"Wow, are you two perverts?" Although I can't accept the thoughts of these two guys, Ivanari Maria can't resist Izumi Sagiri's actions, so she can only let Izumi Sagiri hold her own clothes, while complaining.

"You guys are messing with you, I'm playing games." Hearing Evanli Maria's complaint, Yuuki Asuna also responded to her in a funny way, and then put on the earphones decisively, expressing that she would not eavesdrop No peeking either.

Then he habitually connected the voice call from the black cat in the team.

It's just that the two people who were hugging each other on the bed didn't notice her action, and when they noticed that Yuuki Asuna had been chatting with someone, the clothes had already been taken off...

Although Yuuki Asuna turned off the voice in time, Sagiri Izumi felt that the black cat who was far away in Chiba had heard everything...

It seems that the black cat who knows too much can only be killed and sacrificed to heaven after going back.


"You guys are so slow, how did it take so long to change clothes?" When Izumi Sagiri changed clothes, Kato Megumi and Yukinoshita Yukino came out of the room together, the other girls were already in the hotel lobby I got a little impatient to wait.

Especially Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, her legs under the table started to shake...

"Do you think we can change clothes together like you? We have to change separately...the bathroom in the room has no curtains." Angrily replied to Kasumigaoka Shiwa, Izumi Sagiri would not say that it was because of helping Xue Under the circumstances, Yukino did something while changing clothes, that's why she came out so late.

"Tsk, if I knew it would take so long for you guys to change clothes, I should have made preparations earlier." Without refuting Izumi Sagiri's words "change clothes together", Kasumigaoka Shiwa just rolled her eyes angrily, and then quickly stood up Get up, "I have to say something and then take my time after dinner. It's been a long time since the temple fair has started at this time."

After saying this, Kasumigaoka Shiwa didn't wait for Izumi Sagiri's answer, and directly pulled Yukinoshita Yono out of the door.

"It's going to start, as long as the fireworks display doesn't start." After complaining angrily, Izumi Sagiri also quickened her pace to follow, but she obviously overestimated herself.

The clogs that go with the yukata are just like high-heeled shoes. Sagiri Izumi hasn't worn them much. It's okay when she walks slowly, but now that she's speeding up, she almost falls over.

Fortunately, Kato Megumi beside her caught her in time.

"If you are in a hurry, go first. Anyway, I guess we will separate when we get there." Seeing Sagiri Izumi like this, Ivani Maria, who was walking in front, quickly turned around and took Megumi Kato's place. Then he said to Xiazhiqiu Shiyu in front of him.

She still knows that Xiazhiqiu Shiyu likes Yukinoshita Yono, if this is the case, why pull so many people together to be light bulbs?

"Whatever you want, bring your mobile phones? Let's meet again at the fireworks display." After thinking about it, it seems that this is correct, and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu didn't bother to refuse, so she simply talked to Xue Zhi without waiting for the people behind her. Xia Yangnai left together.

And Shinhime obviously thought so too, after seeing Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Yukinoshita Yono left, she simply ran away with the reluctant Hiratsuka Shizu.

After casually complaining a few words about Kasumigaoka Shiyu forgetting her friends after seeing her, Izumi Sagiri walked slowly towards the venue of the temple fair with Ivanli Maria and others.

The location of the venue was on the seaside of Yokohama, not too far from the hotel where they stayed, but the group arrived at the entrance of the temple fair in more than ten minutes.

Although Sagiri Izumi felt that his jio was about to be abolished.

"If I wear clogs again, I'll be a dog!" Izumi Sagiri, who was leaning on Ivanari Maria, swears poisonously.

While saying this, Izumi Sagiri took off the clogs and socks on her feet. Anyway, the temple fair is also held on the beach, so there is nothing inappropriate to walk on the beach with bare feet.

"So it's normal to wear this kind of thing? It's your own problem." Seeing Izumi Sagiri's action, Evanili Maria replied to Izumi Sagiri in a funny way, but she didn't say much What do you mean, you just squeezed into the crowded crowd with Izumi Sagiri.

