Seeing that Ale didn't speak, Park Zhengtai asked again, "Or some black tea? Juice? Soda water?"

As he spoke, he sat down on the sofa, and a subordinate next to him immediately went over to pour wine for him.

Ale walked over in a restrained manner, but did not take a seat while standing in front of Park Zhengtai.

He just looked at Park Zhengtai like this, hesitated, and said, "Mr. Park, I want to ask you a question."

"Huh? Excuse me," Park Zhengtai raised his eyebrows and changed to a comfortable sitting position, "and can we sit down first? We are friends, aren't we? If you are so restrained, it will be very outrageous. Why don't you sit down? Say?"

"Okay..." Ale nodded and took Uncle Bo to sit down opposite Park Zhengtai.

The soft sofa made Uncle Bo a little excited, but Uncle Bo's excitement was suppressed by Ale.

Now is a very important occasion, and Ale doesn't want Uncle Bo to make trouble.

After he sat down, he took a deep breath and said, "Mr. Park Zhengtai, what exactly are you looking for me for? Are you trying to arrest me for the person in the [-]st round? Your conversation with them , I've heard it before."

Park Zhengtai was a little surprised, "Did you hear what we said when I negotiated with Director Lin of the [-]st round... Well, I said why you seem to react so strangely."

He said, smiled, got up and poured a glass of red wine for Ale and Uncle Bo in person, and then said with a smile, "Ale, you are Chinese, you should know the old Chinese saying, called emptiness and vexatious snake. We Now we are all on the land under the management of Bureau [-]. In any case, we must not offend them on the surface. Although we promise them on the surface, we do not need to follow their opinions on what we should do... I say this, Can you understand?"

Ale was stunned, " mean you're just lying to those people?"

"Naturally, otherwise I won't send someone to pick you up," Park Zhengtai smiled kindly, not showing any bad intentions at all, "If I really want to help the people in the [-]st round to catch you, you It's tied up now."

Ale thought about it, it seems that this is the truth, but...

"What do you want me to do for you?" Ale asked.

From the young man's point of view, the [-]st round is so powerful, but Park Zhengtai would rather offend those people and help himself, which is unreasonable in his opinion.

Although Ale does not doubt the existence of good people in the world, his years of wandering experience have made him understand that what he needs to beware of more often is the possible bad people.

Even if you are deceived by bad people only once, you may lose something very important.

So the Korean uncle in front of him looks very kind, but Ale still wants to ask clearly, "That fifty-one game is so powerful, wouldn't it be dangerous for you to help me? Why do you want to help me?"

Ale's question was straightforward, but it went straight to the core of the question.

Obviously, Park Zhengtai did not expect that the young man in front of him would ask this question so directly that he was a little surprised.

The atmosphere in the house was a little awkward.

After a few seconds, Park Zhengtai shook his head and smiled bitterly.

"Well, since you asked Ale so straightforwardly, then I'll tell you directly."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Park Zhengtai sighed and said, "As you can see, Ale, in fact, I am from South Korea, and I am a capable person. And the people in the [-]st round are also capable, just like the general public. In the same way, those who are capable also have a state.”

"And I am the ability person in South Korea. Of course, the person who was in the [-]st round is the ability person in the Chinese government."

"And between us, there is a big difference, that is, there are many people in China, and under the huge population base, the ability of the Chinese government is much stronger than that of our South Korea... Whether it is in terms of quantity or quality, We all lack enough talent in Korea.”

Looking at Ah Le's eyes, Park Zhengtai said, "And you are our most scarce talent. In China, you may not be valued, but if you come to our South Korea, with your aptitude and ability, you can definitely be reused. "

Ale blinked, "You mean... want me to go to Korea to join you?"

Park Zhengtai nodded, "Yes, we hope to get your help. You are a very talented person. Joining us can give you more that China can't give you. It is definitely much better than your current life."

Ale thought for a while and shook his head, "This... I'm sorry to say that, but I... uh... I have no idea of ​​going abroad for the time being, so I'm so sorry, I can't go to Korea with you. Sorry... "

Park Zhengtai smiled and shook his head, "You don't have to give me an answer so quickly, you can stay for a while, and then think about it slowly. This kind of important thing can't be thought of for a while. Think about it, and give me an answer in two days."

Saying that, Park Zhengtai stood up and patted Ale's shoulder with a smile, "You're probably tired, stay and rest first. After a good night's sleep, tell me later, but remember to think faster. Although I can hide you for a while, but I can't hide it for too long, if the people from the fifty-one round come to the door, they are not as good as me..."

Chapter 249 Misunderstanding

"I seem to be in the hospital all the time lately..."

Sitting on the hospital bed, Li Mubai suddenly said these words inexplicably, "I've even been hospitalized now, so should I go to fortune-telling? Could it be that I've been hit by some bad luck recently? I feel a little bit. Bad luck."

Qingqing, who was peeling apples for him, gave him a white look and said, "How old are you, uncle? Are you still superstitious about these things?"

"Hey... stinky girl, don't you know that the older you get, the more you believe in these things?" Li Mubai glared at Qingqing, thought about it, and sighed, "Well, actually, I don't believe in that stuff either?" It's just too boring to lie on the hospital bed, so let's go to the nearby temple to ask for a visa, just take a walk."

After Qingqing finished cutting the apple and took a bite, she handed the missing piece of apple to Li Mubai and said, "Don't even think about it, the doctor said, you have to observe for another day today. Today you just lie down obediently. Don't think about running around on the hospital bed, you want to go out for a walk, and I will accompany you when you are healed."

Li Mubai sighed, "I've already said that I'm not sick. Although I've suffered a little injury, isn't it almost healed? It's fine."

Qingqing glared at him with her cheeks puffed up, "You said there is no problem, right? You are not a doctor! Listen to the doctor."

Li Mubai looked helpless, "You are more long-winded than old mother. This hospital is so boring, I will definitely get moldy lying here all day."

Qingqing thought for a while, then took out her mobile phone, "Why don't we play games, uncle, it won't be boring to play games. Recently, I'm playing a game called Pesticide for the Dead. It's very interesting. Let's play together."

Li Mubai rolled his eyes, "How much did the deceased pesticide give you? You advertise it like this... I don't want to play such a boring game."

Qingqing stared at him angrily, "Really don't play?"

"Don't play."

"Absolutely not?"

"Don't play," Li Mubai said lightly, "Even if I, Li Mubai, were bored to death lying on the hospital bed, I would definitely not play this kind of rubbish game only played by elementary school students!"



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