Luo Yongxiang, who had his back to them, spoke without turning his head.

"It's Bai're here..."

Luo Yongxiang's voice seemed to have aged by dozens of years overnight, full of hoarseness and a heavy sense of twilight, which formed a sharp contrast with the former gangster who was full of energy and high spirits.

He sat there without looking back, with his back to Li Mubai and Nie Tiannan, but he saw everything as if he had eyes behind his head, and said, "Anan, let's go out first, the rest of the time is for Bai Zai and Yu. Come on... Yuxuan, the first person this girl wants to see when she wakes up, must be Bai Zai..."

Luo Yongxiang's voice was filled with deep sadness.

Before Li Mubai could react, Luo Yongxiang took Nie Tiannan out of the ward.

They closed the door before they left.

So in a huge ward, in addition to the beeping sound of the instruments, there was only the breathing sound of the girl on the hospital bed.

Li Mubai hesitated for a moment, walked over, and sat down in front of the hospital bed.

Looking closely at the girl in front of him, Li Mubai noticed more changes.

Just a few days without seeing, the girl in front of me has changed a lot.

Compared with the last time we met not long ago, the girl today looks dry and yellowish, with a thin face, and the eyes that were originally shining are tightly closed at this time, so that people can't see the light in their eyes.

It was clear that they had not seen each other for a few days, but it seemed that the two of them had been separated by several years. The changes in the girl's body filled Li Mubai with confusion.

Is the legendary lamp running out of oil...

Li Mubai's heart was full of powerless grief.

This painful feeling reminded him of the grief, hesitation, loss, pain, fear, etc. when his parents died when his parents passed away.

He has always been afraid of such a thing happening again, but now he has finally encountered the same thing... The person he valued is about to die...

Staring blankly at the sleeping face of the girl on the hospital bed, Li Mubai's line of sight did not have any focus.

Even when the girl had slowly opened her eyes and looked at him with those big weak and dim eyes, he still sat there dazedly, motionless.

It wasn't until the girl called him softly that he woke him up.

"Bad man..."

The girl's voice was soft, waxy, timid, and hoarse with a serious illness. If it wasn't for the quietness in the ward, Li Mubai almost doubted that he would not be able to hear clearly.

He suddenly came back to his senses as if he had just woken up from a dream, and his eyes touched the eyes of the girl on the hospital bed.

Then the haggard girl on the hospital bed blinked and smiled lightly.

Even in such a condition, the girl's soft smile is still cute and optimistic, and she can't see any negative emotions.

"Bad man...I dreamed of you again..." The girl smiled lightly, looking at Li Mubai stupidly, smiling softly and contentedly, "So happy..."

Chapter 256 Face the Lich King

bad guy...

For Li Mubai, this title was only a girl who would call him that.

That low voice, soft and glutinous, was so delicate and heartbreaking.

Like a small flower in a gust of wind, it may be smashed by a hurricane at any time, fragile and helpless.

But the shallow smile on the girl's face did not show any depression and despair. Even if she was so seriously ill, her face was still a sunny and positive gentle smile, without any gloomy emotions.

This is an optimistic and strong girl.

She may be fragile, seriously ill, and powerless, but her spirit is incomparably strong.

She had just woken up from a coma, and her eyes were still a little sleepy. Her slightly squinted eyes were bent into crescents because of a small smile, which was extremely cute.

She looked at Li Mubai like this, and smiled lightly, "Bad have run into someone else's dream without permission. How should I punish you this time?"

Li Mubai looked at this lovely and gentle girl, and his heart was about to break.

"It's not a dream, you fool..." He murmured, taking the girl on the hospital bed into his arms, and said softly, "I really came to see you."

"Eh? Really...?" The girl let Li Mubai hold her, as if the surprise had come so suddenly that she was a little overwhelmed, "Bad man, you really came to see me... When did this happen? ?"

Li Mubai hugged her, buried his face in the girl's hair, and said softly, "Then it's up to you to guess. If you guess correctly, there will be a prize."

The girl couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Big bad guy, you want to lie to me again, so people won't be fooled, and I don't want your reward," the girl smiled, her face flushed with shyness, "Isn't your reward just a kiss? Every time I just rush over to nibble on others... they don't want it."

Thinking of the prank he used to tease the girl, Li Mubai couldn't help but smile with some nostalgia.

But this time, before he spoke, the girl in his arms spoke softly.

"Bad man, I have something for you."

Li Mubai let go of the girl, a little confused, "What?"

The girl tilted her head and thought for a while, and said, "Look if it's on the bedside table, or under the bed. I told my dad to put that thing next to me, it's a blue box, it should be easy to find. ."

Li Mubai followed the girl's instructions and finally found this gift under the bed.

But that thing isn't what the girl calls a "box", it's a box!

A blue box, at least one meter five in length, the coating on the surface is a cool blue tone, and the pattern on it also gives a strange evil feeling.

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