Nan Xiaoniao didn't intend to keep the two of them, and just nodded lightly.

Seeing Nan Xiaoniao nodding, Izumi Sagiri didn't think too much, and followed Yukinoshita Yukino to Yangnai's house.

Looking thoughtfully at the backs of the two leaving, Nan Xiaoniao has actually roughly guessed who Yukinoshita Yukino is.

Izumi Sagiri said that she knew Haiwei, and she had seen Haiwei's line two days ago, and there were more Izumi Sagiri and a "little three", and Izumi Sagiri and Yukinoshita Yukino holding hands It's obvious that this guy is the mistress from Haiwei line.

"However, since Haiwei gave her a note about the mistress, she probably knows about it. I'd better see what the two of them are going to do first." But even if Nan Xiaoniao guessed Yukinoshita Yukino's identity, She didn't mean to act rashly, after all, even Haiwei didn't say anything, so it's better for her not to worry about it.

Now in this situation, I still make a fortune in silence... Bah, it's better to observe secretly.

But then again, this Izumi Sagiri looks so playful, I don't know why Xiaohai fell in love with her...

Oh, a woman in love~

"That girl just now...well, it's Miss Xiaoniao...she lives with Sister Haiwei?" After separating from Nan Xiaoniao, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't intend to go directly to Yang Nai's house, but met her curiously at a corner. Seeing Izumi Sagiri asked, "You won't be attracted by her, right?"

ps: the first update~

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Pfft... what are you talking about, Kaiwei and Miss Xiaotiao have been good friends since they were very young, and it's normal to live together." Angrily replied Yukino Yukino, although Sagiri Izumi had also been because of Kai before. I was a little dissatisfied not living with Minami Kotori, but thinking about living with Suzumiya Haruhi, I didn't care about this kind of thing.

"Is that so... Forget it, let's not talk about it, are you really going to eat at Haiwei's house later?" Since Sagiri Izumi didn't worry about this, Yukinoshita Yukino naturally didn't continue talking.

"Well... If you don't eat at your sister's house later, go to Hai Wei's house to eat, just let Hai Wei and Yang Nai get to know each other." Hequan Sagiri had thought about this matter, and he gave it directly at this time Answer.

"Are you stupid... My sister doesn't know about your relationship with Haiwei, and Miss Xiaoniao doesn't know about your relationship with me. If you take my sister there like this, it will definitely be exposed." Hearing Hequan As for Sagiri's answer, Yukinoshita Yukino directly said it angrily.

"Uh... It seems that's right, so don't mess around." Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino's words, Izumi Sagiri finally came to his senses.

Now she doesn't plan to tell Yang Nai about Haiwei, just like what she said before, even if she wants to confess her cheating, it's better to start with two people...

If he told Yang Nai that he had split three legs all at once, it would be death.

" know." After saying this sentence, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't mean to say anything more, and walked directly to the door of a house with Izumi Sagiri, and then took out a key .

She still has the key to Yang Nai's house.

The decoration of Yokino's house is not much different from that of Yukino's rental house, they are both very simple. When Izumi Sagiri and Yukinoshita Yukino opened the door and came in, she was sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

"Are you here?" Hearing the sound of the door opening, Yukinoshita Yoshino also turned his head, and after confirming that it was not someone else, he asked amusedly, "I was specially asked to come here, what do you want to say?" of?"

She was going to promise Kasumigaoka Shiyu to go out for dinner with her tonight, but Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly sent her an email in the morning saying that she had something to do with her and wanted to chat with her in the evening?

Compared with Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, it really is his sister's matter that is more important. If this is the case, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu can only dove away.

Well, but this kind of thing is uncertain, it's still early, who knows how long Sagiri Izumi and Yukinoshita Yukino will talk for?

If it ends early here, you can still go to have dinner with Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu.

"Ahem, it's actually about me and Yukino. We think it's better to let sister Yang Nai know about this kind of thing." Thinking of what he was going to say next, Hequan Sagiri didn't even dare to sit down. Pulling Yukinoshita Yukino to stand in front of Yangno.

"Huh? You want to talk about the relationship between the two of you? I know about this kind of thing, so there should be no need to talk about it once?" Looking at the two people standing in front of him, Yukinoshita Yoshino didn't invite them The meaning of sitting down was to say it directly with a smile, "If you want to ask my opinion... I definitely have no objection here. It is a good thing that Yukino can fall in love. It doesn't matter even if it is Lily. Her family should also No objection, I will help you with this matter."

"'s not this..." Angrily staring at Yukinoshita Yono, Izumi Sagiri didn't know, would Yukinoshita Yukino not know her sister's character?

If she had really said what she said and thought so, she would not have said so.

She must have known about Evanli Maria, and then she deliberately said that to make fun of herself and Izumi Sagiri.

"It's not this? Are you trying to say that I misunderstood you before? You're not actually in a relationship?" Still smiling, Yukinoshita Haruno was obviously not in a hurry, just looking at the two in front of him, Wait for them to continue explaining.

"That's not it, we are in love..." Yukinoshita Yukino would not tell such a meaningless lie, and would definitely be pierced by Yukinoshita Yono in an instant, "What we want to say is It's about Evania Maria."

"Evanly Maria? Well... If I remember correctly, it seems to be a girl in your club, right? Why are you two telling me about her? I don't know her very well."

Yukinoshita Yoshino continued to put on an air, but looking at the smile on her face, it was obvious that she already knew about it.

"Let me tell the story..." Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino's speechless look, Izumi Sagiri also took the initiative to stand up, and then said, "Actually, Evan Li Maria is also my girlfriend, as you can see, I'm on two boats right now..."

"Huh? Are there really two?" At this point, Yukinoshita Haruno finally didn't intend to pretend anymore, "What happened to Yuuki Asuna?"

"That's fake... I'm just pretending to be her girlfriend. I can explain this matter." Izumi Sagiri knew that Yukinoshita Haruno would ask this question, and at this time, she directly related the matter between her and Yuuki Asuna Speak up.

"Well... that's what happened to Yuuki Asuna, this Sagiri told me before." After Izumi Sagiri finished speaking, Yukinoshita Yukino also echoed.

"That's fine, but Sagiri, even if you don't have three boats, just two boats is too much, right?" After listening to Izumi Sagiri's explanation, Yukinoshita Yoshino chose to believe it for the time being. For her, after all, this matter is plausible, it doesn't seem to be made up, "I don't have anything to do with it if it's someone else, but you're still cheating on me when you're in love with my sister..."

"And Xue Nai, what do you think, do you want to fall in love so much?"

"I... don't want to fall in love, it's just because I like Sagiri too much." Speaking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino's face also showed a faint blush, "I like it so much that I know she has a girlfriend, but I still want to To the extent of chasing her..."

"So Yukino, you are the mistress? Does Evanie Maria know about your affairs?" I didn't ask Yukinoshita why she likes Izumi Sagiri so much, Yukinoshita Yoshino just questioned angrily said a word.

"She doesn't know yet..."

"Yukono, you really..." With a disappointed expression, Yang Nai thought that Izumi Sagiri used her sister's feelings for her to cheat on her, or did Yukino take the initiative to seduce Izumi Sagiri to make a mistake?

"Don't you think you're sorry for Evanlie Maria?"

He didn't even mean to blame Izumi Sagiri, after a long silence, Yukinoshita Yono directly asked Yukinoshita Yukino.

ps: The second update ~ midnight every day emmmmm

Seeking free blades, can you give us the motivation to update...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

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