"That's a good relationship, am I not human?" An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Oh...sorry, Admiral, I ignored you." Xi Li apologized quickly, then turned around, hesitated for a moment, walked over, and gently pulled up the corner of his clothes, "I'll show you my stomach..."

"...?" An Zhiyuan was a little confused, "What's wrong?"

"Isn't it common sense to show your stomach when apologizing?" Xi Li looked at An Zhiyuan strangely, and then prepared to pull up his clothes...

"Wait..." An Zhiyuan quickly stopped her, not because he thought it was inappropriate, but because...

Didn't Xili notice that her clothes were so short that they could only cover her chest?And she hasn't worn a bra yet, if she pulls it up, it's a crime!

"You have already exposed your belly, just apologize to me like this." An Zhiyuan said seriously.

"Oh? Really?" Xi Li looked down and found that, as expected, his stomach had been exposed, "Oh, then, sorry, Admiral~ If I make you angry in the future, you can touch my stomach, and then do not be angry."

An Zhiyuan, who was still a little rippling in his heart, felt soft when he heard this, and he didn't have any strange thoughts anymore. He rubbed Xili's head and said softly: "I won't be angry with you, no matter what you do whats the matter."

An Zhiyuan has a good temper, and his temper with his own girls is even better. He has never lost his temper with the girls, even if they played some pranks.

Xi Li blinked when he heard the words, "Really?"

"Really." An Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Then I said I'm leaving the tutelary mansion?" Xili asked.

An Zhiyuan paused, and stopped the movement of his hands, "Then I will let you go."

"Hee hee, I don't want it." Xi Li hugged An Zhiyuan violently when he heard the words, "Admiral, you are so kind."

An Zhiyuan felt a little helpless when he heard the words, don't scare me with this kind of joke, okay, I have a bad heart.

Of course, just kidding, An Zhiyuan has a good heart.

"When they attack, you can come to me if you have nothing to do. Well, if I want to go out, you can come with me." An Zhiyuan said.

Although she is also his wife, after all, Xili is a child, and he would not say anything about picking up girls in front of his wife, which would embarrass both himself and (Little San).

Grass... In fact, Guanghui and the others are not considered mistresses. The male admiral and the daughter-in-law, how can there be so many wives and mistresses? Oh, no, there are indeed many wives, but there are no mistresses, they are all wives.

"Is the admiral going out? What are you going to do?" Xi Li thought that his admiral was a nerd and stayed in the town guard's mansion every day... Well, it's almost the same, because apart from going out with Guanghui and the others, he usually doesn't out.

"Dating." An Zhiyuan said solemnly, as if it was something very important, but it was indeed very important. After all, it has been so long, and it would be impossible to justify not attacking them.

"A date?" Xili looked up at An Zhiyuan upon hearing this, and asked curiously, "Admiral, who are you dating?"

"It's some other ship girls, glorious, victorious, and fearsome." An Zhiyuan said, "I'm trying to turn them into your sisters."

Xili heard the words and said: "But they obviously joined the tutelary mansion after me, shouldn't they call me sister?"

An Zhiyuan paused for a moment... Grass, I really have you, Xili, but even though I said that, but I really want to let the glory and victory and fear be called sister Xili... That scene is a bit funny...

No matter how the other headquarters got here, but An Zhiyuan and the rest of the guarding mansion did not decide who is a sister based on the time they joined the guarding mansion. There is actually no advantage for those who come early, and of course, there is no disadvantage...

Thinking about it, there is still an advantage, because after all, spending more time with the admiral may make them happier...

"Think about it, those big sisters who are very tall and taller than you call you sister." An Zhiyuan showed Xili the photos of Guanghui and the others, and then said to Xili with a smile: "Imagine that screen."

Xi Li heard this and thought about it carefully, and then... felt very strange...

Mainly because I saw the image of Guanghui and the others, um...it is indeed a big sister, it feels too strange for such a gentle and kind big sister to call me sister...

"Forget it, I'll just be a little sister honestly. If you date the destroyer, Admiral, can I be a big sister?" Xi Li finally couldn't accept the scene and said with a sigh.

Me dating a destroyer?Xili, you wish your admiral could get involved, right?An Zhiyuan was a bit dumbfounded, it’s okay to date the light cruiser, after all, the light cruiser is a very righteous person like Belfast, of course, the heavy cruiser and the battle line, the aircraft carrier is not the same, only a very small number of real flat , dating a destroyer?

"Don't keep saying things like this to make the admiral commit crimes, okay?" An Zhiyuan sighed, do you lack common sense, or are you deliberately messing with your dear admiral?

"Why did you commit a crime?" Xili asked.

"Because people can't, at least they shouldn't smelt copper." An Zhiyuan said deeply.

"Your words have been heard by Utopia, and I don't know what they will think." At this time, the company appeared behind An Zhiyuan with a smile.

"Can utopian horror be called copper smelting?" An Zhiyuan retorted.

"Then I don't think Xili can be called copper smelting." The enterprise said with a smile: "You are just stubborn, and you say you don't smelt copper, and you won't be... tsk tsk."

Xili giggled, apparently very interested in An Zhiyuan's affairs.

An Zhiyuan rolled his eyes, "Come here and expose my background, Enterprise."

"I'm here to ask you to open the box. Before the next attack, it's best for Hood to get a complete set of equipment, so let's go and open the equipment box." Enterprise beckoned.

"All right, here we come."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Find a business out of the box, be sure.

Of course, the luck of the enterprise goes without saying. Lucky E, LuckyE, the name of the enterprise is Enterprise, the big E is also the E of Ex. Before that, An Zhiyuan's equipment was all opened by the enterprise, such as the MK6 and the maid on Hood now. The quadruple torpedoes on Chang's body were all developed by the company. An Zhiyuan was the commander of the construction and had to do it himself, but there was no need for such things as opening the box.

After An Zhiyuan and Xili followed the company to the warehouse where the equipment boxes were stored, they found that Belfast and Hood were also there.

"Admiral." Hu De smiled at An Zhiyuan, and the head maid saluted An Zhiyuan, "Master."

Now in the tutelary mansion, only Hood Belfast and Xili are short of equipment, and the equipment of others is standard equipment from long ago, and there is no need to replace it.

An Zhiyuan obtained a total of seven equipment boxes. Due to the problem of the bet, Jiang Wanqiu had to give Jiang Wanqiu one equipment box, so there were six equipment boxes that could be opened, and Hood was short of two pieces of equipment. Change the white outfit, as does the head maid. Although she is equipped with a more practical torpedo, the main gun she comes with is also a white outfit, with very low stats and low output.

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