If he didn't join his tutelary fort, such a transformation would not give Guanghui victory and fear. Even if An Zhiyuan agreed, Yubari would not do it.

When it comes to joining the tutelary mansion, both Guanghui and Shengli have strange expressions, only Kewei has a candid expression. After all, both Guanghui and Shengli have more or less formed the idea of ​​joining An Zhiyuan's tutelary mansion, only Ke Afraid not yet.

After dessert, An Zhiyuan and Guanghui took a walk on the street.

The dessert shop is in the downtown area, and there are quite a lot of people, but as ship girls, Guanghui and the others don't really like crowded places.

"Maybe the only bad thing about going to the college office is that there are too many people living around. Why doesn't the college consider stationing the college office in a relatively remote place..." Shengli said: "I'm really annoyed These people, a few days ago there was a person who wanted to climb over the wall to peep, was caught by other ship girls and handed over to the police station, alas, why are there so many vulgar people in human beings?"

Victory sighed.

"No one is perfect, but I'm not defending that pervert. It's just that the number of human beings is too large. There are good and bad." An Zhiyuan said, he paused, and said with a smile: "Actually, we These commanders, in some places, are also kind of bad."

"Where?" Guanghui asked, tilting his head.

An Zhiyuan laughed, but didn't say anything.

Guanghui, who had never made dirty jokes before, didn't quite understand An Zhiyuan's meaning, but Shengli understood and gave An Zhiyuan a blank look.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Afterwards, Shengli left with awesomeness, leaving room for Guanghui and An Zhiyuan.

Being alone gave Guanghui a completely different feeling. In the past, it might not be a problem to be alone, but now I have some thoughts in my mind. Just now when Shengli and the others were still there, it didn't matter if there were too many people, but there were only two of them, which made Guanghui feel hot. I don't know what to say.

Guanghui just lowered his head and walked forward silently. Seeing her like this, An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "What are you doing walking on the floor? Is there anything interesting on the floor?"

"Ah... I just..." Guanghui raised his head when he heard the words, and scratched his face with his finger...

Speaking of which, can Hui really see the ground?Looking at the glorious illegal buildings, An Zhiyuan touched his chin, it seems quite difficult, right?

Today's temperature is as hot as ever, but it's a pity that Guanghui can't be seen sweating, because this temperature is obviously not hot enough for Guanghui to make her sweat.

Not to mention the brilliance, An Zhiyuan didn't even feel too hot. Although the average temperature in the Solomon Islands is above [-] degrees, at this temperature, as far as An Zhiyuan's physique is concerned, as long as he doesn't exercise strenuously, All don't sweat.

After all, they are not human beings.

"Speaking of which, it's almost the New Year." An Zhiyuan said, "Are you going to spend the New Year here?"

It's now December [-]th, and if there are no accidents, Guanghui and the others should stay here for more than a month, so the New Year is basically settled here.

"Yeah, it's like this every year, but for us, we are home wherever we go, and we don't have a sense of belonging. Maybe the academy is a home?" Guanghui nodded, "Compared to this side, it's more or less the academy's side. It’s more comfortable, at least there are no human disturbances, but if you want to talk about the sense of belonging, for me, as long as my two sisters are by my side, it’s home.”

The world of Jianniang is different from that of humans. Humans have parents, relatives, and families. They have many bonds. Unless they are orphans, they all have a home and a place full of belonging. However, Jianniang has no relatives. , there are only sister ships, they can also be said to be relatives, but they were born in fantasy, how can they have any real belonging, although there is an academy, but the academy is often more like a platform that provides jobs and housing, and has no affiliation sense.

Some ship girls are used to being alone, and don’t need a sense of belonging anymore. Some ship girls have sister ships, and the place where the sister ships are is their home, and some ship girls joined the headquarters...

Do the ship girls who joined the headquarters have a sense of belonging?

Guanghui has heard it more than once. The ship's mother said that the headquarters is like home. There are commanders who love you and other sisters. The relationship is better than in the academy. We are a big family. Occasionally, we are jealous, but our relationship is still there. very good...

"Belonging..." An Zhiyuan thought for a while. For him now, he must belong by being around his girl. He has earned enough money to allow his parents to spend the rest of their lives without worry, while he He will live with the girls forever until the end of his life, but will his life really end?

"In fact, there has always been a big family, open to you." An Zhiyuan said with a smile: "Of course, you must think carefully before joining, but you just need to know that there is a family here that has been waiting for you to join."

Guanghui brushed his hair and said with a slight smile, "I know, but we still need to work harder. Whether it's us or you, I think you have a good relationship with Shengli? Have you communicated in private?"

"No." An Zhiyuan said without changing his expression.

Yes, I often communicate with you. It is deeper than what you communicate with. If you want to ask me how deep it is, it may be [-] centimeters.

"Awesome?" Guanghui asked again.

"No." An Zhiyuan said.

This is really not there, and the eyes are terrifying, as if I did something, I didn't do anything...

"Look, we still need to work hard. When we can convince the two of them, we will join your headquarters. Oh, it should be the tutelary fort." Guanghui smiled slightly, and she always looked very gentle when she smiled. It may be because her voice is soft and very comfortable to listen to. If there is something wrong with Guanghui, it may sell well.

"So, you don't need a strategy anymore?" An Zhiyuan found a loophole in Guanghui's words, and said with a smile.

Guanghui's face turned reddish, and he gave An Zhiyuan a slightly pale look, "What do you think?"

"We still need to work hard." An Zhiyuan smiled. If Guanghui is really so good at strategy, it will take so long, but this is also good. The two of them can chat on the phone if they have nothing to do. Make an appointment to meet, take a walk, talk about topics that everyone finds interesting, and bring the relationship between the two closer...

Not everyone's feelings are full of explosive points, not everyone's feelings are so thrilling, most people's feelings, isn't that how they come from?Only by simmering slowly can a pot of good soup be made. Of course, not having a hot spot does not mean that there is no sincerity. As a man, sincerity must be given enough.

"You said..." Guanghui paused, and asked a question that he had been thinking about for a long time, "Why did the ship girl join the headquarters?"

What can the ship girl get if she joins the headquarters?

Once, Guanghui thought he was very clear, but after a few years, Guanghui felt that he was not clear again.

She used to think that when she joined the headquarters, she was looking for a port. It was originally a ship, so she couldn’t always float on the sea. She wanted to find a place to dock. The headquarters might also help you shelter from the wind and rain, so the ship girl wanted to join Command, this was what she had thought, but with this kind of thinking, Guanghui tried to find a command that she wanted to join, but found that there was no one she wanted to join, saying that it did not meet the requirements, but in fact it was... . I just don't want to join.

"Because I like Commander, right?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "It's the same as why men and women get married, isn't it because they like it? Especially for ship girls like you who were born at sea rather than built, join Commander Isn’t it just because you like it? You like the commander, you like the headquarters, if you don’t like it, you won’t join.”

In fact, men and daughters are still a bit more complicated, and there may be other reasons, but the ship's mother and the commander are simple. If it wasn't because of liking, why would the ship's mother join the headquarters?

Guanghui was stunned for a moment, then blinked, yes, it seems that she thought the problem too complicated, isn't it because she likes it?If you don't like the commander, which ship girl will join the headquarters?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Speaking of which, they were always filthy when fishing boats there before, but when they came to Guanghui and the others, they were a lot more honest.

After returning from Yala, An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin. In the past, the girls could read their minds, and he thought that the sisters could be put on the bed together to compare their size. On the contrary, they are seriously grinding their feelings slowly now. Am I making a mistake? method?

In fact, ship girls are used to being more straightforward and dirty, which is better?

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