Looking at the box in front of him, Li Mubai was at a loss, "This is... what?"

Yu Xuan looked at him with a smile, tapped her chin lightly, "Quickly open it, you'll know when you open it."

Li Mubai glanced at the little girl suspiciously, not knowing what medicine the other party was selling in the gourd.

But he still opened the blue box.

Then, he saw the contents of the box.

A set of full-body metal armor, the metal of the armor is not thick, it can even be said to be very thin, but it can be seen that the maker has put a lot of thought into it.Whether it is the lines or patterns on it, they are all exquisite and beautiful, and there is no sense of cheapness.

Even people who don't know how to do it see this armor, the first reaction is [expensive].

However, to Li Mubai, the armor in this box had another meaning—because he knew this armor.

This is the armor worn by the big boss in a certain online game he played before, and next to the armor lies the weapon of the evil boss - Frostmourne.

Seeing this delicate and beautiful armor, but full of evil aura, Li Mubai's eyes were full of astonishment.

"Yuxuan?" He looked at the girl on the hospital bed in amazement, "Where did this come from?"

The girl coughed slightly, her expression became a little serious, looked at Li Mubai seriously, and said.

"Now, I won't hide it from you. Bad guy, I'm actually not from this world," the girl said with a serious face, "I come from a world called Azeroth and serve the great Lich King. But the Lich King had an unfortunate accident because of some things, the self-proclaimed righteous Knights of the Silver Hand invaded the Icecrown Fortress, and I was forced to escape from that world with the Lich King's armor."

"Now, I have come to Earth, I have seen you, and I have chosen you... Put on your helmet, and from now on, you will be the new Lich King."

After the girl finished speaking, the room fell into a strange and awkward silence.

Li Mubai looked at her blankly without saying a word.

The girl blinked, and the two looked at each other for a while...

"Puchi", the girl finally couldn't hold back her laughter any longer.

Laughing and coughing, "Ha...hahaha...cough...hahahaha...hahaha..."

After laughing for a long time, the girl finally had enough laughing, and she looked at the speechless Li Mubai with a smile, and said, "Those were all lies to you just now~ Actually, this is a gift I bought for you. The [-]th anniversary souvenir Lich King set, limited to [-] pieces in the world. Didn't you like to play the game of glass slag before? I thought you might like it, so I asked someone to buy a set and come back to see you. It's time to give it to you... This is the truth, just now those were all teasing you, don't take it seriously."

Li Mubai looked helpless——I'm not stupid [beep], how could I take such a middle school's words seriously.

He gently scratched the girl's nose and smiled helplessly, "Silly girl, even remember the game I like to play... I remember I told you about that game once in front of you, right?"

"Yes, but I remembered it just that time," the girl said happily, "I must understand what bad guys like."

Li Mubai thought about it for a while, and was a little confused again, "That's not right... Yu Xuan, you..."

He looked at the girl on the hospital bed and hesitated for a while, but he still didn't ask the question in his heart.

The girl was very curious, "Bad guy? What do you want to ask? Why don't you stop talking?"

"This..." Li Mubai hesitated for a moment, and finally asked under the girl's curious gaze, "Didn't you forget me back then? Why did you remember to buy me a present..."

"This..." The girl blinked, then smiled lightly, "Then bad guy, guess, did I really forget you at the beginning?"

Chapter 257

"Then bad guy, guess, did I really forget you at the beginning?"

The girl smiled and said such a sentence.

Li Mubai's expression suddenly became embarrassed.

I don't know how to read minds, so how can I know what you're thinking...

Seeing Li Mubai's sullen expression, the girl also smiled and shook her head, instead of teasing him, she directly answered.

"Actually, I forgot that you bought this armor before," Yu Xuan said, "I asked Nange to buy this armor for me, but unfortunately I forgot about you before it arrived, so I kept this armor. It's here with me. I just remember who this is probably a gift for, but I forgot who it was for..."

The girl said softly, "I've been keeping this gift, and I want to give it away when I think of its real owner. It wasn't until a while ago that I remembered everything..."

The girl looked at Li Mubai and smiled slightly, her eyes curved into a happy crescent shape.

"Also, bad guy, you said at the beginning that if I didn't forget you, you promised to marry me, and you also said you would accompany me to travel to Europe... Although there was a little problem with me, I still didn't forget it in the end. You, should you keep your promise, marry me, and travel?"

The girl's eyes were full of sparkling anticipation.

Li Mubai was stunned by this question...

He still has a romantic debt unresolved, and he married Yu Xuan as his wife...

Li Mubai gave a wry smile, sighed long, and was about to speak.

However, the girl on the hospital bed spoke first.

Smiling, the girl blinked innocently at him, "People are teasing you, look at you so anxious... Is that girl outside your current girlfriend?"

Yu Xuan said, squeezing her eyes outside the ward.

Li Mubai turned around, only to realize when Qingqing that girl appeared, she was lying on the glass of the ward door and looking in.He was not embarrassed to be discovered, and even glared at Li Mubai.

It seems that Qingqing is a little dissatisfied with her boyfriend's behavior.

...of course it is.

If a boyfriend leaves himself and runs to see his ex-girlfriend, anyone will be a little dissatisfied with this kind of behavior.

Qingqing just stared at them outside the door to show their affection but didn't come in to disturb them, which is already a very face-saving behavior.

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