
After ten o'clock, it was already the time Yukinoshita Yukino should usually go to bed, but today was obviously an exception.

I won't talk about "frankly meeting" with Heizumi Sagiri. After all, both of them have seen each other's eyes, and they are not at a disadvantage, but now Izumi Sagiri has been rushed to the sofa...

Originally, my sofa was quite comfortable to sleep on, but the premise was that I had a quilt. I just moved here for a few days, and I didn't prepare a lot of quilts at all.

It's a cold spring night.

The pajamas were also torn. If you just slept on the sofa in the living room for one night without clothes on, you would definitely catch a cold, right?

Instead of this, I might as well wait for the guy to get out tomorrow morning and then go back to bed for a good sleep. Although there are no pajamas, I heard that guy said that sleeping naked seems to be good?

But if this happens, will I stay up late tonight...

Forget it, stay up all night, just stay up late, anyway, it’s not that you haven’t stayed up, plus tomorrow or Sunday, you can get a good night’s sleep, and it doesn’t matter if you stay up all night.

Thinking of this, Yukino Yukino went directly to the refrigerator and took out a bottle of iced coffee from it.

Just relying on your own perseverance, I'm afraid it won't be so easy to persevere all night.

After drinking a few sips of coffee, Yukinoshita Yukino walked to the bookshelf, looking for a novel that could pass the night.

Soon, her eyes were locked on a novel called "The Lily Strategy of the Golden Retriever Lost Dog".

Speaking of which, this book was brought over by Haruhi Suzumiya last time. He said that he must let himself read something...

Isn't it just love between girls?What catches your eyes?

"But since I promised Haruhi Suzumiya to read it, it's a bit boring now, so let's just read it." Thinking of this, Yukino Yukino directly picked up the novel on the shelf.

Then she saw the familiar black packaging...

"By the way... That guy Haruhi Suzumiya hid the book here last time." Yukino Yukinoshita was naturally clear about what was in the black package.

Just when she wanted to hide the two black-packaged notebooks elsewhere, a bold idea suddenly appeared in her mind: "Will it be exciting to read the notebooks now? "

Izumi Sagiri is sleeping in a bedroom not far away, and she can find herself as long as she opens the door, but under normal circumstances, she cannot open the door, which means that she may be found by looking at the book now, but the probability is not high.

"Would you like to try it? Izumi Sagiri shouldn't come out, right?"

I have to say that this feeling of frantically testing on the edge of a rollover is a deadly poison. Once you taste it, you will be unable to extricate yourself.

After hesitating for a long time, Yukinoshita Yukino's inner desire still prevailed over her reason, and she took down the taboo book tremblingly.

After turning off the lights in the living room, Yukinoshita Yukino found a desk lamp and put it on the edge of the sofa, then half-lying on the sofa, she opened the page leading to the abyss.

While opening the plot in the book, Yukinoshita Yukino also fantasized about the fact that he was looking at the book by Izumi Sagiri.

Maybe, he will really become like that in the book?

Thinking of this, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt that the only cloth on her body was actually a little wet...

However, Yukinoshita Yukino had experienced this feeling more than once, and she was too lazy to care at this time.

As the pages of the book were gradually turned, Yukinoshita Yukino's complexion became more and more red, and the half-recumbent posture also unconsciously changed to completely lying on the sofa, and a free right hand was instinctively placed on a in a dangerous location.

As long as you take another step, the front is the abyss.

However, at this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly heard the crisp sound of the door opening not far away.

ps: The second update~

Still owe eight more~

Chapter 80:仅限今晚

Yukinoshita Yukino was panicking now.

In fact, she seldom experienced the emotion of panic. She has always been rational and usually thinks about the outcome before doing anything, but this time is obviously different.

Although she had thought that Heizumi Sagiri suddenly came out of the room when she was reading the book, she didn't think about what to do if such a thing really happened... After all, she subconsciously felt that she would not be so unlucky.

However, now Heizumi Sagiri has really come out, and he is still this perverted action...

But fortunately, there was still a second or two between the time when he opened the door and when he was seen, enough to move his hand away. If Heizumi Sagiri opened the door a second or two later and he really put his hand up, then is too late.

But then, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't have time to hide the book in his hand.

"What are you doing when you don't sleep at night?"

In the sight of Izumi Sagiri, Yukinoshita Yukino was lying on the sofa with a blushing face, and was reading a booklet that looked familiar.

As for what the booklet was, she couldn't see it clearly because of the distance and the dim light.

And Yukinoshita Yukino, who heard Heizumi Sagiri's words, reacted instantly. She didn't see what the book was in her hand, which meant that she still had a chance.

"Sleep on such a cold day? I don't want to get up the next morning and go to the hospital with a cold and a fever." Slowly putting the notebook aside, Yukinoshita Yukino also forcibly pretended that nothing happened. In order to act realistically, she also made her voice the same as usual, too cold, "Thank you, I can only read novels to pass the time now."

"Hey, sorry, sorry, I also thought of this, that's why I wanted to ask you to go in and sleep." Hearing Yukinoshita Yukino's cold complaint, Izumi Sagiri was silent for a second, and then As she walked towards Yukinoshita, Yukino explained, "As for me, just go back to sleep."

"Are you so kind?" Sitting up on the sofa, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't believe that Izumi Sagiri would be so kind.

This guy let himself sleep on the sofa just to get revenge on himself and make himself suffer, and it's only been a few minutes now?How could Iizumi Sagiri be so kind?

"Nonsense, did I lie to you to have candy? In short, believe it or not, I will go back to sleep." But the expression on Hequan Sawu's face was the same, and a pair of blue eyes revealed that With some sincerity.

Yukinoshita Yukino decided to trust her once.

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