At this time, as Kato Megumi said, it is better to be careful.

However, it turns out that Izumi Sagiri's cautious approach is meaningful this time. When she came out of the toilet after waiting for a while, she happened to run into Kasumigaoka Shiwa who was walking from the outside of the toilet...

To be reasonable, the class bell has already rang at this time, God knows what this guy is doing to come to the toilet at this time.

But it's not a big problem, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu saw only himself, no matter how hard Xiazhiqiu Shiyu's brain was, he would never guess that he came here because he wanted to have a private meeting with Yukinoshita Yukino.

"Why did you come to the toilet on our floor?" Just as Izumi Sagiri was thinking about how to deal with Kasumigaoka Shiwa, Kasumigaoka Shiwa also asked curiously.

"Go to the bathroom, there's a queue downstairs, so I'll come upstairs, what's wrong?" Pretending to be nothing happened, Izumi Sagiri said it directly.

"'s okay, I'm just asking casually." I didn't mean to doubt Izumi Sagiri, after all, things like queuing up in the women's quite normal, "Speaking of which, Sagiri, didn't you say you wanted to draw a sword The heroine of God's Domain... um, is it Asuna's book?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Heizumi Sagiri had indeed said this, so naturally he would not deny it at this time.

"If you don't draw, I suggest you don't draw... When I just came to school, I saw a girl who was lost in the school, asked me for directions, and then I asked her name by the way... Guess what her name is ?”

Xiazhiqiu Shiyu has said so, how can Izumi Sagiri not know who she is talking about?People who will get lost in school at this time... who else but Yuuki Asuna?

So Shizuka Hiratsuka, you have helped Asuna Yuuki complete the admission procedures, so can't you send her out?And Yuuki Asuna too, Sobu High is not too big, what are you going to do if you get lost?

"Yuki Asuna... I brought it to school."

"Hey... you actually know her, then you still said that you want me to write her as the protagonist and draw her book... You have a big heart? What? Do you have thoughts about her?" Looking at Izumi Sagiri amusedly, Xia Zhigao Shiwa really didn't expect Izumi Sagiri to know Yuuki Asuna.

"I told you that I didn't know her when I was going to write her as the protagonist, okay... If I knew her before, how could I say that?" I replied Kasumigaoka Shiwa angrily, and Izumi Sagiri didn't understand, these guys How do you see yourself?How come when I heard that I know Yuuki Asuna, I feel that I have thoughts about her?

To be reasonable, I really have no idea about Yuuki Asuna this time...

"As for the drawing book... I've already tweeted to help you promote the new book, um... I've drawn more than half of the illustrations, and I also said that I want to draw the heroine's book, do you think it's useful to talk about this now?"

"That means you met Yuuki Asuna after I asked you to help draw illustrations?" Looking at Izumi Sagiri speechlessly, this was the only explanation Kasumigaoka Shiwa could think of.

"I've known her for a long time, but I didn't know her name or what she looked like before. I only found out about this yesterday..." There was nothing to hide, and Izumi Sagiri said it simply , "Okay, let's talk about it next time, I'm going back to class."

ps: Keke, I woke up a little late today

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After chatting with Kasumigaoka Shiwa, Izumi Sagiri returned to the classroom under the speechless eyes of her classmates.

Then came the boring class time. Sometimes Sagiri Izumi wanted to skip class and go home to draw, but thinking that Shizuka Hiratsuka knew a lot recently, she gave up this plan.

The last time she provoked Shizuka Hiratsuka, she asked Yukinoshita Yukino to travel with her. Who knows what she would do if she provoked her again.

After a whole day of class time, Sagiri Izumi naturally skipped the club activities after school just like Yukinoshita Yukino, and then went home and changed into casual clothes.

The place where Yukinoshita Yukino made an appointment is the station near the school. Although Yukinoshita Yoshino's home is not here, it is impossible for the two to meet at the door of the apartment, right?

You must know that their apartment is very close to the school, and it is school time at this time, if you make an appointment at the door of your house, you will definitely be spotted by passing students, okay?

