Qing Qing like a little lioness, shaking his body frantically, feeling that his whole body was about to fall apart.

My heart is full of sadness - a slip of a foot, a slip of a foot!

"Li Mubai!" Qingqing's angry roar was almost completely concealed, very much like Hedong's lion's roar, "You big lecher! You bastard! Pervert! She's still just a child! Do you even spare the child? Is that what you said you absolutely never touched her?"

Li Mubai raised his hands high with a helpless expression on his face, "Qingqing, don't get excited first, listen to me... listen to me first. I can explain, listen to me, don't get excited, let's calm down first... okay? ? I can explain."

It seemed that Li Mubai's words were still a little convincing. Qingqing took a few deep breaths before glaring at him fiercely, clenching her teeth, "Say it! If you can't give a reasonable explanation..."

Qingqing gritted her teeth hard and made a biting motion, her eyes were fierce like a predatory lion, "...you just wait to die!"

Li Mubai's back subconsciously felt cold.

Qingqing, this girl is... let go of herself, possessed by a lion?

Qingqing looked at him fiercely, "Speak! Why didn't you speak? Didn't you say you could explain it?"

"Uh... this... Actually, it's like this," Li Mubai glanced at Qianxu, who was facing him with a little guilty conscience, and said to him, "Now that there's a big crowd here, I'll tell you more when I go back, okay?"

Before Qingqing could speak, Qianxu spoke expressionlessly, "It's okay, you don't have to take me into account, even if you lie and talk nonsense, I won't be able to expose you, after all, you are my lover. A man's lies are unacceptable, what does it mean to love him... You say so?"

After listening to this sentence, Li Mubai only felt bitterness in his mouth——Auntie, when you say this, I really can't argue with it!Even if I tell the truth and never lie, Qingqing will definitely think I'm lying!

Staring at Qianxu opposite, Li Mu turned pale, "Qianxu, you've changed! You weren't like this before."

The previous Chio wouldn't dig a hole for me, and he was so proficient at digging!

Chio Suzumiya was a little confused, "Do you want me to expose you? Wouldn't it be good for me to cooperate with you in lying?"

...Well, it seems that this silly girl is still as stupid as before, but the brain circuit is a little different from ordinary people.

Qingqing stared at him fiercely, as if she might tear a piece of meat off his neck at any time, "Speak! Why didn't you say anything?"

Li Mubai felt that Qingqing's reaction was a little too excited... er... but thinking about it carefully, it was understandable.

After all, in the eyes of this girl Qingqing, although her uncle has had many ex-girlfriends, he has always kept himself clean and has not surpassed the thunderous pool. Even the relationship between Xu Rou and Li Mubai is only about holding hands and kissing.

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