Hequan Sagiri only came to this beach this morning, but the beach now is completely different from when she came this morning. Colorful lights are hung everywhere, not only that, but there are also many temporary booths.

It seemed to be very lively.

"By the way, this is my first time at a temple fair. What are we going to do now?" Izumi Sagiri, who was walking among the crowd for the purpose of strolling, couldn't figure out what to do now, also curiously asked a few people around her. girl.

"Well...just go for a stroll, buy something to eat, and then play the store's game." Lowering her head and thinking for a while, Ivanie Maria answered uncertainly, "Hi, I also I haven’t participated in this kind of event before, and the temple fairs I go to are more New Year’s temple fairs.”

Although they are both temple fairs, there is still a big difference between New Year’s temple fairs and summer temple fairs. After all, New Year’s temple fairs are basically worship-oriented, while summer temple fairs are more about fun.

"It's probably what classmate Yi Wanli said, and there are other things like collecting stamps." At this time, Kato Megumi appeared from nowhere, holding several temple fair staff handouts. The stamp collection coupons, "Participate in their games, then collect stamps, and finally it seems that you can get prizes or something."

"This sounds very interesting. It just so happens that we are fine now, so let's go and have a look." After taking a look at the collection coupon Kato Kei handed over, Izumi Sagiri immediately became interested, and quickly pulled Yi Maria Wanli and Asuna Yuki set off towards the first level.

ps: the first update~

Chapter 228: You still owe me something

Probably because Izumi Sagiri and others came late. When they came to the first game, the goldfish fishing field, there were not many people here. After queuing up for a while, it was their turn. .

You can get five goldfish nets for free by relying on the collection tickets given by the entrance. As long as you catch one goldfish, you can pass the level, and if you don’t catch these five nets... sorry, please krypton gold.

"When I tell you about fishing for goldfish, the key is to be quick, precise and ruthless. You have to catch the goldfish before your net is melted by the water." Izumi Sagiri, who was the first to catch the net, directly But he walked to the side of the small pond and started talking boldly.

Regarding her speech, the other girls just looked at her amusedly, as if you are right, please start your performance.

"Hmph, don't believe me, look at me." With a sneer, Izumi Sagiri plunged the net into the water without hesitation, and quickly fished it out.

There is no doubt that a big hole was broken in that thin goldfish net in an instant, and as for the goldfish... there was no shadow.

"Sagiri, have you ever caught a goldfish before?" Looking at the embarrassed Izumi Sagiri with a funny face, Imari Maria asked out of no manner at all.

"I haven't fished it, but isn't that how it's done in anime?" After trying again unbelievingly, Izumi Sagiri told the truth helplessly.

"How can this thing be fast, take your time..." While saying this, Evan Li Maria also walked behind Izumi Sagiri, and then stretched out her hand to hold Izumi Sagiri's arm , taught her how to catch goldfish.

"These two guys are showing affection again..." Haruhi Suzumiya rolled her eyes angrily, but she was too embarrassed to disturb the two of them in this atmosphere, so she had to exchange her own net, He walked to the side and silently picked up the goldfish.

By the way, I thought about how to do things.

Compared with Izumi Sagiri, Suzumiya Haruhi's game level is obviously much higher. She caught a goldfish in the first net, but she just handed the collection coupon in her hand to the shopkeeper and asked him to help stamp it Well, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

"Who will call me at this time?" Puzzled, she took out her mobile phone, basically everyone Haruhi Suzumiya knew was around her now, she really couldn't imagine who would call her now.

After seeing the caller ID on the phone screen clearly, Haruhi Suzumiya's complexion turned dark all of a sudden.

"What's the matter?" Her expression was so obvious that even Izumi Sagiri, who was showing affection with Evanli Maria, noticed it.

"My mother called me. It's strange. Isn't she abroad?" After answering Izumi Sagiri's words, Suzumiya Haruhi also answered the phone silently, then turned and left.

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