"By the way, where does your sister live? Do you want to take the bus?" After waiting at the station for a while, Yukinoshita Yukino appeared in front of Izumi Sagiri. After seeing her, Izumi Sagiri asked directly .

"No's in a nearby apartment, and we'll be there in a short walk." Shaking his head lightly, and after confirming that there was no one he knew around, Yukinoshita Yukino took Izumi Sagiri's hand, "I'm I have already told my sister that we are going there today, she is waiting for us at home now, let's go."

Nodding his head, Sagiri Izumi naturally had no intention of objecting, and walked slowly with Yukinoshita Yukino.

But as he walked, Heizumi Sagiri noticed something was wrong, why did he seem to be walking along this road?

However, before Izumi Sagiri had time to figure out where this was, Yukinoshita Yukino took her into an apartment.

It wasn't until the two of them walked to the elevator door of this apartment that Sagiri Izumi figured it out, because she felt that this place was familiar to herself...

This is Haiwei's newly rented apartment...

Just when Sagiri Izumi was thinking about whether it would be such a coincidence to meet Haiwei here, the elevator also went from the garage on the first floor to the first floor, and then opened slowly.

The figure of Minami Kotori with two shopping bags inside was revealed...

And since Sagiri Izumi can see Minami Kotori, Minami Kotori can also see her... Of course, Minami Kotori saw not only her alone, but also Yukinoshita Yukino holding her arm.

Sensing Nan Xiaoniao's strange eyes on him, Hequan Sagiri stopped unconsciously.

Then she was dragged into the elevator by Yukinoshita Yukino: "What's wrong? Why did it stop suddenly?"

"Ahem, it's nothing, um... Good afternoon Miss Xiaoniao." First she replied to Yukino Yukinoshita, then Hequan Sagiri turned her head and said to Nan Xiaoniao in embarrassment.

"That's right, Sagiri, why did you stop suddenly? Are you guilty?" Minami Kotori, who had been sizing up Izumi Sagiri and Yukinoshita Yukino, heard her words and asked amusedly, "Yes Already, Sagiri, won’t you introduce me? This is it?”

" know each other?" Hearing the conversation between the two, Yukinoshita Yukino finally understood why Kazumi Sagiri stopped suddenly just now...

"Ahem, this is Haiwei's friend, she lives with Haiwei...and the apartment that Haiwei rented is also here, and it should be on the same floor as your sister..." Seeing that Yukinoshita Yukino didn't press After going down the other stairs, Izumi Sagiri also said it speechlessly, and then she introduced Nan Xiaoniao, "She is Yukinoshita Yukino, she can be regarded as my good friend..."

"Of course I can see this kind of thing... But what you mean, Sagiri, Yukino knows Umi?" Just like what Izumi Sagiri said, Umi's rented apartment is in the same apartment as Yukinoshita Yono On the first floor, after Izumi Sagiri and Yukinoshita Yukino walked out of the elevator, Minami Kotori also came out and asked curiously.

"I know you, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I'll just ask, what are you guys going to do today?" Nan Xiaoniao didn't mean to enter the house directly, and Nan Xiaoniao stopped at the door, and then chatted with Quan Shawu.

"Going to her sister's house... um... I have something to talk about." Of course Sagiri Izumi would not say what it was.

"Then why don't you come to our house for dinner after you finish chatting? Xiaohai will be back soon." As if he had already thought about how to answer, Nan Xiaoniao suggested directly after hearing Hequan Sagiri's words, "Today, your little bird sister, I made a big meal."

"Um... I can't tell now, and we don't know how long we will talk..." If possible, Izumi Sagiri would definitely like to eat Nan Xiaoniao's food tonight. After all, her food is really good, but the problem But how does she know how long Yukinoshita Yono will keep them?

"Well, if you don't come over, just let me know." She didn't mean to be angry because of Izumi Sagiri's answer, Minami Kotori just shook her head amusedly.

"Well, if I can, I will definitely come, then Miss Xiaoniao, let's go first."

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