
Try it on Victory?Isn't the role of the sister-in-law to test the things that are about to be used on the wife?Like a bed... ahem.

As soon as An Zhiyuan returned to the tutelary mansion, he found that there were still a lot of people in the port, and they seemed to be ship girls. He was a little confused. He parked the ship and went up to ask what was going on.

"Excuse me, what are you doing?" An Zhiyuan asked a ship girl who was arranging things, hoping to get an answer from her.

"Huh? Ah, it's Commander An Zhiyuan, hello, we are here to give you rewards, which are the rewards after you sink the Siren armor, resources, construction cores and equipment boxes, the goods will arrive at the headquarters Already, we will deliver this batch to you, and you need to go to the academy office to submit and collect the follow-up." Said the ship girl and An Zhiyuan.

An Zhiyuan was a little strange, "Didn't you say that you can get rewards only after the big sweep is forgotten?"

"That was the rule last year. Some time ago, several deans talked about this matter with the chief dean of Washington. They felt that we would distribute rewards to you first, which would effectively enhance the strength of your headquarters and be more helpful to our advancement. "The ship girl An Zhiyuan had never seen before said: "Well, of course, we don't recommend that you use all the rewarded resources for construction. After all, resources are still needed for advancement."

Heh, if you don’t say that, I haven’t thought of it yet. An Zhiyuan touched his chin. His original resources must be enough to advance, because when he wants to advance into the depths of the Pacific Ocean, he will definitely need the resources provided by the office, and only fools will use them As for their own resources, the company consumes so much, without Yubari here, it is too difficult to replenish.

Then I will definitely build it. After the ship girl from the college office moved all the resources, construction cores and equipment boxes obtained by An Zhiyuan to the port, An Zhiyuan found that the company was counting the items.

"Enterprise?" An Zhiyuan walked over with small steps.

"Admiral? When did you come back? I didn't even see you." The company saw that An Zhiyuan was a little strange, and then said: "The college office has brought all the rewards we have obtained, are you going to open the box now? "

An Zhiyuan took a look, seven equipment boxes, three construction cores, and a lot of resources, it seems a lot, but in fact, when replenishing resources for the ship's mother, this is not enough for the company to consume at one time, and it may be left after one construction. Next point.

"What, there are not many rewards." An Zhiyuan said.

"Isn't this over yet? When the sweep is almost over, there are still a lot of resources. If the admiral wants to build, he can build several ships. And when the time comes, we will attack with Shangri-La, and there will be rewards." Enterprise Said.

"It's still necessary to store up some resources. After all, no one can guarantee whether you will use your carrier-based aircraft when you usually attack." An Zhiyuan said: "If you use our tutelary fort and have no resources to supplement, it would be embarrassing. It should be enough to build it once or twice, um...forget it, it will be pretty good if you have to build it."

"Do you want to build now?" Enterprise asked.

"Well, I'm thinking about it." An Zhiyuan said.

"Then get ready to start building?" the company said after looking at the pile of resources.

An Zhiyuan rubbed his chin, mainly because he was not sure whether the third construction would be successful. If it failed, with so many resources... By the way, I still have a bet with Jiang Wanqiu, and it's not too much to win or lose. deficit.

"Well, good, after the construction is completed, you come to open the equipment box." An Zhiyuan said: "I believe in your luck."

Enterprise, the famous lucky E, E is the E of EX.

"Okay, okay, my admiral." Enterprise helped An Zhiyuan straighten his clothes, "I see what kind of ship you can build this time."

Everything was ready, An Zhiyuan put resources into the commander certificate, ready to build.

At the moment of construction, An Zhiyuan was still a little nervous. It would be a pity if the resources were wasted, but there is no way, the moment you click on it, you can't regret it.

Fortunately, An Zhiyuan was not disappointed this time. The command card shows that the summoning was successful, please insert it into the card slot.

An Zhiyuan felt relieved, "It seems that the success rate is quite high... It scares me."

"I'm afraid you will be beaten if you say this." The company said with a smile: "I checked it on Polaris before, and the chances of building a success are very low. You succeed every time, and those African commanders are probably trying to put you Stab."

"It's okay, it's not the first time you want to stab me to death." An Zhiyuan said with a smile, "I don't know what kind of ship it is this time."

After inserting the commander's ID card into the card slot outside the construction room, the construction room began to light up dimly. The familiar white light came from inside, and then slowly turned into blue light, then purple light, and finally, it turned into golden light.

"Damn, it's Jin again." An Zhiyuan was a little startled, "When did my luck become so good?"

"Isn't your luck getting better?" The enterprise said, "It seems that our tutelary mansion needs another pair of chopsticks."

Time passed slowly, and the light in the construction room gradually faded. After waiting for a while, the door of the construction room was opened.

A silver-haired girl came out.

She has silver hair, red eyes, and two ears-like hair ornaments on her head. She is a junior high school student, but her body is...surprisingly good, and her outfit looks like a destroyer. .

The girl looked around, and then saw An Zhiyuan and Enterprise, she walked up with small steps, "You are the commander, I am the fourth ship of the Bailu class, and the destroyer Xi Li said, let me tell you first, I may be quite noisy at night , you'd better be mentally prepared..."

Row at night?Why are you making a fuss?An Zhiyuan looked at her obviously revealing clothes, and the expression on her face gradually became weird.

"Well... ah, welcome." An Zhiyuan said seriously: "Besides, the southern hemisphere is a good civilization."

Xili tilted her head when she heard the words, a little confused, "Commander, what... do you mean?"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just talking to myself. Anyway, you are welcome to join, Xili." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Well, then from now on, and forever in the future, I will be your ship's wife, Commander." Xili said with a smile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

It is of course a very happy thing to build a rare ship girl, and it is such a sensual destroyer, An Zhiyuan must find someone to share his joy, so who is the lucky one to share his joy? Woolen cloth?

Of course it's his good neighbor, Jiang Wanqiu.

How could Jiang Wanqiu miss such a happy event?

An Zhiyuan shared his joy with Jiang Wanqiu at that time.

Then Jiang Wanqiu sent more than a dozen question marks and anti-question marks in succession.





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