Obviously he didn't want a few people to know what he said.

"What are you doing? At this time..." Seeing Haruhi Suzumiya's inexplicable appearance, Sagiri Izumi also complained angrily, but since it was Haruhi Suzumiya's mother calling, she couldn't say anything more, so she just said Continue to catch the goldfish with Ivanli Maria.

Naturally, the other girls would not just stand there stupidly, and started their own goldfish fishing game one after another.

They are still very curious about the last mysterious prize.

The game level of the girls varies from high to low, but as the first level of the collection activity, it is not difficult to catch goldfish. After a little bit of gold, everyone still got the seal.

But the strange thing is that Suzumiya Haruhi still hasn't come back, not only that, even her people don't know where they went.

Just when Sagiri Izumi was thinking about whether to continue waiting here for Haruhi Suzumiya, an email from Haruhi Suzumiya came.

"You guys play first, my mother said she has something to do with me...and she happens to be in Yokohama right now, I want to go there and come back to you later."

"What... At this time..." After showing the content of the email to several girls speechlessly, Izumi Sagiri also complained with some dissatisfaction.

Although Haruhi Suzumiya always likes to make troubles, but for the time being, they are still their friends, so it is still very subtle to think of such a sudden disappearance.

"There's nothing I can do about it. Suzumiya probably has something very important to do. Let's play by ourselves first." Helplessly, Izumi Sagiri said, compared to her, Ivani Maria It seemed a little indifferent.

As soon as she said this, the other girls also nodded, after all they said so, it is impossible to catch Haruhi Suzumiya back, right?

"Okay..." After everyone said that, Sagiri Izumi had no choice but to nod his head, and then set off towards the next game place with a few girls.


After that, there was no news from Haruhi Suzumiya, and she reappeared in front of everyone until the fireworks show started, and Izumi Sagiri and her group met with Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Maki.

"What's the matter?" Seeing Haruhi Suzumiya's obviously unhappy face, Sagiri Izumi asked with some doubts.

"My mother came back from abroad... Then she said that she happened to see me at the temple fair, so she called me over..." Sighing helplessly, Haruhi Suzumiya also complained unhappily, "Really, I clearly agreed I’m going abroad for a year, and I’m back in just over a month…”

"...One month, Suzumiya, did you come to Sobu High without telling your family?" Hearing Haruhi Suzumiya's words, and thinking of her expression, Sagiri Izumi suddenly had an ominous premonition.

"Otherwise, what do you think, my parents didn't know about this before, they just found out..." After replying to Izumi Sagiri angrily, Suzumiya Haruhi continued, "In short, they are very dissatisfied I suddenly decided to run out, so let me transfer back..."

"Wow... what the hell, won't we never see each other again?" According to Izumi Sagiri, Suzumiya Haruhi's hometown is in the north of Hyogo, and that place is far away from Chiba, okay?

"How is that possible? Even if I transfer back to another school, I can still keep in touch. Besides, my parents are very busy. When they go abroad... I will transfer to another school." Obviously Haruhi Suzumiya had already thought about this matter. He also said it without hesitation.

Although Izumi Sagiri and the others have been showing affection during this period of time, it is still quite happy after all.

"And don't forget, Sagiri, you still owe me something, and I won't disappear until it's time."

ps: The second update!I'm super early today.

Chapter 229: The Missed Opportunity to Confess

"Hey? Sagiri, you still owe Suzumiya something? What?" Hearing what Suzumiya Haruhi said, before Izumi Sagiri could speak, Ivani Maria, who was standing beside her, asked out of curiosity .

Having been with Izumi Sagiri for so long, she doesn't know when Izumi Sagiri owed Suzumiya Haruhi something.

"Ahem, don't listen to her nonsense, I don't owe her anything." Without hesitation, Sagiri Izumi knew what Haruhi Suzumiya was talking about, but how could she Tell me about this?

Do you want her to tell Evanli Maria that she still owes Suzumiya Haruhi a shot?She's not that stupid.

"Well, let's talk about this kind of thing later, I won't be with you today, my mother is still waiting to take me home with me." There was no intention to expose Izumi Sagiri, Suzumiya Haruhi just showed a hint of reluctance smile.

Obviously she is still very dissatisfied with the matter of being separated from Izumi Sagiri and others.

But even if she is dissatisfied, there is nothing she can do. After all, it is a request from her parents, even if she is Haruhi Suzumiya, it is not so easy to refuse.

After saying goodbye to a few people, Suzumiya Haruhi also turned around and left the venue of the temple fair. She was obviously not interested in watching the upcoming fireworks display.

In fact, Sagiri Izumi was not the one who was most affected by Haruhi Suzumiya's departure. After all, although Haruhi Suzumiya left so suddenly, she lost a good friend, but at the same time, she also lost a [-]-year-old boy who would cause damage when nothing happened. Not sure if it's a good thing or a bad thing.

But for Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, this is definitely not a good thing.

In her plan, she planned to confess her love to Yukinoshita Haruno at the fireworks display tonight, but the departure of Haruhi Suzumiya... directly made everyone feel bad.

And at such a time to confess, the success rate has obviously dropped by at least [-] percentage points, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu is not so stupid yet.

After waiting for so long, it's not too short of a while. Let's forget about the fireworks display this time. Let's talk about it later when there is a better opportunity.

Compared to slowly chasing Yukino Yakino after failing to confess his love, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu obviously thought of getting it right in one step.

After hastily ending the fireworks display, the group returned to the hotel slowly, and then chose to rest without any intention of doing anything else.


It is said to be Golden Week, but in fact, Neon’s holiday in early May is only four days when it is combined with last weekend, and Sagiri Izumi and others have planned to return to Chiba on the afternoon of the third day.

Probably because Haruhi Suzumiya was missing one of the troubles. Finally, on the third morning, no one stopped Izumi Sagiri and Imari Maria. The two finally enjoyed a couple of worlds in the hot spring. .

To be precise, it was half the morning, and the other half of the time... There was an extra Yuuki Asuna in the hot spring.

Although Evanli Maria was a little dissatisfied with this, but thinking of what she promised Yuuki Asuna, she still didn't say anything to drive Yuuki Asuna out, she could only acquiesce in her leaning against Izumi Sagiri the other side.

And after lunch, everyone didn't have any plans to go to play anymore. They just drove back to Chiba. According to Shizuka Hiratsuka, you guys have played for three days, and you should do well in the rest of the time homework.

Of course, although what she said was correct, Izumi Sagiri obviously didn't intend to do the homework, and directly handed over the homework to her amidst Yukinoshita Yukino's complaint.

Then she went to purchase the next daily necessities together with Yuki Asuna. After all, the plan has changed now. Yuuki Asuna has changed from living for only two days to staying for more than a month. There are many things that I didn’t buy before. Things will naturally have to be bought again.

Evanli Maria had to go home to do her homework, so she didn't participate in the shopping of the two of them, and when there were only two of them, the shopping speed was naturally much faster, and the two of them bought it soon I bought the daily necessities and returned home.

Suzumiya Haruhi's room and Izumi Sagiri didn't intend to clean it up for her. After all, Suzumiya Haruhi also said that she would probably come back in the future. If she came back and saw that her room was gone, she might look for her Izumi Sagiri didn't lose the big because of a small debt, and ran to clean up Haruhi Suzumiya's room.

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