"I'm robbing it? Are these my clothes okay?" His brows wrinkled slightly, Yukinoshita Yukino really didn't know what to say about Heizumi Sagiri. This guy's face is too thick, right?

"Yes, yes, I'll pay you for your clothes." He stood up indifferently, and Hequan Shawu didn't care about the money.

It's just a piece of clothing, even if it's expensive, where can it be expensive?

What she was distressed about was the key in the half of the clothes that Yukino Yukino was holding.

"Is this a question of money? I said that my family only has this set of nightdresses. What should I do now?"

"What else can I do, sleep naked."

With an indifferent face, she replied to Yukinoshita Yukino who was still sitting on the ground, and Heizumi Sagiri lay directly on the bed next to her, as if she was about to go to sleep.

She had planned to go to the sofa outside and pretend to sleep, but now she didn't even have the keys, so she didn't need to go to sleep on the sofa anymore.

Why sleep on a sofa when you have a bed?

As for sleeping in the same bed with Yukinoshita Yukino, it's not possible at all, right? With Yukinoshita Yukino's character, how could he be willing to sleep in the same bed with himself?

As long as he has the dominant terrain first, Yukinoshita Yukino can't just go to the sofa obediently even if he is upset?

"Who allowed you to sleep here?" As Heizumi Sagiri thought, she just lay down, but Yukinoshita Yukino grabbed her hand and tried to pull her up, "If you want to sleep, go to the sofa! "

"Huh? Why should I sleep on the sofa? How can a sofa be as comfortable as a bed?" However, since Heizumi Sagiri guessed that Yukinoshita Yukino would do this, he was naturally prepared.

She pressed her body's center of gravity down, but Yukinoshita Yukino didn't succeed.

"This is my bed! Where do you sleep on the bed?" Of course, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't stop her movements while saying this. The whole person sat on the bed and tried to put Izumi Sagiri on the bed. Pull up.

"Sleep on the sofa, why don't you give me the keys, I'll go back to sleep, and you'll sleep in the bed yourself." While resisting Yukinoshita Yukino, Heizumi Sagiri made another condition.

"No, if you don't agree to what I said before, don't even think about leaving tomorrow." It's a pity that Yukino Yukinoshita has no plans to compromise.

"It's still the same sentence, it's my freedom to chat with anyone, and there's no reason to promise you." With a mocking expression on his face, in order to sleep in bed tonight, Izumi Sagiri finally reasoned with Yukinoshita Yukino, " Do we have a good relationship? Should I promise you such a thing for no reason?"

Of course, even if it was reasonable, Izumi Sagiri didn't mean to be polite to Yukinoshita Yukino.

After listening to Izumi Sagiri's words, Yukinoshita Yukino finally understood that the co-author did not agree to him because he had no bargaining power...

That's right, if I replaced Izumi Sagiri with myself now, I wouldn't agree to someone else's request inexplicably, would I?

"Then how on earth can you agree?" However, after thinking for a long time, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't think of any reason for him to make Izumi Sagiri agree to him.

If you can't think of it, just ask Izumi Sagiri.

"I'm going to bed tonight, you're going to sleep on the sofa." Seeing Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly admitting cowardice, Izumi Sagiri, who wanted to go home, was instantly interested.

Anyway, it's so late to go back and have nothing to do, so why not play with Yukinoshita Yukino.

To know that now she is begging for herself.

ps: The first update ~ two updates today.

By the way, this week, there will be surprises.

Chapter 79: The Gaze of the Abyss

"Okay." After a long silence, Yukinoshita Yukino finally nodded.

In order not to let Yang Nai know that he was drawn into a book, he should endure it first, and then take revenge and come back.

Anyway, I still have at least three years of classmates to do with Izumi Sagiri. There is no shortage of opportunities for revenge to come back, so there is no need to worry.

Without saying anything, Yukinoshita Yukino, who agreed to Izumi Sagiri's unreasonable request, turned around and left her bedroom, leaving Iizumi Sagiri alone in the room.

The torn nightdress was not taken away by Yukinoshita Yukino, which meant that the key was still in the bedroom, but unfortunately Izumi Sagiri didn't want to leave now.

Of course, she still took out the key, put it back on the bedside table to get the wallet, and carefully restored the wallet to what she saw before.

Simply put, this is called restoring the crime scene?

"Huh, this guy's bed is really comfortable to sleep in." It wasn't a particularly complicated operation, and Heizumi Sagiri was soon done, and Izumi Sagiri, who was once again indented in the quilt, couldn't help but sigh.

There was even a faint body fragrance on the bed, which made it very comfortable to sleep.

But wouldn't it be bad for Yukinoshita Yukino to sleep alone in the living room?I didn't seem to see the quilt in the living room before...

You must know that it is spring now, the weather is still cold, and Yukino Yukino just didn't wear any clothes, so if you sleep outside for one night, you will definitely catch a cold, right?

Why don't you call her in and go home to sleep by yourself?

Now, Yukinoshita Yukino would definitely open the door for him and let him go back, but thinking about it like that, he seems to have lost a lot.

It’s okay to agree to an unimportant condition of Yukino Yukino, after all, it’s unlikely that he would have an intersection with Yang Nao, but today’s matter of being imprisoned by Yukino Yukino to pIay can’t be ignored.

So... do you want to call Yukinoshita Yukino in to sleep with me?It must be interesting to see Yukinoshita Yukino who did not want to agree but had to agree, right?

And this way, Yukino Yukinoshita won't catch a cold...

As for whether it's cheating?Please, a crime is not a crime as long as it is not discovered, and Izumi Sagiri does not believe that Yukino Yukinoshita will tell such a thing.

And it's not called cheating, is it?It's impossible for him to really do anything with Yukinoshita Yukino, just take a nap.

Sleeping between a girl and a girl, how can it be regarded as cheating, at most it can only be regarded as a friendly interaction between best friends.

Although she and Yukinoshita Yukino are not really close friends, that's not the point at all.

Thinking of this, Izumi Sagiri also stood up, silently opened the bedroom door, and wanted to call Yukinoshita Yukino in.

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