
An Zhiyuan didn't hold back, he just burst out laughing.

"Are you a dog?" Although Jiang Wanqiu guessed that An Zhiyuan's next construction would definitely be shipped, but is it an ultra-rare ship girl? !

"Honestly, are you the one sent by the academy to trick us into sinking the siren to earn resources to build it?" Jiang Wanqiu frantically asked An Zhiyuan.

"Of course not. Who do you think I am? I'm just a little bit luckier." An Zhiyuan added a dog's head.

"Oh, don't forget, you have to give me an equipment box after you ship the goods." Jiang Wanqiu reminded.

"It's okay, don't worry, the equipment box will be given to you. Compared with the new girl, the equipment box is really nothing." An Zhiyuan said.

"Hmph, that's all (lemon)."

But to be honest, it is quite troublesome for An Zhiyuan to build Xili now, because there is almost no way for Xili to quickly improve the training level. The main reason is that with the current security of the sea area, Xili cannot attack. Even if the destroyer is hit by a light patrol, it will be seriously injured, not to mention that there are a large number of high-level Siren equipment in the sea area and a very small amount of full-level Siren equipment mixed in, let Xili attack It's too risky, An Zhiyuan will never do this.

Therefore, Xili's improvement of practice can only be done through exercises. Of course, it is only temporary. When the big sweep is over, Xili will be able to attack.

After sharing his joy with Jiang Wanqiu, An Zhiyuan took Xili to familiarize himself with the port area.

"Admiral, our tutelary mansion is so big." Xi Li looked around and said.

Xili quickly accepted the names of the admiral and the tutelary mansion, and An Zhiyuan didn't even teach her. After she heard the enterprise shouting it, she followed suit.

Well, anyway, for An Zhiyuan, the admiral got used to listening to it, and it was more pleasing to his ears.

Although it has just been built, there are some things that Xili knew from the beginning, such as some common sense, and even some local scenes. Although the ship girl is not the battleship itself, she has a little memory of the past.

"It's relatively big. Our tutelary mansion is built on a small island, and there is no one else living here except us." An Zhiyuan said: "So we can do anything on this island. "

"Is it okay to take off your clothes and live in the tutelary mansion?" Xili asked.

An Zhiyuan paused, this... This is a bit crazy, if you really want to do this, if the people in the college office find out, they will rush over and arrest me and put me in prison.

That's not right... An Zhiyuan took a closer look at Xili. Xili is not young anymore. If she really wants to do something, it's fine.

"Yes... yes... cough, no." God knows how much An Zhiyuan wants to say yes, but considering that Xili's affection is obviously not to that level, Xili may be just joking, if he really wants to say It might embarrass Xili a bit, and this is too healthy, walking around in the town guard's mansion without clothes, An Zhiyuan worried that he would stand up to the sky every day.

"Really?" Xili nodded, her expression didn't look any different. Damn, she didn't really think she could do this, did she?An Zhiyuan began to regret it.

In addition to letting Xili know the situation in the port area, of course, let Xili get to know all the people in the tutelary mansion, that is, her sisters.

She has already met the company, and the two of them are considered acquainted.

Although the company is an American aircraft carrier and Xili is a Japanese destroyer, the two were considered enemies in the old history, but they are ship mothers, they are no longer the warships they used to be, and they have no position at that time, so being enemies in the past does not mean that they are now Unable to get along well, Xili obediently called the company's sister. Of course, the company would not have little opinion on the fact that Xili is Japanese. They are all ship girls who guard the mansion. Except for the admiral, these sisters are the only ones. The closest, the attitude is of course very warm.

An Zhiyuan first brought Xili to meet Fusang, both of whom were Japanese ships, so of course they were a little more cordial than the other sisters. Speaking of which, there were now two Japanese ships in the town guard mansion.

With the addition of Xili, the tutelary mansion now has eight ships, including three British ships, the Duke of York, Belfast, and Hood, two American ships, Enterprise, Tangyu, and two Japanese ships, Fuso , Xili, a German ship, a small house.

None of the French ships, the Italian ships, the Soviet ships, and the fishery administration ships have come yet.

Now it seems that the British ships are the only ones.

Fusang rubbed Xili's head, smiled and said, "Welcome to join our tutelary mansion, Xili."

There is also a Xili in their guarding mansion, who also has the same dog ears as the one in front of him, um, is it because of the mad dog called Solomon?So Xili has this on her ears.

"Are your ears in ship clothes?" Fusang touched Xili's ears and asked.

Just like Akagi's ears, it is a ship suit that can be put away by itself.

"Ah, yes, do you want to put it away?" Xi Li also touched his "ears" and asked.

"You need to ask the admiral's opinion on this." Fusang said with a smile.

"No, it's pretty good-looking." An Zhiyuan blinked and said, Solomon's loyal dog, speaking of which, aren't they stationed in the Solomon Islands now?

Xili sank in the naval battle where she won the title of "Solomon's Nightmare".

What a coincidence, maybe there is some reason why Xili was built?

Xili touched his "ears", "Really, since the admiral likes it, then let's do it..."

That ear is a ship's suit, Xili has human-like ears, and the dog ears are integrated with the ship's suit, but the normal state of closing the ship's suit can also make the ear suit appear.

It looks so cute, it makes people want to touch it.

"Go and meet other people." Fusang said softly, "Welcome to our big family, Xili, if you are free, why don't you just come and chat with me?"

"En! Okay, Sister Fusang!" Xi Li nodded heavily, and then asked An Zhiyuan to take her to meet the other sisters in the guard house.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After getting to know everyone in the tutelary mansion, An Zhiyuan told Xili that she still has many sisters who are still in another world.

"Oh, oh, do we have so many people in the town guard's mansion?" Xi Li was a little surprised, "Are all the sisters very strong?"

"Compared to you now, you are indeed very strong." An Zhiyuan nodded, "But your practice can be improved, at least you can catch up with most of the others."

"Then can I attack?" Xi Li asked, "I can't wait to attack those siren armors."

"Not yet, there are some Siren armors that you can't deal with on the sea recently, after this period of time, you are attacking." An Zhiyuan said: "For me, your safety is more important, so bear with it." Let's go."

Xili seemed to be a war madman, but it was obvious that An Zhiyuan didn't trust her to attack.

Xili pouted, "Okay, but people are so boring in the port area. Usually, you can go to the small house and Tangyu to play, or you can talk to sister Fusang, but if they all attack, I will be alone in the port area." The area is so boring."

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