Although he still wanted to escape, he stopped subconsciously.

This guy Park Jung-tae is looking for him?Could it be that he wants to help the person in the fifty-one round to catch him?

Ale stared suspiciously at the two in front of him and asked, "Why is Park Zhengtai looking for me?"

The two still wanted to go forward, but Ale hurriedly stopped them, "Don't go any further! Just stand there and say if you have something to say!"

The two looked at each other, stopped tacitly, looked at the young man here from a distance, and said, "Mr. Ale, General Park heard that you were chased and killed by people in the [-]st round this afternoon, So he sent us to find you. You are his friend, and he wants to protect you, and he doesn't want you to be captured by the fifty-one innings."

The conversation of several people woke up the sleeping old man next to him, Uncle Bo rubbed his eyes and sat up.

"Who is it? Son, are there any guests?" Uncle Bo asked blankly.

Ale quickly helped the old man up, "It's okay, Dad, there are a few friends looking for me, don't worry."

Then he looked at the two people on the opposite side and asked, "Isn't Park Zhengtai with the people in the [-]st round? He sent someone to find me, how can he be at ease? You are actually helping the [-]st round. Someone came to arrest me? Don't think I didn't know that Park Zhengtai knew the people in the [-]st round, I heard it all, and Park Zhengtai promised that if the people in the [-]st round found me, I would be taken to them! You are all fraud!"

The boy said angrily, "Let's go, I don't want to fight with you. If you don't go, I'll be welcome!"

The boy's threat sounded intimidating, but the two of them subconsciously took a step back, a little scared.

Before they came, they already knew what the two of them did in the afternoon, and naturally they knew the terrible feat of destroying half of the street.

This level of destructive power can be said to be a first-class ability, and a trash fish like them can't be an opponent at all.

Trembling and a little scared, one of them said calmly, "Mr. Ale, you have misunderstood. Although we know the people in the [-]st round, we are not the same as them at all. It can even be said that we are with them. Competitors, those who hate each other, General Park can't give you to the fifty-one round, you are his good friend, no matter what happens, he will not betray you."

Another person also spoke, "Yes, Mr. Ale, think about it, since we can find you, then we must have a way to find your whereabouts. If we really are with the [-]st game, Or if we want to betray you, then General Park only needs to tell the people in the [-]st round about your whereabouts. Now you are not seeing the two of us. You must have been surrounded by the people in the [-]st Say yes?"

The two of them spoke quite honestly, and it seemed that they were indeed very reasonable.

So the young man was a little dazed.

Could it be blamed Park Jung-tae wrongly?

Park Zhengtai's kind smile appeared again in his mind, and Ale was a little confused.

He doesn't want to doubt Park Zhengtai emotionally, after all, such a kind uncle doesn't look like a bad guy, and it was introduced by Mr. Jin Zeyu.

Even if Park Jung-tae can't believe it, Mr. Jin Zeyu is still worthy of Ah Le's trust.

So in the end, after hesitating for a while, the boy took a deep breath and made the final decision.

"Alright then, I'll go with you."

Ale stared at the two in front of him and said, "But I can go with you. You must not lie to me, otherwise... hum!"

The young man is not good at threatening people with harsh words, so in the end he can only snort heavily and pretend to be very vicious.

He also knew that his threats had no effect.

But at least if Uncle Bo is by his side, plus his superpowers, even if he is betrayed, he should still be able to run away.

So the teenager finally decided to trust Park Jung-tae once.

If it's a big deal to be deceived, let Uncle Bo blow Park Zhengtai's head off.

Although he doesn't have much confidence in his superpowers, Ale clearly understands the destructive power of Uncle Bo.

If something really happened, he would let go of the mental restrictions on Uncle Bo and let Uncle Bo go wild.

Anyway... it wasn't his fault anyway.

Even if those people were killed, it would be their own fault.

Even though he has done nothing wrong, he has to be bullied by so many people. Those people are simply disgusting.

The boy thought so.

PS: The [-]-word chapter will not be divided into chapters in the future, otherwise you will be scolded for breaking the chapter... Well, I will not deliberately divide chapters in the future.

Chapter 248 Meeting

When Ah Le saw Park Zhengtai, the sky in the east was gray and it was about to dawn.

After the two Koreans took him and Uncle Bo away from the rooftop, they sneaked Ale and Uncle Bo into a black car parked in the alley downstairs.

The sneaky movements of the two seemed to be hiding from someone.

Ale guessed that the two Koreans should be hiding in the [-]st round.

When the black car carried Ale and Uncle Bo to the underground parking lot of the hotel, the two Koreans took out the knives from their bags and gave them make-up and wigs. They also changed them by the way. A set of clothes, when the two walked out, looked completely different.

Ale changed from a ragged stray boy to a non-mainstream gangster with yellow hair, and Uncle Bo was dressed up as a wealthy business owner who looked very rich.

Ale also got a room card. According to the other party's prompt, he took Uncle Bo by elevator to the [-]th floor, and then swiped the card into the room.

This is a luxurious presidential suite, and the floor is so clean that even people can be seen, so that Ale is a little afraid to set foot.

Next to the huge floor-to-ceiling glass, Park Zhengtai was looking at the night view of the city. From Ale, only one back could be seen.

When Park Zhengtai turned around, Ale saw the smile on his face.

"Anything to drink?"

Park Zhengtai was holding a tall glass in his hand, and the red wine in the glass was clear in color. Want a drink?"

Ale looked at the other people in the room with some fear. In the corner stood a few people who looked like bodyguards, all with serious expressions.

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