"You seem to be new here? Where's James? Why didn't I see him?"

Before the woman could speak, the deputy behind her answered for her.

"Mr James has been transferred to another department and is in charge of another research. Currently Dr Yun is our project leader."

Luo Yongxiang looked up and down at the woman in front of him, "Doctor? You? Little girl, you don't look very old. It's amazing to be a doctor at such a young age and still a project leader."

The former deputy spoke again, "Dr. Yun is an expert in human biology. In fact, under her leadership, our research has made breakthrough progress, and now the chance of treating Miss Luo's recovery has reached [-]%. Thirty or more."

Luo Yongxiang waved his hand and interrupted the man, "I don't care about these things, I just want to say a few words to you... Well, I am a rough person, so I speak very straightforwardly. My daughter is now terminally ill and there is no cure. Now, you are the last hope, I can only give her to you, but that doesn't mean you can mess around."

When he said this, Luo Yongxiang's eyes became sinister and fierce, like a hungry wolf who wanted to eat, and his murderous aura was enough to make ordinary people tremble.

"My daughter is given to you to treat her, not to study her like a guinea pig! If my daughter suffers even a little bit of grievance from you..." Gloomy eyes swept across all the researchers After it was over, Luo Yongxiang said coldly, "Even in the United States, I would have no problem killing a few people!"

A few timid researchers were trembling with fright.

However, Dr. Yun, who faced Luo Yongxiang's murderous aura, had a calm face and completely ignored Luo Yongxiang's threat.

She said calmly, "Mr. Luo, please rest assured, Miss Luo Yuxuan handed it over to me, I promise not to let her suffer any grievances. You can come to the institute to visit her at any time, if you find that we have done anything inappropriate , you can come to me, I will be responsible."

Luo Yongxiang took a deep look at the woman in front of him, "You speak very standard Chinese... Look at your face, are you Chinese?"

"No," Dr. Yun shook his head and said, "I'm Chinese, I just work in an American research institution, not an American."

Luo Yongxiang's expression became a little serious.

Following the American tradition of xenophobia, a Chinese with Chinese nationality can obtain a doctorate and be in charge of a project in a large research institute... This is not something that ordinary people with "a little" ability can do. It must have absolute strength.

Capable people are naturally worthy of respect, not to mention the strength of the ability of the person in front of them will also be related to the probability of recovery of the daughter...

This time, Luo Yongxiang took the initiative to stretch out his hand and asked with a serious expression, "Dr. Yun, right... May I know your full name?"

Very calm, Dr. Yun took his hand and said, "Yun Xin."

Chapter 255 I dreamed of you

When Li Mubai arrived at the hospital, Nie Tiannan was sitting on the bench in the corridor with an indifferent expression and said nothing.

Although he had the same poker face as before, he could clearly see that Nie Tiannan's mood was not very good, and it could even be said that it was bad.

When Li Mubai walked over, Nie Tiannan raised his head and glanced at him.

There was a lot of sadness in those eyes.

This made Li Mubai a little surprised.

He sat down beside Nie Tiannan.

In the ward, there were several people in white lab coats busy with some machines that Li Mubai couldn't understand, while Luo Yongxiang was sitting in front of the hospital bed, looking at his daughter on the hospital bed with a look of disappointment, as if he had completely entered another world and didn't care at all. Those busy white coats around.

There was a sign [No Entry] hanging at the door, so Li Mubai could only wait.

When Li Mubai sat down, Nie Tiannan glanced at him and said, "The institute said that they will give Yuxuan an injection later, and Yuxuan will be sober for a while, you can talk to him later. She said goodbye."

Li Mubai was at a loss, "Goodbye... Where is Yu Xuan going?"

Nie Tiannan stared at the busy white lab coats in the ward, and was silent for a while, before finally uttering a word, "...America."

Li Mubai was even more confused.

But this time, before he asked any questions, Nie Tiannan took the initiative to explain.

"Have you seen those people in white lab coats? They are all from the United States," Nie Tiannan said with a cold expression, "They are from the Winter Research Base in the United States. They just arrived not long ago and came to pick up Yuxuan. The United States. The plane is already waiting at the airport, and by this time tomorrow, Yuxuan will be in the United States."

Li Mubai almost suspected that he had heard it wrong.

"Research base? Isn't this group of white lab coats doctors?" Li Mubai felt a little puzzled, "Why was Yu Xuan sent to a scientific research base? What the hell is Uncle Xiang thinking?"

Thinking of the so-called scientific research base, Li Mubai's first reaction was organ donation?Or body donation?isn't it...

He was a little confused.

Nie Tiannan explained, "A project researched by this research base is related to Yuxuan's disease. They contacted us a long time ago, hoping to take Yuxuan to the United States for treatment, saying that they have a way to treat Yuxuan. But Uncle Xiang has always rejected them, one reason is that the United States is too far away, and the other is that these people are not professional doctors, they are not trustworthy, but..."

Having said this, Nie Tiannan sighed deeply, "At this stage, Uncle Xiang probably has no choice... I can only promise these people with the mentality of giving it a try. After all, if this continues. It's a question of whether Yu Xuan can survive this week..."

After listening to Li Mubai, he understood the situation a little.

For this explanation, although it is difficult for him to accept it, he can understand it.

If it were him, he would probably have to make the same choice.

Often times, a lifesaver is better than no hope.

And after knowing the true identities of the group of white coats, Li Mubai became even more curious about these people.

He raised his head and stared at the white coats in the ward, observing each other's every move, at least on the surface, these people were very professional, and their movements were very gentle, and would not give people a rough feeling.

If it wasn't for pretending, Yuxuan wouldn't have to suffer from being treated by this group of people...

Li Mubai was still thinking that the group of white coats had been packed up. After one of the white coats injected the unconscious girl on the hospital bed, he said something to Luo Yongxiang in front of the hospital bed.

Ten seconds later, the group of white coats left one after another.

And Nie Tiannan and Li Mubai stood up at the same time.

The two looked at each other and walked into the ward.

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